Bays & Foreshores – Page 4 – The Glebe Society

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Bays & Foreshores

NSW Maritime announces plan for Blackwattle Bay wharves

NSW Maritime announces plan for Blackwattle Bay wharves
Posted on 27th May 2010

NSW Maritime announced the successful bid for development of the Blackwattle Bay wharves on 27 May, 2010. The announcement is light on detail, but judging by the artist’s impression the concerns previous expressed by the Blackwattle Coalition (BCC) are justified.

Secondary College walkway

Secondary College walkway
Posted on 18th May 2010

The Glebe Society is actively pursuing the completion by Sydney City Council of the foreshore walk in front of the Blackwattle Campus of the Sydney Secondary College. This final section of the Glebe foreshore walk had been scheduled to follow completion of the major section that ends at the rowing clubs. However delays occurred – […]

Heritage Fleet may move to Pyrmont

Heritage Fleet may move to Pyrmont
Posted on 18th May 2010

A move to Pyrmont is on the cards for the Sydney Heritage Fleet. For several years the Fleet has been under notice from NSW Maritime to move from its current site in Rozelle Bay. This site is quite valuable and clearly the Government would prefer to lease it to a commercial tenant. The site suggested […]

Blackwattle Bay wharves

Blackwattle Bay wharves
Posted on 18th May 2010

The announcement of Government assistance to the Fish Market redevelopment has prompted the Blackwattle Cove Coalition (BCC) to wonder what is happening with the adjacent Blackwattle Bay wharves. Some time ago NSW Maritime sought registrations of interest in the development of sites known as B1 and B2 – the derelict coal bunker and the wharves […]

Preservation and protection a priority

Preservation and protection a priority
Posted on 17th May 2010

Glebe has extensive foreshores stretching from the beginning of Pyrmont Bridge Road opposite Wentworth Park to the head of Rozelle Bay.  The  adjoining foreshores in Pyrmont and Rozelle are also important as they are highly visible from Glebe and link to the walk and cycleways that fringe Glebe's shores.  The preservation of these foreshores for […]

Cafe DA approved for Bellevue

Cafe DA approved for Bellevue
Posted on 4th May 2010

The City of Sydney Planning Committee has approved a development application for a cafe at Bellevue, the 19th century cottage on Glebe Point. A previous application had been refused in 2008 following objections from a number of nearby residents on grounds of traffic, parking and noise. The current proposal is for a cafe with seating […]

The Bays Precinct Campaign

The Bays Precinct Campaign
Posted on 29th April 2010

The community campaign around the Bays Precinct is about to move into a new phase. The Community Reference Group has provided its advice on the future development of the Bays Precinct to the Government and our next major step will be to hold a public meeting in late June to brief our communities on this advice, and discuss ways in which the community can influence current developments in the Bays and get action on our recommendations.

At last – an upgrade for the Fish Market

At last – an upgrade for the Fish Market
Posted on 29th April 2010

How things can change when there is an election in the offing! On 7 April the Government announced that it would contribute $20 million to the redevelopment of one of Sydney’s iconic locations – the Fish Market at Pyrmont. Together with $20 million from the company that runs the market, this will provide improvements to vehicle access, parking, additional wholesale and retail facilities and, from the public’s perspective a waterfront park and promenade along with a repaired sea wall and a reduction in the market’s characteristic odour.

Wentworth Park – the walls come tumbling down

Wentworth Park – the walls come tumbling down
Posted on 29th April 2010

Sydney City Council and the Wentworth Park Sporting Complex Trust are about to finalise plans to rebuild the eastern (Wattle Street) entrance to the complex, and planning is proceeding to replace the northern (Blackwattle Bay) wall. By 2013 the last remnants of the concrete block and barbed wire battlements should have disappeared.

State Government will now consult on Bays precinct

State Government will now consult on Bays precinct
Posted on 9th September 2009

Further to our recent report on this website of (20 August), where Glebe Society President Lesley Lynch was very critical of the State Government’s consultation process on the Bays Precinct, the Inner West Courier of 10 September had the following encouraging article: The community campaign to give the people a say over planning for the […]

Proposed development Blackwattle Bay contravenes planning guidelines

Proposed development Blackwattle Bay contravenes planning guidelines
Posted on 22nd August 2009

The NSW Government has announced a preferred developer for two of the three sites on Blackwattle Bay between the Sydney Fish Market and Glebe.  Information available publicly at the moment suggests the proposed development will contravene one of the major design principles for the site. The site comprises the old coal bunker adjacent to the […]

Bays Precinct community consultation: another failure?

Bays Precinct community consultation: another failure?
Posted on 20th August 2009

The Glebe Society is concerned about the consultative process put in place for future development of “The Bays Precinct”. In a Press statement issued on 17 August, President Lesley Lynch said (in part): “The events of the last two weeks have left us disappointed and frustrated. Yet again the NSW Government seems unable to manage […]

Threat to historic Glebe Island Bridge

Threat to historic Glebe Island Bridge
Posted on 20th June 2009

THE historic Glebe Island Bridge is under threat, with the Roads and Traffic Authority believed to be considering a proposal to demolish it to save on maintenance costs, says the Glebe Society.

The Bays

The Bays
Posted on 18th June 2009

Blackwattle and Rozelle Bays are unique in Sydney Harbour and more akin to a lake system, with a narrow, shared entrance that permits only a slow exchange of water with the main harbour. Their ecology is especially fragile and has suffered great damage from industries of earlier years. Restoration of water quality in Rozelle and […]

Blackwattle Bay

Blackwattle Bay
Posted on 17th February 2009

NSW is seeking proposals for the development and long-term lease of land and water area for maritime-related operational and commercial/retail use at the southern end of Blackwattle Bay between the Hanson concrete facility and the Sydney Fish Market.

Bellevue pontoon completed

Bellevue pontoon completed
Posted on 17th February 2009

Another part of the Blackwattle Bay foreshore walk has begun to fall into place with the completion of work on the boat pontoon near Bellevue. However the news about the southern end of the foreshore walk is not so encouraging.

Foreshore walk – work starts of Belleveue pontoon

Foreshore walk – work starts of Belleveue pontoon
Posted on 17th February 2009

Another part of the Blackwattle Bay foreshore walk has begun to fall into place with the start of work on the boat pontoon near Bellevue. The pontoon is intended for small boats, such as water taxis, and hopefully will one day allow visitors to arrive by water at whatever facility eventuates at Bellevue now the […]

Tempory Move of Overseas Passenger Terminal to White Bay

Tempory Move of Overseas Passenger Terminal to White Bay
Posted on 27th January 2009

The Cruise Passenger Terminal at Darling harbour will be temporarily located at White Bay Wharves 4 and 5 whilst work is undertaken on Barangaroo. Consideration of whether the terminal will remain at White Bay will be undertaken as part of the master planning of the area, following consultation with the community.

Wentworth Park Celebration

Wentworth Park Celebration
Posted on 20th June 2008

“Second only to the Botanical Gardens as a recreation ground”: Max Solling tells the story of the ups and downs of Wentworth Park
Read the full text of Max Solling’s talk at the Wentworth Park Community Games Day, Sunday 18 May 2008.

Government Taskforce to Advise on Development of Our Bay

Government Taskforce to Advise on Development of Our Bay
Posted on 14th May 2008

The Minister for Planning, Frank Sartor, has confirmed that the Government has established a taskforce to advise on the range of development scenarios for the ‘Bays Precinct’ (including Glebe Island, White Bay including the disused power station, Rozelle Bay and Blackwattle Bay).

Dry Boat Storage Plan Approved by Minister

Dry Boat Storage Plan Approved by Minister
Posted on 17th April 2008

The Minister for Planning, Frank Sartor, has approved plans for Australia’s largest boat storage facility to be built on the shores of Rozelle Bay. In his announcement on 23 May 2007, Mr Sartor said he had applied "a series of strict controls following community consultation." (Click here to read the full text of Mr Sartor’s […]

Government taskforce to advise on development of our bays

Government taskforce to advise on development of our bays
Posted on 18th November 2007

The Minister for Planning, Frank Sartor, has confirmed that the Government has established a taskforce to advise on the range of development scenarios for the ‘Bays Precinct’ (including Glebe Island, White Bay including the disused power station, Rozelle Bay and Blackwattle Bay). The taskforce comprises the Coordinator General (chair), Department of Planning, SHFA, Sydney Ports […]

Bellevue reopens

Bellevue reopens
Posted on 3rd March 2007

It was a time for celebration , with the official opening of the restored Bellevue in Blackwattle Bay Park on Saturday 3 March, 2007. The elegant style of the occasion was in keeping with appearance of the building itself. Those who arrived early enough sat at tables with covered with gleaming white tablecloths. Smartly dressed […]

Slipways Slips in Another One

Slipways Slips in Another One
Posted on 18th August 2007

Sydney Slipways, which was given approval last year by the Minister for Planning, Frank Sartor, has asked for a variation to extend their anchorage limit by 6m in the southerly direction by the side of the old Glebe Island Bridge. This may sound a small amount but the total distance to the other bank in […]

Wentworth Park Policy Statement

Wentworth Park Policy Statement
Posted on 14th March 2007

This document should be read in association with the Society's Bays and Foreshores Policy and the mission statement of the Blackwattle Cove Coalition. The Policy Statement was presented to the Glebe Society Management Committee meeting on 14 March 2007, and was subsequently published in the Bulletin.   The Glebe Society is one of the contributing […]

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