Planning – Page 6 – The Glebe Society

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Commonwealth Bank Promises to Re-open

Commonwealth Bank Promises to Re-open
Posted on 4th November 2014

Alex Perry, manager of the Broadway Branch of the Commonwealth Bank has told the Glebe Society “We are committed to having a branch of the bank in Glebe”.

Planning Matters (September 2014)
Posted on 29th August 2014

179 Glebe Point Road Shutter,
Harold Park Officially Opened,
University Motor Inn Site Proposal,
Bidura To Be Sold and
The Better Planning Network

Planning Subcommittee Annual Report 2013/14

Planning Subcommittee Annual Report 2013/14
Posted on 31st July 2014

People generally only become interested in planning when a development affects them personally. Then they can become quite obsessed by it! One reason why the Glebe Society is so valuable is that it takes a larger view, and keeps members informed about the rules that govern all development, not just particular proposals. When the new […]

Planning Matters (July 2014)

Planning Matters (July 2014)
Posted on 31st July 2014

179 Glebe Point Rd; 25 Glebe Point Rd, Ancient Briton (‘AB’) Hotel; 87 Bay St; and 44 Glebe Point Rd, “Hartford”

Major Urban Renewal Project for Sydney’s Bays Precinct
Posted on 22nd July 2014

Important Community meeting – MONDAY 4TH August 6pm Glebe Town Hall
The Government is now informing us that it has decided on a ‘major urban renewal project to create new housing, recreational, retail and tourism places’ through the Bays Precinct Urban Renewal Program. This could be a terrific opportunity for intelligent and integrated planning to renew iconic AND LARGELY PUBLICLY OWNED harbour foreshores and bays

Premier’s Bays Precinct Development

Premier’s Bays Precinct Development
Posted on 21st July 2014

The Premier’s announced bays precinct development will be an enormous opportunity IF it is based on sustainable development principles and community engagement. We are determined we will not permit another Barangaroo –  with little consideration of community wishes,  secret decision making and a development outcome which blatantly favoured private interests over that of the community. […]

Better Planning Network

Better Planning Network
Posted on 7th July 2014

I attended a strategy meeting of this key organisation, which now has 460 affiliates throughout NSW. The Network realises that defeating the State Government’s pro-developer planning legislation is only the first step, although an essential one. Now we have to pre-empt moves to introduce negative changes by stealth, as the Government has promised to do.

Harold Park: A Welcome Variation
Posted on 7th July 2014

The fourth stage or precinct of the residential zone is now on exhibition. There are six precincts of residential building. Three precincts have so far been approved, and these contain approximately two thirds (829) of the total of 1 250 dwellings.

Now Opening on Broadway
Posted on 7th July 2014

The section of Broadway toward Railway Square has become the focus of some of Sydney’s most innovative architecture.

Council Responds to Harold Park Parkland Submission

Council Responds to Harold Park Parkland Submission
Posted on 2nd June 2014

The Glebe Society’s submission to Council on the design for the Harold Park Public Parkland was published in the April Bulletin. It is pleasing that Council has responded in specific terms to our submission. Council’s response is below, together with our further comments.

Broadway Centre
Posted on 2nd June 2014

Mirvac, the owner, has proposed changes to the Bay St facade, which include replacing the posted awning with a clear, cantilevered one. This will make the facade more compatible with the Heritage-listed Model and Moxham building on the corner of Broadway, and the approach lighter and safer. The granite paving will be extended to replace the bitumen. Unfortunately, their plans do not go as far as remodelling the entrance itself.

Students and Glebe
Posted on 2nd June 2014

The City of Sydney is under pressure to approve new student accommodation, but it does not have a specific set of controls. Instead, it attempts to deal with proposals under its existing Boarding House controls. Clearly this is not satisfactory.

A New School for Pyrmont-Ultimo?

A New School for Pyrmont-Ultimo?
Posted on 10th May 2014

Members may be aware of reports in the media about the need for more public schools in the inner City. One of the factors driving this need is the increase in young families. Members will probably have noticed this increase in Glebe, but it is taking place throughout the entire area. It seems that no-one […]

Harold Park
Posted on 10th May 2014

I’m well aware that not everyone has been following the progress of this major development with the attention I have. Some members may have missed the public meetings when the proposal was first put forward in 2010, some may have forgotten the original plans approved in 2011-12, and some may have moved into the area […]

Millers Point Sell-off Threatens Glebe
Posted on 27th March 2014

The Glebe Society has a proud history of campaigning to support public housing in Glebe, since our founding years. We will continue to campaign to preserve public housing and the diverse character of our community.

Proposed Planning Bills

Proposed Planning Bills
Posted on 27th March 2014

It appears that the Government has withdrawn these proposed bills, which leaves the existing Act of 1979 (as amended) as the Act covering development in NSW. This is a very significant victory for the Better Planning Network (BPN), which the Society joined soon after its inception.

Submission to Council Regarding Tram Shed Use

Submission to Council Regarding Tram Shed Use
Posted on 20th March 2014

This month The Glebe Society has sent a submission to Council re the adaptive reuse of the Rozelle Tram Depot.  We continue to have concerns about traffic management, the impact on nearby retail centres, and the inadequate size of the community space in the tramsheds.  You can view the Submission by clicking here.

Proposed New Planning Laws

Proposed New Planning Laws
Posted on 4th March 2014

We are asking members to reaffirm their demand that the Government keep its election promise and produce Planning Legislation that eliminates corruption and abuse of power

Planning Report – Mitchell Street

Planning Report – Mitchell Street
Posted on 4th March 2014

I gave evidence on 28 January at an on-site Court hearing about a rear lane development proposal for the corner of Mitchell St and Derwent Lane. The Society was concerned about this proposal because it was at the rear of a Heritage Item, the former Waratah Hotel (1864), the oldest former hotel in Glebe with […]

Planning Report – Durham Court, 417 Glebe Point Road

Planning Report – Durham Court, 417 Glebe Point Road
Posted on 4th March 2014

by Neil Macindoe, Planning Convenor, March 2014 The latest proposal came before the City Planning Committee on 18 February. There have been many iterations over the years, none of them satisfactory. This one was assessed independently, and the number of dwellings reduced from 64 to 54, with a number of other changes that reduced the […]

No.1 Sparkes Lane, Camperdown

No.1 Sparkes Lane, Camperdown
Posted on 28th November 2013

This proposal for 12 units is for a site that straddles the Orphan School Creek, which forms the border between Glebe and Camperdown.

Strata Law Review

Strata Law Review
Posted on 28th November 2013

All parties have committed to an extensive review, for which 1900 submissions were received. Seventy changes are now proposed as a result.

Refusal of Rear Lane Overdevelopment

Refusal of Rear Lane Overdevelopment
Posted on 28th November 2013

The City’s Planning Committee refused the development application for 117A Mitchell St unanimously because of its failure to address the nature of the Conservation Area.

Glebe Society Submission on Proposed Adaptive Re-use of Former Rozelle Tram Depot
Posted on 28th August 2013

Representatives of the Glebe Society met with representatives of MIRVAC to discuss the DA – both our concerns and our appreciation of the positive aspects. The meeting was helpful. The Glebe Society offers the following comments on the Mirvac Development Application (DA) for the adaptive re-use of the Rozelle Tramshed. General The restoration and appropriate, […]

The Tramsheds – the Developer’s Proposal Unveiled
Posted on 28th July 2013

Mirvac has submitted a proposal for the Tramsheds, which they acquired when they bought Harold Park. Some of the details of this proposal are mentioned in the report below, but if you wish to study the application in full you can find it at the One Stop Shop at Glebe Library or on the City […]

Community Planning Forum Resolves to NSW Planning Changes
Posted on 27th June 2013

A Community Forum on Planning, organised by the Glebe Society in collaboration with Pyrmont Action and Ultimo Village Voice, was held on May 16. Below is a copy of the resolution that was passed unanimously and which has been delivered to the state government.

New Planning Legislation explained in one page
Posted on 8th June 2013

The Better Planning Network has produced a one page guide for residents which explains the key points of the proposed planning legislation and encourages them to write an objection.

Plans for 87 Bay Street
Posted on 26th May 2013

Between the Affordable Housing site and Wentworth Park is an old industrial site, formerly the NSW Government Garage. Before that, the part of the site on the corner of Bay Street housed the Glebe Ragged School, which moved there from the corner of Glebe Street in 1890.

Glebe Affordable Housing Project
Posted on 26th May 2013

This proposal has been in abeyance for some time, but has now reappeared in the form of an application that gives the building envelopes and locations, but still does not include details of the actual units. The proposal is little changed from the one to which we objected last year.

Community Planning Forum resolves to fight proposed NSW planning changes

Community Planning Forum resolves to fight proposed NSW planning changes
Posted on 26th May 2013

An audience of over 120 people attended the Town Hall meeting on Thursday night, 16 May, to learn more about the proposed changes to the NSW Planning laws.

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