Past Events – The Glebe Society

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Past Events

Max Solling’s 2024 Anzac Day address, Part 2
Posted on 1st July 2024

In this second extract from his 2024 Anzac Day address, Max Solling looks behind the public commemoration of WWI dead to the private grief of the many Glebe women who lost sons, brothers and husbands. As the bodies of WWI war dead were rarely repatriated, Glebe’s War Memorial in Foley Park became the focal point for remembrance and processing grief.

Another Triumph! Glebe Music Festival 2022

Another Triumph! Glebe Music Festival 2022
Posted on 15th December 2022

The 33rd Annual Glebe Music Festival in November was of the highest standard. The seven-part concert series embraced music of the English Renaissance, the court of Louis XIV, Corelli and Handel, Beethoven and Chopin, the contemporary American jazz composer ‘Chick’ Corea and more. If you love music this is the festival for you – keep a look out for the 2023 Glebe Music Festival!

Report on the Lord Mayoral Candidate’s Debate 2021
Posted on 22nd December 2021

On Saturday 20 November, the Glebe Society hosted a debate by the six City of Sydney Lord Mayoral candidates. Over 130 people attended in person and online. Before the debate all the candidates provided written responses setting out their position on key areas affecting Glebe. See the candidates’ answers.

Biodiversity lecture, 2021
Posted on 8th July 2021

The Glebe Society’s annual biodiversity lecture this year focussed on the fascinating creatures in Sydney harbour and along the coastline

Stop Cannibalising Glebe – Defend Public Housing Rally
Posted on 22nd May 2021

The state government is getting it seriously wrong by doing high rise developments in heritage conservation areas in parts of Glebe.

Biodiversity lecture is fully booked, but you can put your name on the waiting list!
Posted on 26th May 2021

Put your name on the waiting list for this fascinating 2021 Biodiversity lecture.

Anzac Day in Glebe, 2021
Posted on 22nd May 2021

Max Solling on the impact of the Second World War on Glebe residents.

Glebe Island Bridge – Give It Back public meeting a great success
Posted on 1st January 2021

The Glebe Society has for many years called for the restoration and repair of the now-disused Glebe Island Bridge for use as a pedestrian walkway and cycleway. The Society organised a meeting at the Pyrmont end of the Bridge on Thursday 3 December, the 25th anniversary of the decommissioning of the Bridge and its replacement by the Anzac Bridge.

A Christmas Gathering with a difference … at St John’s Church!
Posted on 1st January 2021

Tickets sold out in just over a week for our Christmas gathering held on Friday 11 December in the historic St John’s Church, with 100 people attending. It was a pleasure to welcome so many newer members. Several members commented that although they had lived in Glebe for over 20 years they’d never ventured inside this beautiful historic building and were delighted to have this opportunity.

HOT TOPIC: Give us back Glebe Island Bridge – Meeting on 3 December 2020
Posted on 5th November 2020

On 3rd December 2020 it will be 25 years since the Glebe Island Bridge closed. Invitation to be part of action to lobby for the it to be restored and reopened for pedestrians and cyclists.

Exhibition to mark 150 Year anniversary of the current St John’s Church
Posted on 4th November 2020

From 8th December 2020
Exploring the work of architect Edmund Blacket in Glebe.

EVENT: 31st Annual Glebe Music Festival, November 21-22
Posted on 4th November 2020

The three concerts for this year’s Glebe Music Festival will occur at St John’s Church (corner St John’s Rd and Glebe Point Rd). Entry will be free of charge but bookings are essential on TryBooking.

EVENT: Federation Architect: Walter Liberty Vernon
Posted on 4th November 2020

Historic Houses Association of Australia is hosting an online seminar called ‘Seeking Out Walter Liberty Vernon: Monuments of Art and a Distinctly Australian Architecture’. The seminar will take place on Thursday 3 December 2020 from 12.30 pm – 2.00 pm.

2020 Glebe Society Christmas Gathering
Posted on 16th October 2020

The Glebe Society Christmas Gathering 2020 will take place at St John’s Church Friday 11 December 5 to 7 pm. More details to come.

2020 AGM: 11am on 20 September at Glebe Youth Service
Posted on 3rd September 2020

The host and guest speaker for the Glebe Society’s 2020 AGM was Keiran Kevans, Coordinator of the Glebe Youth Service

2020 Glebe Society Christmas Gathering: St John’s Church, Friday 11 December 5-7 pm
Posted on 3rd September 2020

A date for your diary …..

150 Year Anniversary of St John’s Church Exhibition: mid-December
Posted on 3rd September 2020

An exhibition exploring the work of colonial architect Edmund Blacket is to be held in mid-December 2020 as part of celebrations for this important historical milestone

2020 Spring Bird Survey

2020 Spring Bird Survey
Posted on 3rd September 2020

The Society’s annual spring bird survey will be held on Sunday 1 November – all members and their friends are welcome to attend, and please meet in Paddy Gray Reserve in Hereford St at 6:45 am

Glebe Art Show

Glebe Art Show 2020
Posted on 3rd June 2020

The Glebe Society has been informed that the Glebe Art Show committee has made the difficult decision to cancel this year’s (2020) Glebe Art Show. Fiona Verge, Secretary, said they made this decision because, due to COVID-19, the organisers could not be certain that public gatherings will be allowed later in the year. She said […]

Glebe Music Festival 2020
Posted on 18th May 2020

Assuming it can go ahead, the 31st Annual Glebe Music Festival will take place from 1 to 22 November 2020. It will feature: trumpet and organ in an ‘Enchanted Evening’ with the Nexas saxophone quartet and harpist Emily Granger; Austral Harmony in a concert entitled ‘Floral Sentiments’; Thoroughbass performing Scandinavian folksongs and folksongs re-imagined by […]

Ted McKeown places a wreath on the Diggers Memorial to mark Anzac Day 2020

We remember them: Glebe’s Anzac Day under COVID-19
Posted on 17th May 2020

Anzac Day is commemorated as an inclusive event, with people of all cultural backgrounds and ages encouraged to attend ceremonies to reflect on the momentous history of that fateful morning on the Gallipoli Peninsula 105 years ago. Not so in 2020 however, with the social restrictions imposed as a consequence of the COVID-19 pandemic being […]

2019 Glebe Society Christmas Gathering
Posted on 26th February 2020

What a delight for around 95 members and their guests to celebrate the end of a big year for the Society in the grounds of historic Rothwell Lodge (built by George Allen circa 1847). Rothwell Lodge is one of the earliest surviving houses in Glebe and is set in lovely grounds. It is now the […]

Jeanette Knox and Edwina Doe looking exceptionally colourful at the Sunset Soirée (photo: Phil Young)

Sunset Soirée
Posted on 31st October 2019

On the balmy evening of 11 October 2019 the Glebe Society’s Sunset Soirée for Centipede took place at the Glebe Rowing Club premises. It was well supported by both Glebe Society members and friends and family of Centipede children. Guest speaker Phil Lloyd, Glebe resident and Centipede Dad, created a fair amount of mirth while […]

Remembrance Day

Remembrance Day remembered
Posted on 21st February 2020

For many years, the Glebe Society has supported and participated in an Anzac Day ceremony at the War Memorial in Foley Park organised by our local historian, Max Solling. In 1973, we were approaching the centenary of the outbreak of the World War 1 – ‘the war to end all wars’. So, on 11 November […]

Community Festival – eight fabulous days!

Community Festival – eight fabulous days!
Posted on 2nd August 2019

The Festival took place at the Harold Park Community Hall, in the Tramsheds Forest Lodge from 23 – 30 June.
Over 2,500 people attended the Exhibition and 1,100 people attended events.
Resounding energy and pride were openly expressed by locals about living in such a wonderful and cohesive community.

Glebe Society Community Festival Update (May 2019)
Posted on 4th May 2019

The website for the Glebe Society Community Festival is now up and running and can be accessed at
Information on the website will be added to and updated every week

Glebe Society Community Festival
Posted on 1st April 2019

Join our 50th Birthday celebrations!

Anzac Day 2019 at the Diggers’ Memorial
Posted on 3rd May 2019

Glebe Public school took part in the 2019 Anzac Day service held at Glebe War Memorial. Many attending commented on the presence of the school leaders, Georgina and Justodio, as they handed out sprigs of rosemary to people gathered and then laid flowers at the Memorial.

2019 is Party Time … Celebrate 50 years of the Glebe Society!
Posted on 3rd December 2018

Next year on 19 June, the Glebe Society will be 50 years ‘young’. Plans are being developed to celebrate this important milestone and the contributions the Society has made to protecting our local heritage and environment and building our community.

Councillor Philip Thalis to be Guest Speaker at the Glebe Society’s 49th AGM
Posted on 6th August 2018

The Society will hold its Annual General Meeting at Glebe Town Hall, St Johns Rd Glebe, on Sunday 19 August at 11am. Councillor Philip Thalis will be Guest Speaker

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