The Environment sub-committee’s main focus for 2009 is on establishing a second community garden for Glebe. Interest in community gardens is increasing in many countries, as it provides a way for urban dwellers to produce some of their own food, cutting down on ‘food miles’ and promoting organic gardening methods. Community gardens also promote community cooperation and involvement, and provide a way for children to better understand the source of their food, and to appreciate fresh produce by being involved in growing it.
Sydney City Council is actively assisting community groups to set up more community gardens within the City. The Council has organised tours of existing community gardens. The opportunity to see the variation in size, style and method of operating for inner-city community gardens, allows us to think about the options that might suit a new garden for Glebe.
The Society has applied for a grant from the City of Sydney for the establishment of a new community garden. Results of the application will be known in June 2009.
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hi i am very interested in joining a community gardenplease could you advise me of what to do i live in the Glebe area . i look forward in hearing from you .
andrew dalbertanson