Issues – Page 20 – The Glebe Society

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At Risk
Posted on 24th January 2014

In November 2013, the NSW Minister for Heritage approved a recommendation from the NSW Heritage Council that the Glebe Island Bridge be placed on the State Heritage Register.
The Glebe Estate and its current parlous condition continues to concern this Society.

Recent Restorations
Posted on 24th January 2014

Glebe Town Hall,
Walter Burley Griffin Incinerator,
Diggers Memorial,
The Tramsheds

The Glebe Society’s Heritage Subcommittee
Posted on 24th January 2014

Our terms of reference : Protect and promote Glebe’s heritage Continue research that will improve the effectiveness of the State Heritage Register as it applies to Glebe Conduct heritage themed events Develop consistent records relating to history and heritage for continued incorporation onto the Glebe Society website Anticipate forthcoming events and other matters of special […]

Miscellaneous Heritage Issues
Posted on 24th January 2014

Heritage trees,
House names,
Industrial archeology

December 2013

December 2013
Posted on 10th December 2013

Oh frabjous joy, calloo callay; Glebe Island Bridge is here to stay. “And so this is Christmas and what have you done?” We have been very busy and our campaigns are listed on the website. In particular I mention our work with the Better Planning Network to ameliorate excesses in the proposed planning legislation and […]

Getting into Veggie Gardening
Posted on 28th November 2013

Some very varied approaches to growing your own vegetables raised lively discussion at the well-attended talk on the Grow it Local theme.

Update from the Blue Wren Group

Update from the Blue Wren Group
Posted on 28th November 2013

In 8,000 responses to a national survey conducted during October by BirdLife Australia, the Superb Fairy-wren was voted as Australia’s favourite bird.

Glebe Island Bridge Added to State Heritage Register
Posted on 28th November 2013

The State Minister for Heritage, The Hon Robyn Parker, has agreed to the Heritage Council’s recommendation that the 1903 Glebe Island Bridge be added to the State Heritage Register. This gives the bridge the highest level of heritage protection. The Glebe Society applauds the Minister’s decision.

No.1 Sparkes Lane, Camperdown

No.1 Sparkes Lane, Camperdown
Posted on 28th November 2013

This proposal for 12 units is for a site that straddles the Orphan School Creek, which forms the border between Glebe and Camperdown.

Strata Law Review

Strata Law Review
Posted on 28th November 2013

All parties have committed to an extensive review, for which 1900 submissions were received. Seventy changes are now proposed as a result.

Refusal of Rear Lane Overdevelopment

Refusal of Rear Lane Overdevelopment
Posted on 28th November 2013

The City’s Planning Committee refused the development application for 117A Mitchell St unanimously because of its failure to address the nature of the Conservation Area.

November 2013

November 2013
Posted on 10th November 2013

I recently wrote to the Transport Roads and Maritime Services (used to be the RTA) with our submission on the future of the Glebe Island Bridge.  Click here to see our submission, and a subsequent letter to the Minister for Heritage when she announced that it would be placed on the State Heritage Register. The final version […]

Destroying Our Heritage? Glebe Island Bridge
Posted on 5th November 2013

‘Oh, no!’ I recoiled when I heard that the NSW Government was planning to sell two iconic heritage buildings in Bridge St, Sydney. My second thought, just a moment later, was ‘Yeah, well, governments don’t have a good track record as custodians of heritage items! Perhaps, the private sector may do better.’

Blackwattle Bay Development Proposal – Update
Posted on 5th November 2013

Last month, we flagged the challenge to the public interest in Blackwattle Bay arising from a likely unsolicited development proposal encompassing much of the Bays publicly owned foreshores –including the Fish Markets. Our understanding is that this proposal is now well advanced and has been discussed at various levels of Government – with Ministers and […]

Blue Wrens Subcommittee News and Updates
Posted on 5th November 2013

The Subcommittee was featured in articles in two editions of the Inner West Courier (15 and 19 September 2013) concerning the City’s draft Urban Ecology Strategic Action Plan, including the following: ‘The Glebe Society’s Blue Wren Group was consulted on the plan and member Norma Hawkins said the volunteer group had been working on Arthur […]

Blackwattle Bay Wharves – Where is the Elias Group DA?
Posted on 5th November 2013

The Glebe Society understands that the Elias Group which runs All Occasion Cruises out of B1, B2 wharves adjoining the Fish Markets in Blackwattle Bay put in an amended DA proposal in relation to proposed developments at this site May 2013. We have not seen the DA so do not know what it proposes. The […]

October 2013

October 2013
Posted on 10th October 2013

“The Bays convenor is working on The Glebe Society’s official submission to RMS on its proposal to demolish the Glebe Island Bridge. The following is my early draft to help in that task. It is bare and polemical. It will not be our official submission. However as you prepare your individual submission you may find […]

Lead Contamination in Soil

Lead Contamination in Soil
Posted on 30th September 2013

Members may have noted with concern an article in the Sydney Morning Herald of 7 September titled ‘Lead threat to children from home veggie patches’. Lead contamination of soil in the inner-city, including Glebe, can be a particular danger to children and may arise from soil being walked into the house from gardens or streets. […]

The Challenge of Unsolicited Development Proposals
Posted on 30th September 2013

The foreshores of Blackwattle Bay are likely to see a major new development phase in the next few years. As much of these foreshores is publicly owned, the community rightly expects that it will have a strong voice in decisions as to future uses/development and that the public interest is protected. This, of course, is not a guaranteed outcome.

Urban Ecology Strategic Action Plan Launch

Urban Ecology Strategic Action Plan Launch
Posted on 30th September 2013

We attended the launch of the City’s Urban Ecology Strategic Action Plan at the Royal Botanic Gardens on 24 August and support the approach and recommendations in the Plan.

Extending the Glebe Foreshore Walk

Extending the Glebe Foreshore Walk
Posted on 30th September 2013

The City of Sydney has developed a concept design to extend the Glebe foreshore walk to complete a missing link in the path around the Glebe Peninsula.

Urban Ecology – Glebe Highlights
Posted on 30th September 2013

The City of Sydney has released the final draft of its Urban Ecology Strategic Action Plan. Urban ecology is described as ‘the study of the relationship between living organisms and their environment in an urbanised context’.

Bay Matters (September 2013 Update)

Bay Matters (September 2013 Update)
Posted on 30th September 2013

Update on the Fish Markets, Rozelle Bay Access, Exhibition Centre on Glebe Island and Implementation of the Bays Precenct Task Force Report

September 2013

September 2013
Posted on 10th September 2013

Thus far in September I have: tabled the President’s Report to the Management Committee. It talks about a number of important issues including The Glebe Estate; established a Membership Project to continually improve the membership experience; put the 2013/2014 Terms of Reference for Environment, Heritage, Planning, Transport and Traffic on this page for members’ feedback.

President’s Report to the 2013 AGM

President’s Report to the 2013 AGM
Posted on 29th August 2013

This has been a year in which the Glebe Society has been very active in policy analysis, community engagement and strategy development. The core of what we do is heritage, environment and planning. Support for Heritage at Federal and State government level continues to decline; agencies’ staff and funds are cut, and it would seem […]

Glebe Society Submission on Proposed Adaptive Re-use of Former Rozelle Tram Depot
Posted on 28th August 2013

Representatives of the Glebe Society met with representatives of MIRVAC to discuss the DA – both our concerns and our appreciation of the positive aspects. The meeting was helpful. The Glebe Society offers the following comments on the Mirvac Development Application (DA) for the adaptive re-use of the Rozelle Tramshed. General The restoration and appropriate, […]

August 2013

August 2013
Posted on 10th August 2013

AGM The AGM was successfully completed on August 25, 2013. Reports from subcommittees had been published and I gave the President’s annual report. Officers were elected by the AGM which welcomed Jan Wilson as Vice President; Di Gray as Secretary; Tess Nicholls as Treasurer; and me as President. Rozzie Hecker, Jock Keene, Bill Simpson Young […]

Redevelopment of Harold Park

Redevelopment of Harold Park

Articles about the campaign to persuade the City Council and the State Government to adopt a better plan for the redevelopment of Harold Park than that prepared by the Government Architect.

The Tramsheds – the Developer’s Proposal Unveiled
Posted on 28th July 2013

Mirvac has submitted a proposal for the Tramsheds, which they acquired when they bought Harold Park. Some of the details of this proposal are mentioned in the report below, but if you wish to study the application in full you can find it at the One Stop Shop at Glebe Library or on the City […]

June/July 2013

June/July 2013
Posted on 10th July 2013

I was away for June and July and thank the Vice President for her work during that time. Since I have been back during this month August I have posted the following notices. The Glebe Society submission concerning Development Application for the Tramsheds at Harold Park.

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