by Ian Stephenson, Planning Subcommittee Convenor, August 2021, from Bulletin 6/2021
On 2 June, Councillor Linda Scott facilitated a meeting between Brian Fuller and Ian Stephenson of the Society’s Management Committee, and the Minister for Water, Property and Housing, the Hon. Melinda Pavey, MP. At this meeting, the Society expressed its opposition to the spot rezoning of 17-31 Cowper St and 2A-D Wentworth Park Rd to allow the NSW Land and Housing Corporation to erect two eight-storey apartment buildings in the St Phillip’s Heritage Conservation Area.
The Society requested that the NSW Land and Housing Corporation:
- Make no more rezoning applications to increase the height limits of LAHC sites in Glebe.
- Respect Glebe’s heritage conservation areas.
- Explore opportunities to add additional housing by low-rise infill designed to reflect the scale and character of Glebe.
Minister Pavey listened to our concerns and seemed appreciative of Glebe’s unique heritage. A letter from the Society’s President, Janet Wahlquist, was presented setting out our concerns:
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