2014 – Page 2 – The Glebe Society

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Yearly Archives: 2014

Glebe Ambassador Project

Glebe Ambassador Project

Posted on 23rd September 2014

The Glebe Society Ambassador Project commenced in 2013. Our Ambassadors offer their services to local groups that would benefit from their experience and expertise. Here is a story from one member, Geraldine Barnes.

40th anniversary of the Glebe Estate

40th anniversary of the Glebe Estate

Posted on 23rd September 2014

Community interest continues in the 40th Anniversary of the Glebe Lands (Appropriation) Act (1974) and the Park (corner of Catherine St and Mt Vernon St) which commemorates the salvation of the Glebe Estate.

Glebe Society Endorses “Community Charter for Good Planning in NSW”

Posted on 23rd September 2014

The Management Committee of the Glebe Society has endorsed the Charter and is asking all members and friends to do the same. The full Charter is available at http://thecommunitycharter.org/the-community-charter-2/, but we have reproduced the main principles here.

September 2014

September 2014

Posted on 23rd September 2014

I am reminded that I was nearly a quarter of a century younger when I last took over as President of our Society. And the Society was nearly a quarter of a century younger too, though the issues confronting Glebe were remarkably similar. Then, as now, the price of liberty was eternal vigilance.

Elsie – 40 years On Yet the Fight Is Still Not Won

Posted on 23rd September 2014

The wet weather didn’t deter more than 200 people gathering at Minogue Park, Glebe on Friday 29 August at ‘high noon’. They were there to make their voices heard; voicing protests about the state government’s changes to the delivery of Women’s Services.

Planning Policy 2014

Planning Policy 2014

Posted on 8th September 2014

The Society’s constitution includes the following in its objectives opposing (by lawful means) development detrimental to heritage values or contrary to community interests and to preserve and enhance the natural and architectural character of Glebe, and to encourage sound town planning, architectural and conservation practices.

Glebe Art Show – Crafts Steal the Show

Glebe Art Show – Crafts Steal the Show

Posted on 5th September 2014

Glebe Art Show hosts Craft Market The final day of the Glebe Art Show, Saturday September 13, is being celebrated with a unique Craft Market outside Glebe Library. The forecourt of the Library will be filled with a range of stalls overflowing with tempting goodies for lovers of finely made handcrafts. Each craftsperson offers a […]

President’s Report to the AGM 2014

President’s Report to the AGM 2014

Posted on 1st September 2014

At this AGM I will argue that The Glebe Society faces challenges as great as when Askin chose Glebe as the site for a motorway. But The Glebe Society is now better prepared to turn them into opportunities. Today won’t be used for detailed recapping of what we have done during the year, for I […]

Browsing at “The Library”

Posted on 29th August 2014

A guided tour of the State Library of New South Wales was the latest in our occasional Glebe Society series of getting to know Glebe’s neighbouring landmarks.

Bidura to Be Sold

Posted on 29th August 2014

The NSW Government proposes to sell Bidura as the site is significantly under-utilised in its current state. The NSW Minister for Finance and Services, Dominic Perrottet is quoted as saying that he expects the property to generate significant interest from developers for a residential project.

Planning Matters (September 2014)

Posted on 29th August 2014

179 Glebe Point Road Shutter,
Harold Park Officially Opened,
University Motor Inn Site Proposal,
Bidura To Be Sold and
The Better Planning Network

Plaques Database – A Goldmine for the Curious

Posted on 29th August 2014

The Glebe Society Plaques Database is now ‘live’. There’s a link from the dropdown menu under ‘History & Heritage”.

Welcome to Twitter – A How-to Guide

Posted on 30th August 2014

The Glebe Society is now on Twitter! So what does this mean for members and how can members use Twitter? Hopefully this article will clear some of the confusion surrounding twitter and allow members to start tweeting.

Vale Peter Kolbe

Posted on 29th August 2014

Glebe Society and U3A member Peter Kolbe died on 11 Jul in the house he lived in from 1985: Coreen, 2 Leichhardt Ave. His amusing memories of numerous neighbourhood burglaries featured in the ‘Who Lived in Your Street’ article on Leichhart Avenue. Peter’s family and many friends farewelled him with a last drink at the Harold Park Hotel on 16 Jul.

Advanced Waste Treatment – Community Consultation

Advanced Waste Treatment – Community Consultation

Posted on 29th August 2014

The City of Sydney has released its draft Advanced Waste Treatment Master Plan. The City’s resident consultation process was through in-depth workshops held over three weeks.

St Helen’s Community Garden Completed

Posted on 29th August 2014

The garden attracts constant interest from local residents and visitors, with people wandering through the garden to keep track of the veggie plantings, or to sit on the convenient ledges for a rest or a chat.

Letter to Leichhardt Mayor re Diggers Memorial

Letter to Leichhardt Mayor re Diggers Memorial

Posted on 27th August 2014

A letter was recently sent to the Mayor of Leichhardt Council regards a World War I memorial that was in memory of workers from the Rozelle Tramsheds.  The memorial was located at the Rozelle Tramsheds until 1958 when it was removed to the Leichhardt Bus depot.  Click here to see the letter in full, together with photos […]

Report on Public Meeting on Bays Precinct Urban Renewal Project

Report on Public Meeting on Bays Precinct Urban Renewal Project

Posted on 23rd August 2014

 REPORT OF PUBLIC MEETING AND FOLLOW UP ACTION BAYS PRECINCTURBAN RENEWAL PROJECT PROTECT THE PUBLIC INTEREST The community meeting held in Glebe Town hall on the 4th August to defend the public interest in the Bays Precinct Urban Renewal Project announced by Premier Baird and UrbanGrowth NSW was a stunner. We expected about 40 but […]

Letter to NSW Premier re Bays Precinct Urban Renewal & the Public Interest

Letter to NSW Premier re Bays Precinct Urban Renewal & the Public Interest

Posted on 23rd August 2014

21/8/2014 The Hon. Mike Baird , MP Premier NSW Level 40 Governor Macquarie Tower 1 Farrer Place SYDNEY NSW 2000   Dear Premier BAYS PRECINCT URBAN RENEWAL PROGRAM: PEOPLES CAMPAIGN TO PROTECT THE PUBLIC GOOD We are seeking an urgent meeting with you and the Minister for Planning on behalf of the communities surrounding the […]

Bays Precinct Public Meeting Resolutions

Bays Precinct Public Meeting Resolutions

Posted on 23rd August 2014

BAYS PRECINCT URBAN RENEWAL PROJECT PROTECT THE PUBLIC INTEREST RESOLUTIONS FROM COMMUNITY MEETING The following preamble and resolutions were overwhelmingly endorsed by 200 plus members of the Bays Precinct communities at a public meeting held on the 4th August 2014 in Glebe Town Hall to protect the public interest in the planned urban renewal of […]

Letter to NSW Premier re voting rights

Letter to NSW Premier re voting rights

Posted on 20th August 2014

Hon. Michael Baird, NSW Parliament, Macquarie Street, Sydney, NSW, 2000.   18 August, 2014 Dear Premier, The Glebe Society is a community organisation first formed in 1969 to protect Glebe’s heritage, environment and community from what is universally recognised now as short sighted plans to build a motorway through Glebe. This is of more than […]

Bulletin Editorial Policy

Bulletin Editorial Policy

Posted on 15th August 2014

The role of The Glebe Society Bulletin is to act as a primary means of communication with the membership and others by publishing: news about the activities of the Society, the Society’s views on issues of the day, which usually will be published as articles by the President, or relevant sub-committee convenor; news and notices about other events that are relevant to the aims and objectives of the Society, the views of members on issues of the day, usually as letters to the editor, and material submitted by other members of the community

Subcommittee Financial Arrangement Policy

Subcommittee Financial Arrangement Policy

Posted on 15th August 2014

Subcommittees may spend and raise money only with the express approval of the Management Committee. When planning a project which may involve expenditure of Glebe Society funds the subcommittee should estimate the approximate amount involved as early as possible and seek Management Committee approval in principle.

Auspicing policy

Auspicing policy

Posted on 2nd August 2014

Auspicing, which refers to an arrangement whereby an unincorporated organisation or group of organisations seeks the Society’s support in applying for a grant from an organisation that will only make grants to incorporated bodies, may be authorised by the Management Committee.
The Society will only agree to auspice a grant application if it is an active participant in the activity for which the grant is sought. When the Society agrees to auspice a grant application it is responsible to ensure the grant money is spent and accounted for properly.

Volunteer wanted for Glebe Community Development Project

Volunteer wanted for Glebe Community Development Project

Posted on 13th August 2014

Volunteer wanted for Glebe Community Development Project A driver is required for the 4th of September 2014 at 9:00am to drive a class from St James Primary School to Sydney University. As there are 30 children and the bus only seats 22 we will need to do two trips. The driver needs to be an […]

Advertising Policy

Advertising Policy

Posted on 2nd August 2014

This policy covers all Glebe Society publications (including printed and electronic versions of the Bulletin, the Glebe Society website and social media). This policy should be read in conjunction with the Society’s Bulletin editorial policy and website editorial policy.

Delegation of Authority Policy

Delegation of Authority Policy

Posted on 2nd August 2014

This policy sets out how subcommittees are formed and delegations assigned. By mandating an annual renewal and formal statements of what subcommittees do, we impose some discipline and some reflection on our subcommittee’s activities – which is where most of the Society’s work is done.

New Members Night 2014

New Members Night 2014

Posted on 31st July 2014

On Wed 23 July the Harold Park Hotel in Forest Lodge was again the venue for the Glebe Society’s New Members Night, when we invite the year’s new members to be our guests in a meet and greet evening. This year just on 20 of our new members joined us and the upstairs lounge bar […]

Society Members Caught Being Good

Society Members Caught Being Good

Posted on 31st July 2014

An enthusiastic audience of Glebe Society members gathered on June 18, graciously hosted by Ben and Setsuko, at the lovely Yuga Café to hear Vicki Pogoulis, Principal, speak about the work of the Glebe Public School. Vicki and Bryce Walker, Assistant Principal, explained the philosophy that drives them to work so effectively with the community […]

Christmas Party 2009 Photo Album

Posted on 31st July 2014

The Society’s 2009 Christmas party was held at the Wentworth Park function centre. About 95 people attended.
Thanks to Anne Fraser and her band of helpers, and to the Wentworth Park Sporting Complex Trust for making it such a memorable evening.
These photos by Bruce Davis show some of the activities on the evening, in particular those guests who were unfortunate enough to be chosen to represent their tables in the centrepiece of the evening – the limerick competition.

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