Issues – Page 19 – The Glebe Society

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Broadway Centre
Posted on 2nd June 2014

Mirvac, the owner, has proposed changes to the Bay St facade, which include replacing the posted awning with a clear, cantilevered one. This will make the facade more compatible with the Heritage-listed Model and Moxham building on the corner of Broadway, and the approach lighter and safer. The granite paving will be extended to replace the bitumen. Unfortunately, their plans do not go as far as remodelling the entrance itself.

Students and Glebe
Posted on 2nd June 2014

The City of Sydney is under pressure to approve new student accommodation, but it does not have a specific set of controls. Instead, it attempts to deal with proposals under its existing Boarding House controls. Clearly this is not satisfactory.

From the Blue Wren Subcommittee
Posted on 2nd June 2014

The rebuilding of the eastern tennis court in St James Park will be completed next month. Work will then commence on the western court with the excavation of the site for construction of an 80,000 litre water tank beneath the court; the retaining wall on the western side of the court adjacent to St James Ave will be removed and rebuilt. The water will be used to irrigate St James Park. Local residents are concerned about the adverse impact of a proposed increase in use by St James School of St James Park and John Street Reserve as playgrounds during school hours.

What Should We Do about the Large Numbers of Indian Mynas in Glebe?
Posted on 2nd June 2014

Bird in Backyards states: “The Indian or Common Myna was introduced from south-east Asia into the cane fields of north-eastern Queensland in 1883, to combat insect pests, particularly plague locusts and cane beetles. Other releases occurred, and by the 1940s and 1950s it was established in many eastern metropolitan areas.”

Using LED Lighting – a Bright Idea
Posted on 2nd June 2014

David Winterton gave a well attended presentation on ‘Understanding LEDs’ at Benledi on Thursday evening, 8 May, organised by the Society’s Environment Subcommittee. David is convenor of the Sydney branch of the Alternative Technology Association, the oldest organisation promoting sustainable technology in Australia, and director of Ecological Design, a sustainability consultancy business.

Transport and Traffic Sub-Committee Terms of Reference 2013-14

Transport and Traffic Sub-Committee Terms of Reference 2013-14
Posted on 11th May 2014

Click here to view the Terms of Reference 2013-14 for the Transport and Traffic Sub-Committee.

Blue Wren Sub-Committee Terms of Reference 2013-14

Blue Wren Sub-Committee Terms of Reference 2013-14
Posted on 11th May 2014

Click here to view the Terms of Reference 2013-14 for the Blue Wren Sub-Committee.

Environment Sub-Committee Terms of Reference 2012-13

Environment Sub-Committee Terms of Reference 2012-13
Posted on 11th May 2014

Click here to view the Environment Sub-Committee Terms of Reference 2012-13.

Heritage Sub-Committee Terms of Reference 2013-14

Heritage Sub-Committee Terms of Reference 2013-14
Posted on 11th May 2014

Click here to view the Terms of Reference for the Heritage Sub-Committee for 2013-14.

Blue Wrens subcommittee report

Blue Wrens subcommittee report
Posted on 10th May 2014

Uncommon wildlife in Glebe, bush regeneration, play areas and media mentions.

A New School for Pyrmont-Ultimo?

A New School for Pyrmont-Ultimo?
Posted on 10th May 2014

Members may be aware of reports in the media about the need for more public schools in the inner City. One of the factors driving this need is the increase in young families. Members will probably have noticed this increase in Glebe, but it is taking place throughout the entire area. It seems that no-one […]

May 2014

May 2014
Posted on 10th May 2014

Public housing, development of the Glebe Society logo and vale Hilary Larkum

Harold Park
Posted on 10th May 2014

I’m well aware that not everyone has been following the progress of this major development with the attention I have. Some members may have missed the public meetings when the proposal was first put forward in 2010, some may have forgotten the original plans approved in 2011-12, and some may have moved into the area […]

Proposal to develop Wentworth Park

Proposal to develop Wentworth Park
Posted on 13th April 2014

Since the SMH published its story about an unsolicited proposal to develop Wentworth Park I have had many emails from members . Today I gave the following to a Fairfax journalist. As a community we insist upon a strategic approach to large developments of public space. The Bays Precinct Task Force considered community recommendations that […]

April 2014

April 2014
Posted on 27th March 2014

The Glebe Society made a thorough submission to the NSW Parliament Inquiry into Social and Affordable Housing, in which (among other matters) we noted that NSW faces a crisis in public housing, urgently needs a coherent housing strategy that sets targets and provide incentives to public and private developers, must establish improved governance based upon […]

Millers Point Sell-off Threatens Glebe
Posted on 27th March 2014

The Glebe Society has a proud history of campaigning to support public housing in Glebe, since our founding years. We will continue to campaign to preserve public housing and the diverse character of our community.

Our Green Footpaths
Posted on 27th March 2014

The footpaths of Glebe have become much less bare thanks to Council’s tree planting and verge gardens. However, the contribution of residents is still very important in the ‘greening of Glebe’. What’s more, the gardening efforts of individuals are naturally more varied, and sometimes more quirky, than the mainly uniform look produced by Council contractors […]

Sydney University’s Campus Improvement Program (CIP)
Posted on 27th March 2014

Come 2020, under the proposed Campus Improvement Program, the University wants to replace, inter alia, the Merewether, Wentworth and Wilkinson buildings as well as International House.

Proposed Planning Bills

Proposed Planning Bills
Posted on 27th March 2014

It appears that the Government has withdrawn these proposed bills, which leaves the existing Act of 1979 (as amended) as the Act covering development in NSW. This is a very significant victory for the Better Planning Network (BPN), which the Society joined soon after its inception.

Submission to Council Regarding Tram Shed Use

Submission to Council Regarding Tram Shed Use
Posted on 20th March 2014

This month The Glebe Society has sent a submission to Council re the adaptive reuse of the Rozelle Tram Depot.  We continue to have concerns about traffic management, the impact on nearby retail centres, and the inadequate size of the community space in the tramsheds.  You can view the Submission by clicking here.

Strategic Plan 2013-2019

Strategic Plan 2013-2019
Posted on 10th March 2014

As I told you recently, we have as a Society committed to our Strategy 2013-2019: Engaging Glebe. The strategy is here on our website. So we could get our strategy right and all commit to it, we held workshops and discussions and broadcast drafts. We put a lot of effort and time into getting it […]

Proposed New Planning Laws

Proposed New Planning Laws
Posted on 4th March 2014

We are asking members to reaffirm their demand that the Government keep its election promise and produce Planning Legislation that eliminates corruption and abuse of power

Natural Glebe
Posted on 4th March 2014

The planning and creation or upgrading of a park is a slow business. When the final stage of the Foley Park upgrade is achieved this year it will be seven years since the process began, as Bobbie Burke reminded me. Even so, 2014 will be a good year for seeing a number of park projects completed.

Planning Report – Mitchell Street

Planning Report – Mitchell Street
Posted on 4th March 2014

I gave evidence on 28 January at an on-site Court hearing about a rear lane development proposal for the corner of Mitchell St and Derwent Lane. The Society was concerned about this proposal because it was at the rear of a Heritage Item, the former Waratah Hotel (1864), the oldest former hotel in Glebe with […]

Planning Report – Durham Court, 417 Glebe Point Road

Planning Report – Durham Court, 417 Glebe Point Road
Posted on 4th March 2014

by Neil Macindoe, Planning Convenor, March 2014 The latest proposal came before the City Planning Committee on 18 February. There have been many iterations over the years, none of them satisfactory. This one was assessed independently, and the number of dwellings reduced from 64 to 54, with a number of other changes that reduced the […]

February 2014

February 2014
Posted on 10th February 2014

Engaging Glebe: Strategy 2013-2019 Every five years or so we conduct a major review of our strategy. During 2013 we held meetings, published drafts and gained members’ commitment to our strategy for 2013-2019. It will guide our activity, though of course we expect short term changes.  We implement our strategy chiefly through our subcommittees. Each […]

What is Heritage?

‘Heritage’ is the tangible evidence of our history, the things we want to keep, not only for our own enjoyment and education but also for future generations.

Building Types
Posted on 24th January 2014

The casual observer can easily identify a wide range of housing types in Glebe, from the Regency mansion, suburban villa, the large terrace, the small single-storey terrace to the freestanding cottage, a diversity reflecting the wide array of occupational groups that have made Glebe their home.

Posted on 24th January 2014

Some of this State’s most influential early architects lived in Glebe and some of their work still survives here

Protection of Heritage
Posted on 24th January 2014

Currently there are 11 items (or groups of items) in Glebe which are listed on the State Heritage Register, which offers the highest level of statutory protection.

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