2009 – Page 2 – The Glebe Society

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Yearly Archives: 2009

Glebe Sesquicentenary -150 years of school life in Glebe

Glebe Sesquicentenary -150 years of school life in Glebe

Posted on 2nd August 2009

The Historic Photo Show will be at Glebe Library form Monday 3rd -17th August

Guided Tour Valhalla

Guided Tour Valhalla

Posted on 9th July 2009

  The Valhalla Sunday 2nd August The will be two guided tours of the Valhalla as an adaptive  reuse project, conducted by the architect Megan Jones. Time: 4.00PM and 5.00PM on Sunday 2nd August. Meet: on the steps of the Valhalla for either time. There is no need to book, just turn up  These tours […]

Glebe Sesquicentenary – Time Capsule – 2nd August

Glebe Sesquicentenary – Time Capsule – 2nd August

Posted on 11th July 2009

2009 is the 150th anniversary of the creation of Glebe as a municipality. Residents, government agencies, schools, community groups and local businesses are invited to join in the celebration of Glebe’s rich and vibrant past and present.The first event will be the burying of a Time Capsule by Lord Mayor, Cr Clover Moore MP, at Jubilee fountain on Sunday 2 August 2009 at 11:00am.

Valhalla launch party – 2nd August

Valhalla launch party – 2nd August

Posted on 7th July 2009

W Property, developer of the former cinema in Glebe Point Road, invites members members of the Glebe Society for drinks to celebrate the completion of the Valhalla.

National Trust/Glebe Society walking tour of Glebe

National Trust/Glebe Society walking tour of Glebe

Posted on 7th July 2009

Joint NationalTrust/Glebe Society tour of Glebe, including the Glebe Estate, led by Max Solling. A second tour will be organised for members of the Glebe Society in October.

Guided tour of The Abbey in Annandale

Guided tour of The Abbey in Annandale

Posted on 6th July 2009

A guided tour of the historical residence The Abbey in Johnston Street, Annandale, will be held on Satuday 18 July. Meet at 1.30pm for a 2pm inspection. Further details in the Bulletin 5/09.

For bookings, phone David Mander Jones on 95524172 or email davidandfay@manderjones.com.au by 8 July.

Glebe Society held a SECOND great party to celebrate its 40 years

Glebe Society held a SECOND great party to celebrate its 40 years

Posted on 1st July 2009

The Glebe Society held a SECOND great party to celebrate its 40 years since inception, on Sunday afternoon 28th June at Margaretta Cottage in Glebe. This party was distinguished by the attendance of many of the past Presidents and Honorary Life Members of the Glebe Society. See photos.

Time Capsule – request for items & stories from individuals

Time Capsule – request for items & stories from individuals

Posted on 27th June 2009

One component of Glebe’s sesqui-centennary celebration will be the burying of a time capsule near the fountain in Jubilee Place (gateway to Glebe Point Road). Contributions to the time capsule are welcomed.

Glebe Society held a great party to celebrate its 40 years

Glebe Society held a great party to celebrate its 40 years

Posted on 22nd June 2009

The Glebe Society held a party last night, Friday 19th June, to celebrate its 40th year since it began in 1969, attended by 150 members and representatives of local Glebe community organisations. Special guest was Jack Mundey OA.

Threat to historic Glebe Island Bridge

Threat to historic Glebe Island Bridge

Posted on 20th June 2009

THE historic Glebe Island Bridge is under threat, with the Roads and Traffic Authority believed to be considering a proposal to demolish it to save on maintenance costs, says the Glebe Society.

2009 Glebe NAIDOC Event: Respecting our Elders Nurturing our Youth

2009 Glebe NAIDOC Event: Respecting our Elders Nurturing our Youth

Posted on 21st June 2009

This is the first year that the Glebe community has organised its own program for NAIDOC week. This is a collaboration with Eora TAFE, Glebe Police, Glebe Public School, Glebe Youth Service , Glebe Chamber of Commerce, Tranby. Aboriginal Employment Services, City of Sydney and community members. This invitation is open to everyone in the community. Please show your support on 4th July.

The Bays

The Bays

Posted on 18th June 2009

Blackwattle and Rozelle Bays are unique in Sydney Harbour and more akin to a lake system, with a narrow, shared entrance that permits only a slow exchange of water with the main harbour. Their ecology is especially fragile and has suffered great damage from industries of earlier years. Restoration of water quality in Rozelle and […]

House Names

Posted on 15th June 2009

Mayfair … Hartford … Carlyle … Florence … Gaza … Morocco … Minnesota … Montana … An itinerary to distant and exotic places? No, Glebe house names!

Houses were often known by their names in the days before the numbering of houses became fully systematised early in the 20th century.

Thirsty Thursday – Na Zdrowie Polish restaurant

Thirsty Thursday – Na Zdrowie Polish restaurant

Posted on 14th June 2009

“Thirsty Thursday” for July will be held on Thursday 2nd July at 6.30 p.m. at Na Zdrowie restaurant, a Polish restaurant, at 161 Glebe Point Road, Glebe.  Thirsty Thursday events are an opportunity for Glebe Society members to meet at some of Glebe’s more interesting restaurants and enjoy each other’s company in a relaxed atmosphere. 

Curent Issues

Curent Issues

Posted on 10th June 2009

The Forest Lodge and Glebe Local Area Traffic Management Plan (LATM) Report that was endorsed by Council in October 2007 has now be renamed as The Forest Lodge and Glebe Pedestrian, Cyclist & Traffic Calming Plan (PCTC). 2009 The strategy for ongoing implementation will be: Pedestrian, Cycling, and Traffic calming (PCTC) plans are strategic studies […]

Queen’s Birthday Honours – awards to Glebe Society members

Queen’s Birthday Honours – awards to Glebe Society members

Posted on 10th June 2009

On Monday 8th June 2009 the Queen’s Birthday Honour’s List was announced, and several Glebe residents who are members of the Glebe Society received Order of Australia awards. The local Glebe residents are Robert Bruce, Michael Horsburgh and Jeremy Long.

Blue Wrens Planting Demonstration

Blue Wrens Planting Demonstration

Posted on 3rd June 2009

These are some of the photos taken at the demonstration planting,held on 27 July 2008 at Paddy Gray Park, of plants which attract blue wrens: Photo Gallery

Superb fairy wren

Keeping small birds in Glebe

Posted on 3rd June 2009

The Glebe Society received grant funding from the City of Sydney for a project aimed at community education and habitat conservation for Superb Fairy-wrens (known as Blue Wrens) in the Glebe/Forest Lodge area. A sub-committee of the Glebe Society was established to manage the project.

Indigenous art on display at St Schols

Indigenous art on display at St Schols

Posted on 28th May 2009

St Scholastica’s College in Glebe will hold an Aboriginal art exhibition from 12-14 June to showcase the talents of emerging indigenous artists, including some work by the school’s own talented students. The funds raised by the exhibition will go to the school’s Indigenous Fund to support current and future indigenous students.

Free Oral History workshops in Glebe

Free Oral History workshops in Glebe

Posted on 27th May 2009

The Wireless House in Foley Park is a unique part of Glebe’s history, a tiny building where many people gathered to listen to a wireless radio, donated by Grace Bros to the Glebe Council in 1934.
The artist, Dr Nigel Helyer, is working with the City of Sydney to ‘sonically re-activate’ the Wireless House and bring it back to life with a sculptural and interactive audio installation and website.

The Sesqui Show

The Sesqui Show

Posted on 27th May 2009

The Sesqui Show (part of Glebe’s 150th celebrations) will open at Adagio Gallery on Thursday, 6 August, and run for two weeks. The Sesqui Show will celebrate 150 years of Glebe’s history. Artists with Glebe connections will reveal their own stories of Glebe – then, now, and in between.
We will see beyond the walls of a huge sandstone mansion where old history was embedded and new history was created. There will be pictures of underground water channels, photos of the past, a Mombassa screen print of Glebe in the 90’s, some letterbox inspired art, paintings and drawings of Glebe and its people now.

Time Capsule – request for items & stories from individuals

Time Capsule – request for items & stories from individuals

Posted on 27th May 2009

One component of Glebe’s sesqui-centennary celebration will be the burying of a time capsule near the fountain in Jubilee Place (gateway to Glebe Point Road). This event will occur on Sunday 2 August 2009. Cr Clover Moore MP, Lord Mayor of Sydney, will carry out the ceremonial burial.
Groups and individuals are invited to submit items for inclusion.

Fight to save The Gully: the latest

Fight to save The Gully: the latest

Posted on 19th May 2009

The email reproduced below has been circulated by the resident’s group seeking to overturn the City Council’s project to build a switchback concrete path in "The Gully". The Glebe Society supports the residents’ aims, and hopes the matter can be resolved in a non-confrontational manner.  We will do anything we can to help achieve this. […]

Players in the Pub: “Offensive to a Friendly Foreign Power”

Players in the Pub: “Offensive to a Friendly Foreign Power”

Posted on 15th May 2009

Another play reading by actors from the New Theatre. Watch this space for details.

Players in the Pub

Players in the Pub

Posted on 15th May 2009

Glebe Society member Lyn Collingwood is hosting a series of occasional play readings by New Theatre actors on Tuesday nights at 7 pm in the upstairs Media Room at the Toxteth Hotel, corner Glebe Point and Ferry Roads.

New Community Garden

New Community Garden

Posted on 13th May 2009

The Environment sub-committee’s main focus for 2009 is on establishing a second community garden for Glebe. Interest in community gardens is increasing in many countries, as it provides a way for urban dwellers to produce some of their own food, cutting down on ‘food miles’ and promoting organic gardening methods. Community gardens also promote community […]

From Greening Glebe to Sustainability

Posted on 13th May 2009

The Glebe Society has had a strong commitment to environmental issues since its foundation, but the emphasis has changed over the years, in line with changing concerns in society generally. In the early years the focus was on ‘greening Glebe’ with encouragement of both public parks and private gardens. More recently, issues of sustainability and […]

Thirsty Thursday

Thirsty Thursday

Posted on 9th April 2009

Roxanne, 39 Glebe Point Road

Musical Celebration & Reception – Margaretta Cottage

Musical Celebration & Reception – Margaretta Cottage

Posted on 30th April 2009

  A Special musical celebration and champagne reception at Margaretta Cottage, Glebe, to mark the 40th anniversary of the Glebe Society and to recognise the work of members of the Society who have contributed to its achievements over 40 years.  The concert, entitled Music Making in Sydney 1860s to 1960s – from Opera to Pop, […]

Planning Overview

Planning Overview

Posted on 14th April 2009

In the 1960s, Glebe was viewed as a slum, ripe for demolition. Today it is a sought after residential suburb. The story of this transformation is not only a story of changing tastes and lifestyles, but also the story of a determined group of residents who saw the potential beauty and amenity of their suburb and fought to preserve it from the bulldozers.

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