Bulletin 1/2023, March 2023, updated monthly
The Management Committee believes Society members benefit if they are informed of the Society’s submissions concerning development applications (DAs) that may impact local Heritage Conservation Areas, the streetscape, the public domain or local amenity.
Glebe Society’s submissions
These are the links to the Glebe Society’s submissions lodged recently. The links include submissions about DAs by other parties.
Jan-Feb 2023
March 2023
April 2023
Friend in Hand Hotel 58 Cowper Street Glebe See more about our submission and Council’s decision.
May 2023
Updates on current DAs
Presentations to Council Committees
Ian Stephenson, Planning Convenor, presented to the Local Planning Panel on 14 December 2022 regarding proposed work on St James Hall. The Society’s submission resulted in the following modification:
The new access to the front porch is to be redesigned to retain as much as possible of the original porch including the tiled roof, the ceiling (soffit) and rafters, brick columns and the stepped balustrade (which references to the stepped balustrade of St James Church. (See separate article in this Bulletin ‘St James Hall Woolley Street, a sensible decision’).
Duncan Leys, Transport Convenor, and Ian Stephenson, Planning Convenor, made presentations to the Local Pedestrian, Cycling and Traffic Calming Committee on 16 February 2023 regarding contra flow bike traffic in one-way streets and the widening of the footpaths of St Johns Road. (See separate article in this Bulletin ‘Bicycles and One-Way Streets’).
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