2023 – Page 4 – The Glebe Society

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Yearly Archives: 2023

Glebe’s Blue Plaque nominations: Sir Douglas Mawson

Posted on 30th April 2023

Sir Douglas Mawson, a key figure in Antarctic exploration, lived in Glebe for much of his youth. 28 Toxteth Rd was his home while he was a student at Sydney University. This is the thirteenth site nominated by the Society for a Blue Plaque.

Max Solling’s 2023 ANZAC Day Address

Posted on 30th April 2023

Historian Max Solling spoke to a large gathering of residents at the Glebe War Memorial on 25 April. this year. He described the identity of Glebe during the World Wars and gave an insight into the daily lives of its residents.  He also spoke of the evolution of war literature, in particular the memoirs of prisoners of war, stories he says ‘rarely rate a mention in the military histories of Australia.’

Glebe’s Hill and its flora and fauna

Posted on 29th April 2023

Learn more about the study of the fauna and flora of Glebe’s Hill, on Sunday 7 May. The Hill is a patch of contaminated crown land on the northern side of the Tramsheds. A City of Sydney grant to the Society will fund an investigation by biological scientists from the University of Sydney.

St Helen’s Open Day

Posted on 30th April 2023

St Helen’s Community Centre Open Day Friday 12 May: Enjoy a light lunch and hear from local community groups and organisations about services and activities you’ll want to know about.

Next Players in the Pub: The Harold, Tues 16 May

Posted on 29th April 2023

Set in the staff room of an all-girl school, Morning Sacrifice by Dymphna Cusack interrogates the stifling sexual morality of post-War Australia.

Unravelling the biodiversity secrets and potential of ‘The Hill’

Posted on 26th March 2023

How will the biosleuths discover the fauna and flora living on ‘The Hill’ on the northern side of the Tramsheds?  Find out at a free talk on 7 May 2023.

Updates from the volunteer bushcare groups

Posted on 27th March 2023

The volunteer bushcare groups have been busy and have some advice on how to stop your moggy attacking birds.

From the President – May 2023

Posted on 29th April 2023

In his monthly report, Ian Stephenson, President of the Glebe Society, welcomes the new government’s decision to place a moratorium on the sale of historic housing in the St Phillips and Lyndhurst Estates. And he’s come up with a new name for the developments in Cowper St and Wentworth Park Rd.

Glebe’s upcoming 2023 Anzac Day Service

Posted on 27th March 2023

Anzac Day this year will be observed in Glebe with a service at the Diggers’ Memorial in Foley Park commencing at 7.30 am. The service will be followed by morning tea. Everyone is welcome to attend.

From the President – April 2023

Posted on 28th March 2023

Labor had a victory in the recent election and, despite a swing of nearly 8% against them, the Greens have held the seat of Balmain in which Glebe and Forest Lodge are located. In his monthly report, the President of the Society, Ian Stephenson, thanks Jamie Parker, the retiring MP, and welcomes his successor, Kobi Shetty.

Mystery photo – April 2023

Posted on 26th March 2023

Try your hand at the April 2023 Mystery Photo – from 1937.

Players in the Pub – April 2023

Posted on 27th March 2023

‘A Handbag??’ Lady Bracknell’s famous line from Oscar Wilde’s ‘The Importance of Being Ernest’. That’s the next production by the Players in the Pub.

2023 Glebe Annual Book Sale

Posted on 27th March 2023

Support Glebe Public School by buying some books at the Glebe Annual Book Sale, 1-2 April

Postcode 2037 in Facts and Figures

Posted on 27th March 2023

Historian Lyn Collingwood has been taking a closer look at what the census tells us about how the people of postcode 2037 have changed over the years. Shock! Horror! In the 2021 census 61% of the population opted for ‘no religious affiliation’. And adults with a Bachelor degree or above totalled 54.5% of the population – nearly double the State average.

The 34th Annual Glebe Music Festival 2023

Posted on 27th March 2023

Here’s the full program for this year’s Glebe Music Festival starting 27 October 2023.

Welcome to the new look Bulletin

Posted on 26th February 2023

The Bulletin has a new format. Instead of being emailed to you as a pdf document, the publication is now sent by Mailchimp. Each story has its own headline and an introductory paragraph like this one and then a link (‘read more’) to the full story. You can still find a complete pdf of the latest Bulletin on the website under Latest Bulletin.

We need a commitment by Government to restore Glebe Island Bridge

Posted on 28th February 2023

The old nursery rhyme goes: “London Bridge is falling down”, and the song could be suitably modified to refer to the tragic state of the Glebe Island Bridge today. In this article the former President of the Glebe Society, Janet Wahlquist, calls for a commitment from NSW politicians seeking election on March 25 to guarantee funding for the renovation of the Bridge as a priority.

State Election – 25 March 2023

Posted on 5th March 2023

NSW goes to the polls on 25 March and there will be intense interest in the seat of Balmain, which includes Glebe and Forest Lodge. Jamie Parker, the sitting member, has decided to stand down after nearly 12 years in the job and pundits are wondering whether Kobi Shetty, the Greens candidate, will inherit his personal popularity. The Glebe Society is hosting a debate between the candidates for the seat at the Glebe Town Hall at 11.00am on Sunday 12 March.

Original porch substantially retained

Posted on 28th February 2023

The Society has successfully submitted that the adaptation of the front porch of St James Hall, Woolley St, be redesigned to retain as much as possible of the original porch. A sensible decision.

Mystery Photo – March 2023

Posted on 5th March 2023

Each month Bulletin readers are invited to guess the location of a photo selected from various archives of Glebe and Forest Lodge. Can you guess where this photo was taken?

From the President

Posted on 2nd March 2023

An update from Ian Stephenson, President of the Glebe Society, about recent community activities and issues of interest to members.

News from the Blue Wrens

Posted on 27th February 2023

‘The Hill’ is a fenced-off area of contaminated Crown land on the northern side of the Tramsheds at Forest Lodge. The Glebe Society has successfully applied for a grant from the City of Sydney to sponsor the recording of wildlife with a view to creating an undisturbed urban nature refuge in the Johnstons Creek corridor, where plants and native wildlife are protected from disturbance.

Remembering Tibby Cotter

Posted on 2nd March 2023

The eleventh site nominated for a Blue Plaque by the Glebe Society is Monteith at 266 Glebe Point Road, where the famous cricketer Albert ‘Tibby’ Cotter lived. Blue Plaques are part of a NSW Government program that aims to capture public interest in and fascination with people, events and places that are important to the stories of NSW.

Centipede Needs Your Help

Posted on 27th February 2023

Centipede is an out-of-school hours program operating at Glebe Public School, providing an essential service available to all children in the Glebe community. Centipede reflects the diversity of the community, with a large number of families coming from lower socioeconomic households.

International Women’s Day Cultural Food Experience

Posted on 27th February 2023

To celebrate International Women’s Day a gathering has been planned at St Helen’s Community Centre on Wednesday 8 March from 11.45am to 3.00pm. Numbers are limited – you’ll need to book.

Bicycles and One-Way Streets

Posted on 5th March 2023

As reported in the November 2022 issue of the Bulletin, the City Council called for submissions on its plan to allow cyclists to travel on some roads in an opposite direction to a one-way traffic sign. In response to our members’ concerns the Glebe Society made a detailed submission that opposed the plan for 10 of the 15 proposed streets in Glebe and Forest Lodge. On 16 February the Council approved the plan for all of the proposed streets.

Welcoming the Year of the Water Rabbit

Posted on 27th February 2023

Residents and visitors to Glebe may be aware of the Sze Yup Temple at the northern end of the suburb between Victoria Road and Eglington Lane. As historian Lyn Collingwood relates in this article, the spiritual and cultural centre was thronged with visitors in February to celebrate the Chinese New Year

Having your cake and eating it too

Posted on 28th March 2023

Is it possible to build new social housing to fit in with a heritage conservation area? In this article Ian Stephenson, President of the Glebe Society, argues that the plan for the demolition of 82 Wentworth Park Rd is a case of not managing public assets in an intelligent manner.

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