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The Glebe Society

Planning Subcommittee 2022 Annual Report
Posted on 11th September 2022

The Society has been working to nurture Glebe’s special magic for over fifty years. Active engagement with the planning process is an important part of this. The Planning Subcommittee has been very busy in this area over the last year. Our work has included making submissions on development applications, participating in meetings with the City of Sydney and the NSW Land and Housing Corporation, Infrastructure NSW and making detailed submissions on State Significant Developments.

Society’s audited financial statements for 2020-2021 now available
Posted on 4th March 2022

As those who attended the 2021 AGM will recall, the auditors were unable to complete their Report in time for the AGM because of unprecedented demand for their services by businesses affected by COVID-19.


Glebe Society Gift Membership
Posted on 8th December 2021

Are you looking for a gift for the person who has everything? A gift that they will enjoy but that will also help the community? Why not give them membership of The Glebe Society?

Vale Bob Armstrong
Posted on 22nd December 2021

The Society was saddened to hear of the death of Bob Armstrong. Read a little about his contribution to Glebe.

The Glebe Society’s 2021 AGM
Posted on 14th September 2021

Find out what the Glebe Society has been doing over the past year. Read about or watch the 2021 AGM including reports from the President and each subcommittee. See who received a Commendation this year.

Glebe Society Commendations at the AGM 2021
Posted on 6th November 2021

Congratulations to the three members who received Commendations at the the 2021 AGM.

President’s Report to Annual General Meeting 2021
Posted on 5th November 2021

On Sunday 10 October, 46 members attended the 2021 AGM, via zoom. Below is the report by outgoing President, Janet Wahlquist, followed by details of the Commendations bestowed upon three members for their contributions to the Society.

Blue Wren Subcommittee Annual Report 2020-2021
Posted on 13th September 2021

The Blue Wren Subcommittee was active this year, despite COVID. Read about the subcommittee’s work on biodiversity and environmental protection.

Communications Subcommittee Annual Report 2020-2021
Posted on 1st October 2021

The big news from the Communications Subcommittee for 2021 is the upgrade of the Glebe Society’s website, which is now looking fantastic. It has also supported the Planning Convenor in producing a series of six videos about the issues affecting Glebe – see our YouTube channel. The subcommittee has also been busy with the Bulletin, Facebook and Twitter.

Community Development Subcommittee Annual Report 2020-2021
Posted on 13th September 2021

The Community Development Subcommittee maintained a range of activities in collaboration with other community groups during the year, despite restrictions related to COVID-19.

Heritage Subcommittee Annual Report 2020-2021
Posted on 14th September 2021

As ever, the Heritage Subcommittee has been working hard to preserve the heritage of Glebe and Forest Lodge – and never have the odds been so heavily stacked against heritage protection.

Planning Subcommittee Annual Report 2020-2021
Posted on 1st October 2021

Glebe is a special place. Its survival owes much to contingency. Social diversity created a remarkable architectural and cultural legacy. The year 2021 has reminded us that we cannot take the protection of Glebe’s social and urban character for granted. The City of Sydney’s well-considered Local Environment Plan and Development Control Plans are being undermined by State and Local governments.

Transport & Traffic Report for 2020-2021
Posted on 13th September 2021

The Management Committee continued working in transport and traffic matters even though the subcommittee did not have a convenor in 2020-2021. Particular concerns were the traffic associated with the building of the new Fish Markets and the Bridge Rd cycleway.

2021 Annual General Meeting: 10 October
Posted on 8th September 2021

The Glebe Society’s 2021 AGM will be held at 11 am on 10 October by Zoom. All members are welcome. Nominations for membership of the Management Committee should be submitted by 1 October.

From the President, August 2021
Posted on 2nd August 2021

Glebe Society President, Janet Wahlquist, provides an update on the Society’s recent activities and what’s new in Glebe and Forest Lodge

Update from the Treasurer
Posted on 3rd August 2021

The treasurer provides an update on membership renewals and plans to upgrade the Glebe Society website.

Glebe Society Events update for August 2021
Posted on 3rd August 2021

The Glebe Society’s events, including the AGM, have been impacted by the second Sydney lockdown. Here are the details.

We are looking for a new Bulletin editor (or editors) – interested?
Posted on 17th July 2021

The Glebe Society is looking for a new Bulletin editor (or editors). No editing experience is necessary but proficiency with Microsoft Word  (or better still, graphic design software) is required.

Position Vacant: Editor(s) for the Bulletin
Posted on 10th July 2021

The publication of the Bulletin is one of the most important functions of the Society.

Glebe Island Bridge has a website!

New website highlights the past and potential of this wonderful asset, sadly now falling into greater and greater disrepair. The Society wants to see it restored and put into use as an attractive green pedestrian and cycleway linking Rozelle and Pyrmont.

HOT TOPIC: Give us back Glebe Island Bridge – Meeting on 3 December 2020
Posted on 5th November 2020

On 3rd December 2020 it will be 25 years since the Glebe Island Bridge closed. Invitation to be part of action to lobby for the it to be restored and reopened for pedestrians and cyclists.

100 years ago in Glebe & Forest Lodge this month: November 1920
Posted on 4th November 2020

A snippet of history…

Saving a Sydney suburb
Posted on 21st October 2020

Current residents are perhaps not aware of how close Glebe came to virtual annihilation by the NSW Department of Main Roads in the 1970s.

Presidents’ Annual Reports to 2020 Annual General Meeting
Posted on 16th October 2020

Three members performed the role of Glebe Society President in 2019-2020. Here are their reports to the 2020 AGM.

Heritage Subcommittee Annual Report 2019-2020
Posted on 17th October 2020

I wish to express my appreciation to all subcommittee members for their passion, dedication and collaboration as a team. Some of our work is highlighted below.

Environment Subcommittee Annual Report 2019-2020
Posted on 16th October 2020

The proposed new Sydney Fish Market building has been the main focus of the Environment Subcommittee for the past year. Activities have included attending stakeholder meetings about the proposed plan and lobbying politicians.

Community Development Subcommittee Annual Report 2019-2020
Posted on 17th October 2020

This past year the Community sub-group has continued to undertake actions and projects aimed at strengthening links with the wider Glebe community wherever possible. This continues to be one of the guiding principles behind our activities. This report will essentially outline those activities according to the type of activity and the community partner(s) with which we have engaged.

Bays & Foreshores Subcommittee Annual Report 2019-2020
Posted on 16th October 2020

The past year has been both intensive and possibly the most significant in the 12 years of my engagement with the redevelopment of the Bays Precinct. The central agenda has been the acceleration of planning for the redevelopment of the Blackwattle Bay foreshores as part of the NSW Government’s larger agenda for the redevelopment of the Western Harbour Precinct including the Pyrmont Peninsula.

Blue Wren Subcommittee Annual Report 2019-2020
Posted on 17th October 2020

The Subcommittee has 13 members and met in person on four occasions during the year. The volunteers of our bushcare/landcare groups in Glebe continued to work to value, retain and enhance biodiversity in Glebe and Forest Lodge, and its bays and foreshores, for current and future generations. Not surprisingly COVID-19 impacted on our activities in the second half of the year. We did not hold our regular meetings, our autumn party (to which all our bushcare volunteers are invited) and the award of the Craney Biodiversity Grants to our local preschools and schools were cancelled, and the annual biodiversity lecture was postponed. Further, no planting days were organised by our buschcare volunteers from mid-March until July, when they recommenced in Orphan School Creek Park under the COVID-safe rules set-up by the City.

Communications Subcommittee Annual Report 2019-2020
Posted on 16th October 2020

During the past year, we continued to coordinate and oversee the Society’s various media – the Bulletin, websites, Facebook pages, Twitter, YouTube, Update Emails to members and Eventbrite. We have also sought to assist the Society’s management committee and subcommittees with their communications.

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