Issues – Page 3 – The Glebe Society

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From the President – May 2023
Posted on 29th April 2023

In his monthly report, Ian Stephenson, President of the Glebe Society, welcomes the new government’s decision to place a moratorium on the sale of historic housing in the St Phillips and Lyndhurst Estates. And he’s come up with a new name for the developments in Cowper St and Wentworth Park Rd.

From the President – April 2023
Posted on 28th March 2023

Labor had a victory in the recent election and, despite a swing of nearly 8% against them, the Greens have held the seat of Balmain in which Glebe and Forest Lodge are located. In his monthly report, the President of the Society, Ian Stephenson, thanks Jamie Parker, the retiring MP, and welcomes his successor, Kobi Shetty.

We need a commitment by Government to restore Glebe Island Bridge
Posted on 28th February 2023

The old nursery rhyme goes: “London Bridge is falling down”, and the song could be suitably modified to refer to the tragic state of the Glebe Island Bridge today. In this article the former President of the Glebe Society, Janet Wahlquist, calls for a commitment from NSW politicians seeking election on March 25 to guarantee funding for the renovation of the Bridge as a priority.

Original porch substantially retained
Posted on 28th February 2023

The Society has successfully submitted that the adaptation of the front porch of St James Hall, Woolley St, be redesigned to retain as much as possible of the original porch. A sensible decision.

From the President
Posted on 2nd March 2023

An update from Ian Stephenson, President of the Glebe Society, about recent community activities and issues of interest to members.

News from the Blue Wrens
Posted on 27th February 2023

‘The Hill’ is a fenced-off area of contaminated Crown land on the northern side of the Tramsheds at Forest Lodge. The Glebe Society has successfully applied for a grant from the City of Sydney to sponsor the recording of wildlife with a view to creating an undisturbed urban nature refuge in the Johnstons Creek corridor, where plants and native wildlife are protected from disturbance.

Remembering Tibby Cotter
Posted on 2nd March 2023

The eleventh site nominated for a Blue Plaque by the Glebe Society is Monteith at 266 Glebe Point Road, where the famous cricketer Albert ‘Tibby’ Cotter lived. Blue Plaques are part of a NSW Government program that aims to capture public interest in and fascination with people, events and places that are important to the stories of NSW.

Bicycles and One-Way Streets
Posted on 5th March 2023

As reported in the November 2022 issue of the Bulletin, the City Council called for submissions on its plan to allow cyclists to travel on some roads in an opposite direction to a one-way traffic sign. In response to our members’ concerns the Glebe Society made a detailed submission that opposed the plan for 10 of the 15 proposed streets in Glebe and Forest Lodge. On 16 February the Council approved the plan for all of the proposed streets.

Having your cake and eating it too
Posted on 28th March 2023

Is it possible to build new social housing to fit in with a heritage conservation area? In this article Ian Stephenson, President of the Glebe Society, argues that the plan for the demolition of 82 Wentworth Park Rd is a case of not managing public assets in an intelligent manner.

Glebe’s social, commercial and industrial history
Posted on 20th December 2022

This year the Glebe Society’s Bulletin has published many fascinating articles about Glebe’s social, commercial and industrial history, its historic buildings and about the people and families who lived here in the 19th and 20th centuries. Often in response to enquiries from members of the public with a family connection to Glebe.

What’s happening at Bidura?
Posted on 14th December 2022

Bidura at 357 Glebe Point Road was built in 1860 by Edmund Blacket and is listed on the State Heritage Register. Property developer Vision Land has plans to demolish the Metropolitan Remand Centre (behind the heritage building) and replace it with an apartment block. The Council is expected to make a decision about the latest DA in mid-December. Meanwhile the heritage building and fence look to be in serious need of repair.

Society wins grant to investigate Glebe’s Hill as urban wildlife refuge
Posted on 15th December 2022

Great news from the Blue Wren Subcommittee! The Society has been awarded a City of Sydney Innovation and Ideas Grant to investigate Glebe’s Hill potential as a site of the City’s first urban wildlife refuge.

What’s happening with the Bridge Rd cycleway
Posted on 14th December 2022

The Society met recently with representatives of Transport NSW to discuss the problems with the Bridge Rd cycleway and to get an update on proposed improvements. The Management Committee is particularly concerned about the stretch of cycleway between Glebe Point Rd and Ross St because of safety for cyclists and amenity for residents. We note that not all our members share this view. Your feedback is welcome.

Glebe, naturally…
Posted on 30th November 2022

33 different bird species were identified during this year’s spring bird survey in Glebe and Forest Lodge, including a tawny frogmouth, lots of lorikeets and magpies, herons, tree martins and red wattlebirds. Two brush turkeys have recently been spotted building their characteristic mounds.

More Cycleway Madness
Posted on 7th November 2022

The Lord Mayor and NSW Minister for Transport seem uninterested in community opinion on the issue of the Bridge Road cycleway and are determined to make it permanent. The City Council also has a plan to allow cyclists to go both ways down some one-way streets in Glebe and Forest Lodge.
Bridge Road resident Di Anstey writes about the unresolved safety, parking and drop off issues associated with the cycleway and asks why St Johns Road couldn’t be an alternative route.

From the President – November 2022
Posted on 4th November 2022

Catch up with what’s been happening at the Glebe Society. After ten years doing an amazing job as editor of the Bulletin, Virginia Simpson-Young is standing down. Allan Hogan takes her place on an interim basis. Welcome also to three new committee convenors – Louis Taborda, Community, Tamira Stevenson, Environment and Duncan Leys, Transport.

The Glebe Society icon

Glebe Society submissions on development applications
Posted on 10th June 2022

Information about recent Glebe Society submissions on Development Applications in Glebe and Forest Lodge.

Demonstration against demolition of public housing in Wentworth Park Rd
Posted on 2nd October 2022

On 17 September, Hands Off Glebe held a demonstration to protest against the demolition of 17 public housing units at 82 Wentworth Park Rd by the NSW Land and Housing Corporation. Speakers called for existing public housing estates to be upgraded and repaired and for the social and urban fabric of Glebe to be respected, and for the NSW Government to stop ‘cannibalising’ public housing.

Bays and Foreshores Subcommittee 2022 Annual Report
Posted on 11th September 2022

The Convenor of the Bays & Foreshores Subcommittee had her work cut out for her in 2021-2022, fighting massive overdevelopment in a number of locations around our foreshores.

Superb fairy wren

Blue Wren Subcommittee 2022 Annual Report
Posted on 11th September 2022

The sighting of a superb fairy wren in a Glebe garden in early 2022 was a cause for great celebration by the Blue Wren Subcommittee. This last year, the Subcommittee continued its work on habitat as well as the annual Spring Bird Survey, the annual Biodiversity Lecture, the Craney Small Grant and many hours of volunteering by the Bushcare teams. Add to that the Subcommittee’s input on planning around The Hill, a wildlife corridor, Council’s Street Tree Plan and local Crown Lands.

On Track
Posted on 20th September 2022

The Goods Line through Glebe – now used by the Light Rail – turns 100 this year. The viaducts crossing Jubilee Park and Wentworth Park are the longest and second longest respectively, brick viaducts built for the New South Wales Railways.

News from the Blue Wren Subcommittee
Posted on 20th September 2022

Recent Bushcare, Landcare and biodiversity news, including the upcoming bird survey and recent plantings in Federal Park and at the Palmerston steps off Ferry Road.

The future of Wentworth Park when the greyhounds leave
Posted on 20th September 2022

The NSW Government has committed to relocating the Wentworth Park greyhound track, which is licenced to the Greyhound Breeders Owners & Trainers Association until 2027, to create one large, unified park. The City of Sydney is currently preparing a draft concept plan for the park, which at the moment is cut in two.

Heritage Subcommittee 2022 Annual Report
Posted on 11th September 2022

The Heritage Subcommittee continued their dedicated work towards the heritage preservation and enhancement of Glebe and Forest Lodge for the benefit of our community now and into the future. They contributed to the Review of the NSW Heritage Act 1977 and the Review of the Local Environmental Plan 2012, nominated properties for Blue Plaques and wrote numerous articles in the Bulletin relating to 2037’s history. They also responded to many community requests for heritage and historical information about Glebe and Forest Lodge.

Switch off the lights, a step in the right direction
Posted on 6th October 2022

The recent decision by the Independent Planning Commission regarding the advertising on the Glebe Island Silos, to have the lighting switched off at 11 pm, is a welcome improvement.

Help save the ferry – complete the survey
Posted on 14th September 2022

Please fill out this survey hosted by UTS Bachelor of Management students, who are trying to determine current and potential demand for the ferry service.

Planning Subcommittee 2022 Annual Report
Posted on 11th September 2022

The Society has been working to nurture Glebe’s special magic for over fifty years. Active engagement with the planning process is an important part of this. The Planning Subcommittee has been very busy in this area over the last year. Our work has included making submissions on development applications, participating in meetings with the City of Sydney and the NSW Land and Housing Corporation, Infrastructure NSW and making detailed submissions on State Significant Developments.

‘The Hill’ as a future wildlife refuge: Meeting with City of Sydney
Posted on 8th September 2022

Representatives of the Glebe Society and City of Sydney met recently to inspect ‘The Hill’, a fenced-off area of contaminated land between the Tramsheds and Jubilee Park station. While it currently contains a lot of weedy trees and rubbish, it has great potential to become a flourishing urban wildlife refuge.

From the President, August 2022
Posted on 8th August 2022

In his President’s Report, Ian Stephenson announced that the Society is looking for Convenors for two Subcommittees – Community Development and Environment. He also reports on the National Trust’s ‘No Time to Spare II’ exhibition at the Riverside Theatre, Parramatta.

Forest Lodge home wins NSW Architecture Award
Posted on 9th August 2022

“A joyful Forest Lodge home” in Wood St has been awarded the Australian Institute of Architects Wilkinson Award for the best new home in 2021. Stable House is owned and designed by Qianyi Lim, a Director at Sibling Architecture and Associate Professor of Practice (Architecture) at the University of Sydney.

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