by Ian Stephenson, Bulletin 3/2022, May 2022

Last Wednesday the demolition of 17-31 Cowper St commenced. This sensitively designed low-rise infill public housing complex with its beautiful internal courtyard is to be replaced by two eight-storey buildings.

The same week the NSW Land and Housing Corporation advised Hands off Glebe that they are investigating ‘the opportunity to renew 82 Wentworth Park Road in order to understand its potential to deliver more social housing on the site.

82 Wentworth Park Rd was also designed in the late 1980s by the NSW Housing Commission. It is a fine building which respects the character and topography of Glebe while providing great amenity for residents. It is located in a heritage conservation area. Its redevelopment has serious implications for the historic context of Glebe and is likely to impact on views of Glebe from the east and from Glebe across Wentworth Park, especially Bellevue St.