The Forest Lodge and Glebe Local Area Traffic Management Plan (LATM) Report that was endorsed by Council in October 2007 has now be renamed as The Forest Lodge and Glebe Pedestrian, Cyclist & Traffic Calming Plan (PCTC). 2009
The strategy for ongoing implementation will be:
- Pedestrian, Cycling, and Traffic calming (PCTC) plans are strategic studies undertaken around every 10 years.
- Items are graded into three categories with construction time frames being 1-2yrs, 3-5yrs, and 5-7yrs. Between 8-10yrs the plan as a whole will be evaluated to see if it has been successful and to decide on appropriate alterations in the next PCTC review.
- Isolated items that were not considered as part of the PCTC can be submitted directly to the City's Traffic Operations unit for investigation.
Community forums will be undertaken with residents. Residents can advise the City of Sydney of their traffic, pedestrian and cycling issues and suggestions.
The next major consideration for Glebe and Forest Lodge will be the development of Cycleways in Glebe and Cycle Strategy and Action Plan: 2007-2017. This is an action plan for the whole LGA.
There will community forums to discuss the planning and development of cycleways in Glebe. Whilst many of the issues are universal, Glebe has its own constraints.
These include:
- Hilly terrain, narrow streets and little opportunity for separated cycleways.
- Different needs for commuter cyclists from recreational cyclists
- Linkage with other Council strategies
Education for everyone – how to share the space
The ideal cycleway, separated from cars and pedestrians. This solution is not always achievable in older villages, where heritage issues and narrow streets impact on design.
“Traffic is a social problem, not a design problem.
Cars are happiest when there are no other cars around.
People are happiest when there are other people around.”
– Dan Burden, founder of the non-profit organization Walkable Communities, Inc.
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