Engaging Glebe: Strategy 2013-2019
Every five years or so we conduct a major review of our strategy. During 2013 we held meetings, published drafts and gained members’ commitment to our strategy for 2013-2019. It will guide our activity, though of course we expect short term changes. We implement our strategy chiefly through our subcommittees. Each of these works to policy that fits within this strategy. Each reviews its activity at least annually. The document: Engaging Glebe recognises that The Glebe Society influences and is influenced by its community; so we welcome comment on our strategy from anyone.
Proposed Planning Legislation
The People of NSW were promised a new planning system free of corruption, to ensure necessary growth and return planning powers to communities, and ensure their voice was heard and respected. Minister Hazzard has failed on every one of these criteria, and because of this his flawed legislation has been opposed and amended in the Upper House.
Now Minister Hazzard is threatening to use powers given to the Minister by the previous Labor Government. These are the powers that discredited the whole planning system. The Independent Commission Against Corruption declared these powers an invitation to corrupt practices. ‘Given the Minister’s promise to restore transparency to the planning system, this looks like a complete about face, a staggering loss of integrity’, says Corinne Fisher, Convenor of the Better Planning Network.
Please let your representatives know you are opposed to laws that remove your rights and favour developers. Click here to see some points you could use in emailing or writing to Members of Parliament, along with a list of contact details for your Representatives. You can read the President’s letter to the Planning Minister and other MPs here.
Coalition of Glebe Groups (COGG) Chair’s Report for 2013
The Chair’s Report for COGG for 2013 is now available by clicking here. Also available is a document that outlines the COGG Priorities.
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