The casual observer can easily identify a wide range of housing types in Glebe, from the Regency mansion, suburban villa, the large terrace, the small single-storey terrace to the freestanding cottage, a diversity reflecting the wide array of occupational groups that have made Glebe their home.
For more information about the architectural styles to be found in Glebe, consult Bernard and Kate Smith’s The Architectural Character of Glebe (1973), where the Smiths distinguish five main styles, Colonial, Georgian, Regency, Victorian Gothic, Italianate and Federation. Another more general, but nevertheless useful, guide is Australian House Styles by Maisy Stapleton and Ian Stapleton (2003).
As well as domestic buildings, Glebe has a number of heritage listed civic buildings and the suburb’s industrial and waterfront activities have also left a legacy of some interesting Victorian warehouses and industrial archaeology.
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