by Ian Stephenson, President, Bulletin 3/2022, May 2022
Max Solling, the great chronicler of Glebe (how lucky we are to have him!), gave a stirring address at the Anzac Day service at the Glebe War Memorial. An edited version of the speech can be found on p. 4 of this Bulletin. Father Dominic of St James’ Church ably presided. Councillor Linda Scott representing the Council, and I, on behalf of the Society, laid wreaths. The Rev Mark Wormell of St Johns Church afforded his usual hospitality in making St Johns available for morning tea afterwards. Lyn Milton, our archivist, was there presiding over the comestibles, ensuring that no-one went unfed. The singing of Oh God our Help in Ages Past was distinctly better than usual thanks to the grand organ accompaniment provided by Phil Young. It’s my favourite hymn, we blossom and flourish as leaves on the tree, my pleasure being enhanced by its inclusion in Evelyn Waugh’s picaresque novel Decline and Fall. I had some concerns when I saw our remarkable memorial, one of the finest in Sydney, covered by a great packing case. Was this an art happening? But on the Friday before Anzac Day, it was unveiled. It had been cleaned. Well done, Clover!
Readers will be familiar with the assault on Glebe by the spot rezoning of 17-31 Cowper St and 2A-D Wentworth Park Rd in order to allow the construction of two eight-storey buildings. It hasn’t stopped there. The NSW Land and Housing Corporation have now indicated their interest in redeveloping 82 Wentworth Park Rd.
The Local Environment Plan and Development Control Plan are currently being reviewed by the Council. The Society has met with a number of Councillors and will shortly be meeting with Council planners to discuss the review. One of the matters we have raised is the need to retain the existing height and FSR controls across Glebe including in land outside heritage conservation areas. A particular concern is the need to ensure the topography of Glebe remains legible when viewed from the east. This affects building heights along the Wentworth Park Rd, Bridge Rd to Burton St and Taylor St.
See earlier President’s reports.
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