By Judy Vergison, Events Coordinator
In late August members were sent a notice of the 2020 AGM (by email or by post if you don’t have email). Please note that:
- The venue for this year has been changed to the Glebe Youth Service, 84 Glebe Point Rd, as the Glebe Town Hall is closed until further notice.
- You will need to book to attend (either in person or online via Zoom)
Also included with the AGM notice were the draft minutes of 2019, audited financial statements and nomination forms for membership of the Management Committee.
Should you wish to nominate yourself or another member for an elected position on the Management Committee, open the pdf file in the attachments, print page 7 only, and return your completed form. If for any reason you are unable to access the nomination form, please call the Society’s Secretary, Jude Paul on 0438 600 882 and she will deliver a copy to you.
Our host and guest speaker will be Keiran Kevans, Coordinator of the Glebe Youth Service (GYS). You will have read in other Bulletins about the valuable contribution that the GYS provides to the Glebe community and the outstanding support provided during the COVID-19 crisis through their food security program. If you attend in person you will learn more about the impact GYS has in Glebe, see the facilities available at the centre and the wonderful mural recently completed by Aunty Kath Farrawell, alocal award winning artist, respected elder and stalwart of the Glebe community.

AGM COVID protocols
The venue will comply with all social distancing protocols and there is a maximum COVID-Safe capacity of 40 people. Normally we would cater for drink and refreshments afterward, this is not now possible given the COVID limitations. You may like to meet in small group afterwards and support a local cafe. If further COVID lockdowns are put in place, the Management Committee will advise you of the alternate arrangements.
Bookings are essential given these COVID times. You will need to register before the day on Eventbrite to attend either in person or via zoom. This is required to manage numbers at the venue (and online voting (note: there is no charge to attend). If you want to attend via Zoom, details on the link will be sent a few days prior to the AGM and you will be able to vote on line. Please use this link to book to attend in person or via Zoom: https://www.eventbrite.com.au/e/2020-glebe-society-agm-tickets-118794313991
If you are not able to book on line or have any questions about registering contact Judy Vergison on 0417 446 425 and she will do the booking for you.
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