Bays & Foreshores – Page 3 – The Glebe Society

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Bays & Foreshores

Terrific Summit! Now What??
Posted on 8th December 2014

It was a terrific Summit. Almost all the presentations from the overseas experts were both fascinating and highly relevant. UrbanGrowth had gathered an impressive array of experts from around the world with hands-on experience of very similar urban renewal projects and their analyses of what worked and what didn’t were sharply relevant to our context.

Opening of the Glebe Foreshore Walk “Missing Link”
Posted on 4th November 2014

The latest and the final section of the Glebe Foreshore Walk was officially opened on Saturday 25 October 2014 by Clover Moore.

Bays Precinct Panel

Bays Precinct Panel
Posted on 30th October 2014

On 20 October the University of Sydney Planning Research Centre held a forum to discuss the plan for the Bays.

The Bays Precinct  Peoples’ Campaign to  Protect the Public Interest – Important Meetings

The Bays Precinct Peoples’ Campaign to Protect the Public Interest – Important Meetings
Posted on 27th October 2014

The Bays Precinct People’s Campaign Important Meetings   On the 4th August 2014 over 200 community members met in Glebe Town Hall to consider proposals for a “People’s Campaign” to defend the public interest in the NSW Governments newly announced Bays Precinct Urban Renewal Project. The meeting unanimously endorsed the ‘Peoples Campaign’, a set of essential […]

Bays and Foreshores Annual Report

Bays and Foreshores Annual Report
Posted on 23rd September 2014

Glebe Society activity relating to the Bays and Foreshores over the last 12 months has again been inextricably linked with wider developments as well as local activities.

Glebe Society Endorses “Community Charter for Good Planning in NSW”
Posted on 23rd September 2014

The Management Committee of the Glebe Society has endorsed the Charter and is asking all members and friends to do the same. The full Charter is available at, but we have reproduced the main principles here.

Report on Public Meeting on Bays Precinct Urban Renewal Project

Report on Public Meeting on Bays Precinct Urban Renewal Project
Posted on 23rd August 2014

 REPORT OF PUBLIC MEETING AND FOLLOW UP ACTION BAYS PRECINCTURBAN RENEWAL PROJECT PROTECT THE PUBLIC INTEREST The community meeting held in Glebe Town hall on the 4th August to defend the public interest in the Bays Precinct Urban Renewal Project announced by Premier Baird and UrbanGrowth NSW was a stunner. We expected about 40 but […]

Letter to NSW Premier re Bays Precinct Urban Renewal & the Public Interest

Letter to NSW Premier re Bays Precinct Urban Renewal & the Public Interest
Posted on 23rd August 2014

21/8/2014 The Hon. Mike Baird , MP Premier NSW Level 40 Governor Macquarie Tower 1 Farrer Place SYDNEY NSW 2000   Dear Premier BAYS PRECINCT URBAN RENEWAL PROGRAM: PEOPLES CAMPAIGN TO PROTECT THE PUBLIC GOOD We are seeking an urgent meeting with you and the Minister for Planning on behalf of the communities surrounding the […]

Bays Precinct Public Meeting Resolutions

Bays Precinct Public Meeting Resolutions
Posted on 23rd August 2014

BAYS PRECINCT URBAN RENEWAL PROJECT PROTECT THE PUBLIC INTEREST RESOLUTIONS FROM COMMUNITY MEETING The following preamble and resolutions were overwhelmingly endorsed by 200 plus members of the Bays Precinct communities at a public meeting held on the 4th August 2014 in Glebe Town Hall to protect the public interest in the planned urban renewal of […]

Premier’s Bays Precinct Development

Premier’s Bays Precinct Development
Posted on 21st July 2014

The Premier’s announced bays precinct development will be an enormous opportunity IF it is based on sustainable development principles and community engagement. We are determined we will not permit another Barangaroo –  with little consideration of community wishes,  secret decision making and a development outcome which blatantly favoured private interests over that of the community. […]

Glebe Island Bridge Added to State Heritage Register
Posted on 28th November 2013

The State Minister for Heritage, The Hon Robyn Parker, has agreed to the Heritage Council’s recommendation that the 1903 Glebe Island Bridge be added to the State Heritage Register. This gives the bridge the highest level of heritage protection. The Glebe Society applauds the Minister’s decision.

Blackwattle Bay Development Proposal – Update
Posted on 5th November 2013

Last month, we flagged the challenge to the public interest in Blackwattle Bay arising from a likely unsolicited development proposal encompassing much of the Bays publicly owned foreshores –including the Fish Markets. Our understanding is that this proposal is now well advanced and has been discussed at various levels of Government – with Ministers and […]

Blackwattle Bay Wharves – Where is the Elias Group DA?
Posted on 5th November 2013

The Glebe Society understands that the Elias Group which runs All Occasion Cruises out of B1, B2 wharves adjoining the Fish Markets in Blackwattle Bay put in an amended DA proposal in relation to proposed developments at this site May 2013. We have not seen the DA so do not know what it proposes. The […]

The Challenge of Unsolicited Development Proposals
Posted on 30th September 2013

The foreshores of Blackwattle Bay are likely to see a major new development phase in the next few years. As much of these foreshores is publicly owned, the community rightly expects that it will have a strong voice in decisions as to future uses/development and that the public interest is protected. This, of course, is not a guaranteed outcome.

Extending the Glebe Foreshore Walk

Extending the Glebe Foreshore Walk
Posted on 30th September 2013

The City of Sydney has developed a concept design to extend the Glebe foreshore walk to complete a missing link in the path around the Glebe Peninsula.

Bay Matters (September 2013 Update)

Bay Matters (September 2013 Update)
Posted on 30th September 2013

Update on the Fish Markets, Rozelle Bay Access, Exhibition Centre on Glebe Island and Implementation of the Bays Precenct Task Force Report

Bays Precinct task force report: worth the effort?
Posted on 26th May 2013

The long awaited Bays Precinct Taskforce Report1, and the Government’s response to it, was released in late March. The Report is a mixed bag. It makes some very significant findings and recommendations – although these are often loose and open to many interpretations.

Super Yacht Marina – Glebe Society’s submission Nov 2012

Super Yacht Marina – Glebe Society’s submission Nov 2012
Posted on 27th November 2012

The Glebe Society has sent the following submission regards the proposed Super Yacht Marina.  Click here to read the submission.

Bays Precinct Taskforce – Proposed Recommendations from Community Representative

Bays Precinct Taskforce – Proposed Recommendations from Community Representative
Posted on 30th June 2012

Click here to read the report.

The Bays & Foreshores – the Issues

The Bays & Foreshores – the Issues
Posted on 21st May 2012

THE BAYS PRECINCT COMMUNITY CONSULTATIONS: Some preliminary thoughts from a community perspective.   Over the next week we have a rare opportunity to have a say in the future of the Bays Precinct through the Government’s Bays Precinct Taskforce  community consultations. This is a very special and strategic harbour site encompassing Blackwattle Bay, Rozelle Bay, White […]

Bays & Foreshores Community Consulation workshop in Glebe – 23rd May

Bays & Foreshores Community Consulation workshop in Glebe – 23rd May
Posted on 21st May 2012

The first round of the Government’s community consultations on the future of the Bays Precinct began last Wednesday in Balmain. The Government agencies and Sydney and Leichhardt Councils all presented their views for future uses. Professor Jane Marceau – the sole community representative – gave a feisty response, challenging the closed approach of the agencies and calling for serious dialogue with the community and an innovative (rather than more of the same) vision for this strategic harbour site. This consultation will be repeated in Glebe at St Scholastica’s on Wednesday night 23rd May at 6-9pm. The Glebe Society urges members to attend.

Preservation and Protection

Preservation and Protection
Posted on 28th February 2012

Bruce Davis, 2012 Glebe has extensive foreshores stretching from the beginning of Pyrmont Bridge Road opposite Wentworth Park to the head of Rozelle Bay.  The adjoining foreshores in Pyrmont and Rozelle are also important as they are highly visible from Glebe and link to the walk and cycleways that fringe Glebe’s shores.  The preservation of […]

Glebe Society submission to SHFA on Bays Precinct report

Glebe Society submission to SHFA on Bays Precinct report
Posted on 23rd June 2011

Click here to read the submission by the Society to the Sydney Harbour Foreshore Authority (SHFA) in response to its report on the future development of the Bays Precinct released by the then Minister for Planning, Tony Kelly, in February 2011.

Glebe Society objects to mini-Darling Harbour in Rozelle Bay

Glebe Society objects to mini-Darling Harbour in Rozelle Bay
Posted on 7th March 2011

The Glebe Society has objected to a proposal for a mini-Darling Harbour in Rozelle Bay.

Government response on Bays planning ‘belated and depressing’

Government response on Bays planning ‘belated and depressing’
Posted on 18th February 2011

On 5 February the Minister for Planning Tony Kelly belatedly released his response to the community consultation on the future of the Bays Precinct. The report was slipped out without fanfare. It is too late to be of any significance in the life of this Government. And most depressingly, its proposed planning principles for the Bays are bland and weak where they most need to be tight and strong.

President’s report to the 2010 Annual General Meeting

President’s report to the 2010 Annual General Meeting
Posted on 28th August 2010

Follow this link to read President Lesley Lynch’s report to the Society’s annual general meeting on 29 August 2010.

Community meeting backs planning principles for Bays Precinct

Community meeting backs planning principles for Bays Precinct
Posted on 26th July 2010

A meeting sponsored by eight community groups from around the Inner-West bays precinct (Blackwattle, Rozelle, Johnston’s and and White Bays) has called on the State Government to ensure that future development of the precinct is integrated, sustainable and recognises community interests.

Pictures of the Bays Precinct community meeting (7 July, 2010)

Pictures of the Bays Precinct community meeting (7 July, 2010)
Posted on 16th July 2010

A selection of pictures taken at the Community Meeting to discuss planning for the Bays Precinct held at Wentowrth Park on 7 July 2010.

Have your say about the future of our Bays

Have your say about the future of our Bays
Posted on 11th June 2010

Our Bays, Our Say is the theme for a public meeting which aims to set the future direction  for development of the foreshores in Glebe and nearby areas. The meeting has been arranged by community groups including the Glebe Society  and representing Pyrmont, Ultimo, Glebe,  Annandale and Balmain. It will be held a the Bistro […]

Welcome the Rozelle Rocket, but will it affect Bellevue?

Welcome the Rozelle Rocket, but will it affect Bellevue?
Posted on 30th May 2010

Many of you will know about the commencement of the water taxi service ferrying passengers to the pontoon at Campbell’s Cove from Rozelle Bay, Blackwattle Bay and Jackson’s Landing. The water taxis can take up to 50 passengers and currently are programmed to run three services to Campbell's Cove every morning and evening on weekdays. The […]

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