2023 – Page 3 – The Glebe Society

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Yearly Archives: 2023

Glebe Walks: Two recent visits

Posted on 31st July 2023

In June and July, members enjoyed tours of the University of Sydney’s heritage architecture and the Chau Chak Wing Museum led by an archaeologist.  Guided tours of Pyrmont’s industrial waterfront and the Villas of Glebe and Forest Lodge are planned for September and October. 

Updates on current DAs in Glebe and Forest Lodge: August 2023

Posted on 2nd August 2023

Updates about development applications (DAs) for a group of buildings in Forest and Ross Street Forest Lodge; and the R J Williams (Wesley Mission) building at 274-276 Glebe Point Road.

Who lived in your street? John George Bryen and St Helen’s

Posted on 30th July 2023

What did John George Bryen have in common with Toad of Toad Hall? They were both terrible drivers, and as Lyn Collingwood recalls, Bryen lived in a well-known house in Glebe but was not a fictional character.

Lyndhurst: Glebe’s Blue Plaque Nomination #16

Posted on 1st August 2023

It has been an Anglican college, a Catholic college, a laundry, an ice cream factory, and a printing works. It was set for demolition in 1972, but historic Lyndhurst in Darghan Street was saved by the Glebe Society and other community groups for restoration. Lyndhurst was nominated by the Society to be considered for a Blue Plaque.

Care finders available to help with aged care

Posted on 30th July 2023

Do you or anyone in your family need help understanding or accessing aged care? It’s available.

New housing policy overrides heritage protection rules

Posted on 27th June 2023

In mid-June, NSW Premier Chris Minns announced a policy to allow developers to build higher and denser housing that will override local environment plans. It’s an attempt to solve Sydney’s housing affordability crisis. What will it mean for Glebe?

Bridge Road at the Fish Market not to be raised

Posted on 30th June 2023

Our May issue reported plans to raise the height of Bridge Road in front of the new Fish Market. Asa Wahlquist reports that the risk of flooding at the junction of Wentworth Park Road and Bridge Road has convinced the developer not to proceed with the plan.

Mystery photo: July 2023

Posted on 26th June 2023

Try your hand at this month’s mystery photo. And find the answer to last month’s.

Updates on current development applications (DAs) in Glebe

Posted on 30th June 2023

Updates about development applications (DAs) for Bidura, St Scholastica’s College, Wesley Lodge and 82 Wentworth Park Road, currently being referred to the Local Planning Panel by the City of Sydney.

The Glebe Society

Membership renewals for 2023-2024 now due!

Posted on 27th June 2023

Don’t forget to renew your Glebe Society membership for next year!

The Blue Wrens Report – July 2023

Posted on 26th June 2023

The Glebe’s Hill research collaboration has hit a snag – due to contamination, the researchers must wear HAZMAT gear!

The Glebe Society’s submissions to City of Sydney Council, 2023

Posted on 1st March 2023

The Management Committee believes Glebe Society members benefit if they are informed of the Society’s submissions concerning development applications that may impact local Heritage Conservation Areas, the streetscape, the public domain or local amenity. This article contains links to recent submissions, and is updated monthly.

NAIDOC Week 2023

Posted on 27th June 2023

NAIDOC in the City is a free, family-friendly outing. Experience Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander dance, song, food and more in the heart of Sydney. NAIDOC week runs from 2 to 9 July 2023.

Glebe’s Blue Plaque Nominations, Part 15: 21 Ross St Forest Lodge

Posted on 30th June 2023

The Communist Party of Australia printed its newspaper Tribune in Forest Lodge from 1943 to 1981. The Glebe Society is nominating the building at 21 Ross Street for a Blue Plaque.

Who Lived in Your Street? The Herron and Ayre families of ‘alphabet’ house, Divo

Posted on 26th June 2023

The Herron then Ayre families occupied ‘Divo’, one of the ‘alphabet’ houses in the terrace at 433-445 Glebe Point Road. The other alphabet houses are Gaza, Favo, Edna, Cama and Boro.

From the President – June 2023

Posted on 30th May 2023

In his monthly report, Ian Stephenson, President, urges the state government to refurbish and extend 82 Wentworth Park Rd rather than demolish the building.

View from the Hill by VSY May 2023

Event report: Unravelling Glebe Hill’s biodiversity secrets and potential

Posted on 29th May 2023

Learn about the Glebe Society’s collaboration with Prof. Dieter Hochuli’s Integrative Ecology group to study the biodiversity of one of Glebe’s forgotten places

The Glebe Community Op Shop

Posted on 30th May 2023

Jude Paul reveals the history of the St Phillips estate’s community op shop.

This month’s mystery photo: June 2023

Posted on 31st May 2023

Try your hand at this month’s mystery photo. And find the answer to last month’s.

A visit to Toxteth Park

Posted on 31st May 2023

In April, Max Solling led a guided walk around the Toxteth Estate culminating in an inspection of the 1831 Toxteth Park, courtesy of St Scholastica’s College.

The Temple of the Tooth

Posted on 31st May 2023

A story about chemists, dentists and gastronomes …. in Glebe Point Road

Community Development Report

Posted on 31st May 2023

Louis Taborda, our Community Development Convenor, has been working on five Glebe-based projects with postgraduate students from the University of Sydney.

Glebe’s Blue Plaque Nominations: ‘Mr One by One’ of Westmoreland St

Posted on 31st May 2023

In 1953 there was a spate of counterfeiting. Read how the discovery of a cache of 10 pound notes stuffed in the wall of a house in Westmoreland St Glebe, brought the culprit to justice.

Glebe Talks 13 June: Reflections in an old mirror

Posted on 30th May 2023

Long time Glebe resident, Allan Hogan, talks about his work as a journalist and producer including his work as a war correspondent and interviewing key players on the world stage.

From the President – July 2023

Posted on 26th June 2023

In his monthly report, Ian Stephenson, President of the Society, proposes that the building set aside for public housing at 82 Wentworth Park Road be refurbished and extended rather than demolished.

icon for Glebe Society Guided Walks Program

Guided Walks Program 2023 – Exploring Glebe and surrounds

Posted on 30th June 2023

Glebe is a great place to walk, with heritage streetscapes, significant historical buildings, the foreshore walk, parklands and a rich social and industrial history. Post-COVID, the Glebe Society’s Events program is really hotting up. In June and July we have a heritage tour, a guided tour of a museum and a special visit to an architecturally spectacular home.

News from the Blue Wrens, June 2023

Posted on 31st May 2023

Find out what the Glebe Society’s ecology arm, the Blue Wren Subcommittee, has been up to over the last month.

Friend in Hand Hotel

Renewal of outdoor dining at The Friend in Hand

Posted on 30th May 2023

The Society recently lodged a submission in relation to an application for renewal of outdoor dining at The Friend in Hand Hotel. The key issue was whether, given its close proximity to houses, footpath dining should cease at 8 pm rather than 10 pm.

Plans to Raise Bridge Rd in front of the new Sydney Fish Market

Posted on 30th April 2023

Infrastructure NSW plans to raise the height of Bridge Rd by one metre alongside the new Sydney Fish Market. Community representatives are raising questions about the impact on traffic, the risk of increased flooding where the raised road tapers off, and the impact on the majestic Moreton Bay figs in Wentworth Park alongside the road.

Mystery photo competition – May 2023

Posted on 29th April 2023

Try your hand at this month’s mystery photo. It was taken in 1953, but where?

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