On Wed 23 July the Harold Park Hotel in Forest Lodge was again the venue for the Glebe Society’s New Members Night, when we invite the year’s new members to be our guests in a meet and greet evening.

This year just on 20 of our new members joined us and the upstairs lounge bar soon buzzed with noise as old and new members got to know each other. The noise level rose considerably when we divided into five teams for a light-hearted local knowledge quiz, each team vying to be first to sound its hooter/klaxon/bell and answer the questions put by Quiz Master Vice President Jan Wilson.

Post Code 2037 – Your Number’s Up! was this year’s quiz title and all questions had a number as the answer. If you couldn’t join us, here are a few to test you (answers at the end of this article):

  • How many people live in Postcode 2037/Glebe and Forest Lodge?
  • How many Walter Burley Griffin designed buildings were built in Glebe?
  • How many nationalities attend Glebe Public School?

As usual competition was fierce – after all, the prize of a bag of chocolate frogs is worth fighting for! – and there was some heated discussion about the year the Federal Government acquired the Glebe Estate (1972, according to an impeccable source – the Glebe Society website).

Light pub food and drinks were served by the Harold Park Hotel staff – and again we thank publican Will Ryan and his manager Josh Stewart and staff for a splendid evening.  And here is a bit of local knowledge to tuck away for another quiz – the Harold Park Hotel is the only current corporate member of the Glebe Society!

Answers to the questions above:
  • 17,876 people live in Glebe and Forest Lodge, according to the Australian Bureau of Statistics, 8 Jul 2014.
  • One Burley Griffin design was built in Glebe – the incinerator in Griffin Place, off Forsyth Street.
  • There are 26 nationalities attending Glebe Public School, according to the school yesterday.