Monthly Archives: June 2022

Glebe Society submissions on development applications
Posted on 10th June 2022Information about recent Glebe Society submissions on Development Applications in Glebe and Forest Lodge.

A tale of two Prime Ministers
Posted on 6th June 2022Australia’s first Prime Minister, Sir Edmund Barton (1849-1920), was born in Glebe and our 31st Prime Minister, The Hon. Anthony Albanese also has a close association with Glebe. His childhood home was on Pyrmont Bridge Road, Camperdown, just next to Forest Lodge

Running the gauntlet on the Bridge Rd cycleway
Posted on 11th June 2022The Bridge Rd pop-up cycleway was a temporary expedient initiated in September 2020. At the end of March this year the NSW Minister for Active Transport, Rob Stokes, announced it was to be made permanent despite there being no solution to the many safety and access issues. The government must reverse its decision.

From the President – June 2022
Posted on 8th June 2022Catch up on some of the things we’ve been doing over the last month. As well as a meeting with Lord Mayor Clover Moore, the Society made detailed comments on Council’s proposed Community Strategic Plan. Our annual biodiversity lecture featured Professor Dieter Hochuli from the School of Life and Environmental Sciences, University of Sydney, talking about ‘how nature survives and thrives in urban environments, and why it matters for the future of our cities’.

Caroline Jones and the Glebe Estate, ‘This Day Tonight’ 1972
Posted on 10th June 2022In 1972 when she was a reporter on the ABC’s ‘This Day Tonight,’ Caroline Jones’s report on the Glebe Estate shocked viewers, many of whom were seeing for the first time what living in poverty looked like in Australia. The landlord, the Anglican Church thought that the best solution to its problem was to sell the Estate to developers, knocking down the historic cottages without concern for the community that had taken root there. Thanks to Tom Uren that did not occur and it was bought by the government. Unfortunately, today it’s not safe from further predations by developers, while the current NSW Government turns a blind eye to ‘demolition by neglect’.

Early photographs wanted
Posted on 12th June 2022Do you have any old photographs of 39 Lodge St showing its original verandah?

2022 Glebe Art Show @ Tramsheds, 23-26 June
Posted on 7th June 2022Now in its 25th year, the Glebe Art Show returns to the Tramsheds at the end of June after a two-year COVID absence. Entries are now being accepted online via the Glebe Art Show website, from artists in the City of Sydney and Inner West Council local government areas. We look forward to welcoming you to what we believe will be our best ever Show. Come along to celebrate the Glebe Art Show’s return and support local artists.

Glebe’s Blue Plaque nominations, Part 4: Elsie Women’s Refuge
Posted on 10th June 2022The fourth site nominated by the Glebe Society for a Blue Plaque is Elsie Women’s Refuge at 73-75 Westmoreland St, Glebe. It was the first women’s refuge to open in Australia. In September 2021 the NSW Government called for communities to nominate places linked to notable personalities and events for recognition as part of the NSW Blue Plaques program.

NAIDOC Week 2022 and book launch
Posted on 11th June 2022On July 7 during NAIDOC Week, Gleebooks is hosting the launch of Yvonne Weldon’s new book, Sixty-Seven Days. Yvonne Weldon, a Wiradjuri woman who grew up in Sydney, was elected in 2021 to the City of Sydney Council, the first Aboriginal person on Council since its establishment in 1842. She was named NSW Aboriginal Woman of the Year in 2022. NAIDOC Week this year is from 3 to 10 July and the theme this year is ‘Get Up! Stand Up! Show Up!

Glebe Society submissions on development applications
Posted on 12th June 2022Information about recent Glebe Society submissions on Development Applications in Glebe and Forest Lodge.

Going, Going, Gone
Posted on 6th June 2022During the last two weeks, 17-31 Cowper St, Glebe has been demolished. Its delightful courtyard and fountain are gone forever. A backward step for conservation, residential amenity and the environment.

A Glebe first – Mobile parklet wins Sustainability Award
Posted on 6th June 2022Readers may remember the ‘parklet’ that popped up outside six Glebe Point Rd venues in 2015. The parklet was a cut-down shipping container modified to provide outdoor seating surrounded by potted greenery. Late last year, the mobile parklet won Architecture & Design’s Public, Urban and Landscape Sustainability Award.

Mystery photo (June 2022)
Posted on 10th June 2022Last month’s Mystery Photo competition featured Glebe’s former and current post offices. In 2011, despite massive public opposition, the Glebe Post Office was closed and a post shop opened in Broadway Shopping Centre.

Because of you we were able to help so many families!
Posted on 12th June 2022Thanks to the generosity of the Glebe Society donations last year, the Glebe Youth Service was able to provide food relief to many families in need in Glebe through 2021, including food hampers and cooked meals, an essential shop and drop program and Coles e-gift cards.

From the President – May 2022
Posted on 7th June 2022Catch up with what we’ve been doing by reading the President’s Report. This month has included meetings with Council, and the Anzac Day service at the newly cleaned Glebe War Memorial. The NSW Land and Housing Corporation’s ill-considered plans for development in Glebe continue.

The threats to Glebe’s urban and social fabric continue
Posted on 8th June 2022The NSW Land and Housing Corporation have advised that they are investigating the opportunity to renew (ie demolish) 82 Wentworth Park Road in order to ‘understand its potential to deliver more social housing on the site’. Like 17-31 Cowper St, 82 Wentworth Park Rd was designed in the late 1980s by the NSW Housing Commission. It is a fine building which respects the character and topography of Glebe while providing great amenity for residents. Moreover, it is in a heritage conservation area.

News from the Blue Wren Subcommittee
Posted on 11th June 2022Professor Dieter Hochuli from Sydney University’s School of Life and Environmental Sciences gave the Society’s 7th Annual Biodiversity Talk in May on how nature survives and thrives in urban environments, and why it matters to us humans. Research has shown that non-native plants and weeds are not all bad. Some can provide vital floral resources for urban pollinators and great habitat for small birds. Read also about the recent activities of the local bush/landcare groups.