Join an action group – The Glebe Society

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Join an action group

The Glebe Society owes its success to a number of small groups that look after the many and varied interests of the Society. Each group is run by a convener and some have only one or two members while others have 5-10 members. Some just “get on with it” while others meet from time to time to consider various issues. The groups report to the Society’s Management Committee through their conveners.

What the groups do

The following is a brief description of what each group does. If you would like to know more, contact the appropriate convener. Names and phone numbers are listed in the back of each Bulletin.

  • Bays and foreshores
    This group led the campaign against the dry boat storage facility proposed for Rozelle Bay, and was closely involved in achieving the recently completed foreshore walk.  There are still many pressing issues around the development of the bays including Glebe and Rozelle.
  • Blue Wrens
    Would you like to join the group working to restore habitat and biodiversity with the goal of increasing numbers of small birds in Glebe.
  • Bulletin
    Can you write articles, take photos, proofread, help with layout/production, distribution or anything else?
  • Communications
    This is an advisory group that prepares policies as to the style and the content of the Bulletin, website and our social media platforms (Facebook, Twitter, YouTube etc).  No computer skills are required, and the group meets most months in a friendly relaxed setting.
  • Community Development
    Participate in activities designed to assist our local community support programs, eg. Centipede Before and After School Care, Glebe Youth Service, Glebe Community Development Program, and identify strategies to provide practical assistance.
  • Environment
    Promotes environmental awareness in Glebe, and protects and promotes our parks and open space.
  • Event coordination
    The Society conducts many social and educational events. Organisers and helpers are always needed.
  • Heritage
    Protects and promotes our built and natural heritage. The Society’s origins lie in the fight against plans to drive an expressway through the centre of Glebe and the rampant destruction of the suburb’s VIctorian houses by developers.
  • Planning
    Our watchdog on all aspects of development in Glebe. Responsible for commenting on development applications (DAs), proposed Council and government planning instruments etc.
  • Transport and traffic
    Through traffic, pedestrian safety, and public transport (including light rail) are all of great importance to Glebe. Help put our case to the Council and State Government bureaucrats.

How to join
Most groups are looking out for new members to generate new ideas and share the workload. If you are interested in joining, tick one or more of the boxes below, fill in you contact details,and click “Submit”.

Participating in the activities of a group can be interesting, rewarding and an opportunity to meet people with similar interests.


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