Heritage Issues – Page 4 – The Glebe Society

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Heritage Issues

Anzac Centennary Grant
Posted on 8th May 2015

The Society has received a grant of $28,796 from the Federal Government under the Anzac Centenary Program. The grant is to be used to mount an exhibition entitled Sacrifice, Struggle and Sorrow: Glebe’s Great War 1914-1918. The exhibition will examine the impact of the First World War and its immediate aftermath on the Glebe community.

Lone Pine for Sydney University

Lone Pine for Sydney University
Posted on 8th May 2015

On the eve of Anzac Day, a special planting ceremony took place in the grounds of Sydney University. The Glebe Society had donated a Gallipoli Pine sapling to the University in memory of all who fought, but particularly in memory of the Glebe men who were associated with the University of Sydney as academics, support staff or students and who enlisted in World War I.

Lone Pine for Foley Park
Posted on 8th May 2015

To commemorate the centenary of Anzac, a Lone Pine was planted in Foley Park on Thursday 23 April by Lord Mayor Clover Moore. The pine tree was grown from seed collected from the lone pine at the Australian War Memorial, which in turn was grown with a seed from a pine cone taken from Gallipoli in 1915.

Could We Return a Tram to Glebe Point Rd?
Posted on 28th March 2015

The proposal is to create a very large mural, duplicated from an historic photo, on a large wall near the end of the ‘tram lines’ that are visible in the bitumen in Glebe Point Rd.

The Gallipoli Pine
Posted on 28th March 2015

The Glebe Society has donated a Gallipoli Pine sapling (Pinus halepensis) to the University of Sydney to commemorate those who served in World War I .

Photographs from the Bernard Smith Collection
Posted on 28th March 2015

The City of Sydney has digitised the Bernard Smith Collection of photographs of Glebe. The collection of about five hundred images catalogues Glebe’s built environment ca 1970. The photographs can be viewed on the City of Sydney website.

The Wall at Forest Lodge School
Posted on 1st March 2015

Shortly before Christmas, the Principal of Forest Lodge Public School took issue with a few of the points made by Liz Simpson-Booker in her article in Bulletin No. 10 of 2014, page 7, ‘From the Terraces – Unsightly!’.

Residents celebrate 40th anniversary of Glebe Estate

Residents celebrate 40th anniversary of Glebe Estate
Posted on 23rd October 2014

Residents and friends celebrated the 40th Anniversary of the Glebe Estate on Friday 10 October 2014 at a street party at the corner of Catherine and Mt Vernon Streets, Glebe. VIPs who attended included Jamie Parker (State MP for Balmain), Tania Plibersek (Federal MP for Sydney and Deputy Leader of the Opposition), Cr Robyn Kemmis […]

Centennary of World War 1
Posted on 23rd September 2014

A Glebe Society member, Rod Holtham, has authored a booklet called Glebe and the Great War which is now available at the Glebe Library.

Bidura to Be Sold
Posted on 29th August 2014

The NSW Government proposes to sell Bidura as the site is significantly under-utilised in its current state. The NSW Minister for Finance and Services, Dominic Perrottet is quoted as saying that he expects the property to generate significant interest from developers for a residential project.

Plaques Database – A Goldmine for the Curious
Posted on 29th August 2014

The Glebe Society Plaques Database is now ‘live’. There’s a link from the dropdown menu under ‘History & Heritage”.

Heritage Subcommittee Annual Report 2013/14

Heritage Subcommittee Annual Report 2013/14
Posted on 31st July 2014

Worrying about Heritage and its destruction is nothing new. In 1397 Dick Whittington (Lord Mayor of London) campaigned, inter alia, against watered beer and the destruction of old walls and monuments.1 Centuries later, in an environment where politicians are ‘gung-ho on growth’, we remain concerned about the destruction of our heritage. Heritage concerns are being […]

Has Tom Uren’s Vision Become Permanently Dimmed?
Posted on 31st July 2014

Forty years on, has Tom Uren’s vision become permanently dimmed? On 6 Aug 1974 Tom Uren, the Federal Minister for Urban and Regional Development. A grass roots move to recognise the 40th anniversary of Tom Uren’s leadership and the significance of his foresight in protecting and preserving the Glebe Estate has recently begun. Several events are being planned to commemorate the 40th anniversary.

Heritage Sub-Committee Terms of Reference 2013-14

Heritage Sub-Committee Terms of Reference 2013-14
Posted on 11th May 2014

Click here to view the Terms of Reference for the Heritage Sub-Committee for 2013-14.

Sydney University’s Campus Improvement Program (CIP)
Posted on 27th March 2014

Come 2020, under the proposed Campus Improvement Program, the University wants to replace, inter alia, the Merewether, Wentworth and Wilkinson buildings as well as International House.

What is Heritage?

‘Heritage’ is the tangible evidence of our history, the things we want to keep, not only for our own enjoyment and education but also for future generations.

Building Types
Posted on 24th January 2014

The casual observer can easily identify a wide range of housing types in Glebe, from the Regency mansion, suburban villa, the large terrace, the small single-storey terrace to the freestanding cottage, a diversity reflecting the wide array of occupational groups that have made Glebe their home.

Posted on 24th January 2014

Some of this State’s most influential early architects lived in Glebe and some of their work still survives here

Protection of Heritage
Posted on 24th January 2014

Currently there are 11 items (or groups of items) in Glebe which are listed on the State Heritage Register, which offers the highest level of statutory protection.

At Risk
Posted on 24th January 2014

In November 2013, the NSW Minister for Heritage approved a recommendation from the NSW Heritage Council that the Glebe Island Bridge be placed on the State Heritage Register.
The Glebe Estate and its current parlous condition continues to concern this Society.

Recent Restorations
Posted on 24th January 2014

Glebe Town Hall,
Walter Burley Griffin Incinerator,
Diggers Memorial,
The Tramsheds

The Glebe Society’s Heritage Subcommittee
Posted on 24th January 2014

Our terms of reference : Protect and promote Glebe’s heritage Continue research that will improve the effectiveness of the State Heritage Register as it applies to Glebe Conduct heritage themed events Develop consistent records relating to history and heritage for continued incorporation onto the Glebe Society website Anticipate forthcoming events and other matters of special […]

Miscellaneous Heritage Issues
Posted on 24th January 2014

Heritage trees,
House names,
Industrial archeology

Destroying Our Heritage? Glebe Island Bridge
Posted on 5th November 2013

‘Oh, no!’ I recoiled when I heard that the NSW Government was planning to sell two iconic heritage buildings in Bridge St, Sydney. My second thought, just a moment later, was ‘Yeah, well, governments don’t have a good track record as custodians of heritage items! Perhaps, the private sector may do better.’

New Planning Proposals: Heritage Gone AWOL?
Posted on 27th June 2013

Incredibly, the NSW Government’s planning White Paper scarcely mentions the word “heritage.” Perhaps this is not surprising as so often in the past NSW has exhibited a cavalier attitude to its heritage and history. Some particular concerns relating to heritage …

Submission to Federal Government’s Australian Heritage Strategy

Submission to Federal Government’s Australian Heritage Strategy
Posted on 25th June 2012

The Glebe Society has responded to the Federal Government’s call for proposals about an Australian Heritage Strategy with a submission that argued that an expanded role for community organisations is needed; addressed the questions set out in the consultation report and by using the Glebe Society as a case of what could be done, showed how this might be funded and arranged.

House Names
Posted on 15th June 2009

Mayfair … Hartford … Carlyle … Florence … Gaza … Morocco … Minnesota … Montana … An itinerary to distant and exotic places? No, Glebe house names!

Houses were often known by their names in the days before the numbering of houses became fully systematised early in the 20th century.

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