by Janet Wahlquist, Glebe Society President, August 2021 from Bulletin 6/2021

Opening of Federal Park Playground and Skate Park

In time for the July school holidays (and the most recent COVID restrictions) the new playground and skate park in Federal Park opened. It immediately enjoyed great popularity with children and teenagers and is now one of the best used recreational facilities for young people in the area. It was two years in the making after the original builders went broke in January 2020 and it was another six months before new builders started work.

The new skate park and playground in Federal Park (photos: Janet Wahlquist) The new playground in Federal Park (photos: Janet Wahlquist)

Videos about Glebe

Members of the Management Committee worked with Chinese-speaking students from University of Technology on a project to create a video about Glebe. The video has been completed and is called Treasure in the City. It is spoken in Mandarin with English subtitles and gives a Chinese perspective on Glebe. The video explains eloquently why the low-rise 1980s infill fits in with Glebe and is better to live in than high rise. It is a great story about people from a different culture and country appreciating Glebe. The video can be viewed on the Glebe Society’s YouTube channel:–TtgvpQ&t=7s.

Ian Stephenson, our Planning Convenor, has been working on a set of six videos (see p.6). The videos provide some of the history of Glebe and the battles Glebe has fought to remain the place it is now. They then move on to addressing the battles we are facing today. They present a great perspective on Glebe and our history and are well worth viewing. They will be released on social media and our website in the near future.

The Budget and Membership Renewals

As you are all aware from my recent update, the Society wants to improve our financial situation so that we can be more actively involved in campaigning about issues that are important to us. The Society did not increase membership dues this year given the last year of COVID shutdowns that caused financial stress for many. We have been very pleased with the number of renewing members those who have provided donations as well as their membership fees. Many thanks to our members.

The Management Committee has decided to upgrade some aspects of our website. We plan to improve the opening page to make it easier to find the information you are looking for. We will update the membership page to make it easier to join. We also know that the website contains a great deal of information and a history of Glebe and we plan to keep improving the website so visitors to the webpage and members are better able to access this wealth of information. This also requires funds.

We have plans for a membership drive. Postcards are presently being printed which we hope to distribute to all addresses in 2037. The purpose of the postcards is to draw attention to the current development threats to Glebe and the need for residents to be aware of these and involved in making our voices heard in opposition to these threats. We hope it encourages more residents to join the Society. Volunteer letterbox deliverers will be requested soon.

 We are also planning a crowd funding campaign in the future so that we can effectively fund a campaign to Save Glebe from the recent development threats. You will hear more about this campaign soon.

Blackwattle Bay development 

The Plan for the rezoning and planning controls to be applied to the Blackwattle Bay State Significant Precinct are currently on display. The planning controls proposed will change our foreshore, increase the density of people living and working in our area, and increase traffic and the demand for parking, which will not be adequately catered for. The plan, if accepted, will result in a massive overdevelopment of Blackwattle Bay.

The area of the development is currently the low-level Fish Market which is publicly-owned land. What is proposed in the rezoning is for 12 building envelopes allowing for towers of up to 45 stories (RL 156 metres) which is higher than the Anzac Bridge as well as any other building west of Pyrmont Bridge at Darling Harbour. It proposes 1,550 residential dwellings and commercial and retail floor space for 5600 jobs.

The Glebe Society is making a submission opposing the plan. To see the proposal go to There is facility on the webpage to make an objection to the proposal. You have until Friday 20 August 2021 to make an objection.

If you think 45 storey towers on the Blackwattle Bay foreshore are a bad idea, give your feedback by Friday 20 August (image: Blackwattle Bay State Significant Precinct Study, p.86,


New Glebe Island Bridge Website

The Society has redesigned the Glebe Island Bridge website to make it more accessible and it is our intention to update it as there are developments of interest and importance to the saving of the Bridge. The website is accessible at Feel free to contact us at if you have anything you would like to contribute to the site.

The Glebe Society’s new website for the Glebe Island Bridge campaign (image: Tarny Burton)