Planning – Page 2 – The Glebe Society

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From the President – March 2022

From the President – March 2022
Posted on 7th March 2022

The Glebe Society has been incredibly busy over summer. Catch up with what we’ve been doing by reading the President’s Report.

Report on a Glebe Society Guided Walk: ‘The Good the Bad and the Ugly …’
Posted on 7th March 2022

The Glebe Society’s 2022 program of Guided Walks kicked off on 6 February with a walk led by our President, Ian Stephenson. This walk, titled The Good the Bad and the Ugly: a hundred years of infill housing in Glebe took us on a stroll through the Lyndhurst, St Phillips and Bishopthorpe Estates.

Re-submitted DA for Bidura still unacceptable
Posted on 4th March 2022

The Society has lodged a follow-up submission in relation to the Bidura development application (DA) which proposes a large scale apartment complex behind the heritage-listed building, replacing the concrete Metropolitan Remand Centre/Childrens Court built in the early 1980s. This follows a period of consultation between the City of Sydney and the developers, Visionland, and amendments to their original proposal. The Society believes that aspects of the proposed development will be alien to the architectural character of Glebe and should not be approved.

The most serious threat to Glebe’s scale and community in fifty years
Posted on 16th December 2021

In November, the Sydney City Council’s approved a Development Application by the NSW Land and Housing Corporation to erect two 8-storey apartment towers and five 3-storey terrace houses in the St Phillips estate in Glebe. This represents the most serious threat to the urban character and community of Glebe – what makes Glebe’s special – in almost fifty years.

Conservation and Change in the St Phillips estate, a talk by Philip Thalis
Posted on 16th December 2021

The starting point for good urban design lies in a deep understanding of how an area has evolved over time,, said architect and urban planner Philip Thalis, in a recent talk about the evolution of the St Phillips area of Glebe and ways in which future development could echo existing streetscapes and foster social connections between residents.

Our new video series ‘In Sydney, it’s Glebe’
Posted on 1st October 2021

‘In Sydney it’s Glebe’, six Glebe Society videos about our suburb, its history and heritage and the risks it faces from overdevelopment, have now been released.

From the President, August 2021
Posted on 2nd August 2021

Glebe Society President, Janet Wahlquist, provides an update on the Society’s recent activities and what’s new in Glebe and Forest Lodge

Proposed development at 7 Franklyn St and 49-51 Greek St, Glebe
Posted on 5th August 2021

A DA under consideration for these sites, involves demolishing two former warehouses and replacing them with 84 self-contained boarding rooms. The proposed development is out of character with the neighbouring houses. Adaptive reuse of the warehouses would be a better solution.

Coming soon: Exciting new videos on Glebe
Posted on 6th August 2021

Watch out for a series of six videos on the history of Glebe and threats to its future. Coming later in August.

A meeting with the NSW Minister for Housing
Posted on 4th August 2021

Brian Fuller and Ian Stephenson of the Society’s Management Committee, met with Deputy Lord Mayor, Linda Scott and the Hon. Melinda Pavey, Minister for Water, Property and Housing. The Society expressed its opposition to the spot rezoning of 17-31 Cowper St and 2A-D Wentworth Park Rd to allow the NSW Land and Housing Corporation to erect two eight-storey apartment buildings in the St Phillip’s Heritage Conservation Area.

Yelvertoft, 75 Hereford St, Sells
Posted on 3rd August 2021

The heritage-listed 1858 Victorian Regency sandstone villa, Yelvertoft, has been saved from the developers.

Society meets with State Government to discuss affordable and social housing
Posted on 11th July 2021

Ian Stephenson and Brian Fuller, the Society’s Planning and Heritage convenors, recently joined Deputy Lord Mayor Linda Scott at a meeting with the Hon. Melinda Pavey MP, Minister for Water, Property and Housing, to discuss the State Government’s intentions in relation to the provision of affordable and social housing in Glebe.

‘It’s only words’: the melancholy of the St Phillips Estate
Posted on 6th July 2021

The Development Application to build two eight-storey apartment buildings and five faux terrace houses in the St Phillips Heritage Conservation Area, brings the plaintive melancholy of the Bee Gees’ 1968 hit song Words to mind

New Glebe Society video: Treasure in the City
Posted on 5th June 2021

The Glebe Society has collaborated with postgraduate students from The University of Sydney to produce a new video. It includes some fresh perspectives on Glebe as well as exploring current threats to this special place.

Opposition to proposed Glebe Island concrete batching plant
Posted on 4th June 2021

The Glebe Society has objected to a proposal for a Concrete Batching Plant and Handling Facility at White Bay. Among other things, it could have a negative impact on the desirability of restoring the Glebe Island Bridge as a pedestrian and cycleway.

architectural context of 17-31 Cowper St and 2A-D Wentworth Park Rd

Cowper St DA – consider making a submission
Posted on 4th June 2021

Sydney City Council are considering a development application (DA) from the NSW Land and Corporation for the construction of a high-rise development in Cowper Street in what, until very recently, was a Heritage Conservation Area. Submission closing date is 23 June 21

Another Conservation Area in Glebe at risk
Posted on 4th June 2021

A key principle underlying Glebe’s conservation areas are that if a Neutral building is to be replaced, the replacement must be sympathetic to its Contributory neighbours, rather than to any Detracting neighbours. This principle seems to have got lost in a recent development approval decision by City of Sydney Council.

NSW Planning’s proposed Design and Place SEPP is not going to work

NSW Planning’s proposed Design and Place SEPP is not going to work
Posted on 22nd May 2021

Check out the Glebe Society’s submission on the state government’s proposed Design and Place planning policy

Stop Cannibalising Glebe – Defend Public Housing Rally
Posted on 22nd May 2021

The state government is getting it seriously wrong by doing high rise developments in heritage conservation areas in parts of Glebe.

Glebe Society meets with Lord Mayor Clover Moore to discuss public housing
Posted on 26th May 2021

Glebe Society met with Lord Mayor Clover Moore to discuss social housing. The Glebe Society is opposed to LAHC’s unprincipled vision to create a tale of two suburbs: one which is low-rise and historic and the other which is high-rise and heartless.

Just how far will LAHC go? Now they’re selling off a kindy!
Posted on 26th May 2021

The state government is selling off the building that houses a kindy that’s been in Glebe for almost 40 years.

Draft Greening Sydney Strategy
Posted on 22nd May 2021

City of Sydney is currently consulting on their draft Greening Sydney Strategy. It would aim to increase overall green cover to manage urban heat, create more opportunities to connect with nature and create greater biodiversity.

High Rise For Glebe’s St Phillips Heritage Conservation Area
Posted on 8th April 2021

Nearly forty years of good planning designed to conserve the scale of the St Phillips Heritage Conservation Area through height controls was overturned on 29 March when Sydney City Council approved the NSW Land and Housing Corporation’s application for a spot rezoning of 17-31 Cowper St and 2A-D Wentworth Park Rd.

Update on Glebe Island Bridge and Bays West Place Strategy
Posted on 8th April 2021

It was with some surprise and also joy that we learned from the Minister for Planning, Rob Stokes, of his plan for White Bay, which also including a plan to open the Glebe Island Bridge to pedestrians and cyclists.

eight-storey apartment buildings that NSW Land and Housing Corporation intend for 17-31 Cowper St and 2A-D Wentworth Park Rd Glebe

An update on the NSW Land and Housing Corporation’s rezoning application for high rise in the St Phillips Heritage Conservation Area
Posted on 7th March 2021

Numbers 17-31 Cowper St and 2A-D Wentworth Park Rd are part of the St Phillips Heritage Conservation Area. The current height limit is nine metres. NSW Land and Housing Corporation wants to construct tall buildings, which requires a spot rezoning. The Society has objected to the rezoning application, as has the National Trust. 

Franklyn St Estate demonstration
Posted on 27th February 2021

On 30 January our compatriot organisation Hands Off Glebe held a demonstration opposing the redevelopment of the Cowper St and Franklyn St estates. The Glebe Society was there.

The Franklyn St Redevelopment Proposal
Posted on 1st January 2021

In November the NSW Government released the Franklyn St, Glebe, redevelopment proposal. The Society has a list of objections.

Glebe plan shows lack of respect – Letter in Sydney Morning Herald
Posted on 1st January 2021

The Glebe Society’s letter, published on Jan 1st, 2021, about plans to trash the 50-year legacy of good public policy and town planning in Glebe

Glebe Island Bridge – Give It Back public meeting a great success
Posted on 1st January 2021

The Glebe Society has for many years called for the restoration and repair of the now-disused Glebe Island Bridge for use as a pedestrian walkway and cycleway. The Society organised a meeting at the Pyrmont end of the Bridge on Thursday 3 December, the 25th anniversary of the decommissioning of the Bridge and its replacement by the Anzac Bridge.

Plans to shrink the St Phillips Heritage Conservation Area will undermine heritage values, liveability and amenity
Posted on 29th December 2020

The Society has lodged an objection the NSW Government s plans to remove the parts of the St Phillips Heritage Conservation Area, paving the way for building heights up to the equivalent of eight storeys. T

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