2009 – The Glebe Society

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Yearly Archives: 2009

40th Anniversary Parties 2009 Photo Album

Posted on 31st July 2009

During 2009, the Glebe Society celebrated the 40th anniversay of its founding in 1969.

Heritage Policies

Heritage Policies

Posted on 1st June 2009

The Glebe Society’s constitution includes opposing developments detrimental to our heritage conservation values, preserving and enhancing the natural and architectural character of Glebe by encouraging the protection of heritage in town planning, architectural and conservation practices, promoting an interest in heritage conservation and appropriate maintenance practices, and stimulating interest in the historical character of Glebe by encouraging research into the history of the area.

The 2010 Sydney Shakespeare Festival

The 2010 Sydney Shakespeare Festival

Posted on 24th November 2009

The 2010 Sydney Shakespeare Festival featuring Twelfth Night and The Merchant of Venice is fast approaching…

Christmas Party – Friday 11th December

Christmas Party – Friday 11th December

Posted on 16th November 2009

Come one, come all, to this year’s Christmas Party. It’s a celebration of the season and a final knees up occasion to mark the end of the Glebe Sesquicentenary year and the Glebe Society’s 40th Anniversary. This year it will be held at the Wentworth Park centre on Friday 11th December.

Harold Park redevelopment – Community Consultation – 2nd December

Harold Park redevelopment – Community Consultation – 2nd December

Posted on 15th November 2009

A Community Update on the planning process for the redevelopment of Harold Park will be held on Wednesday 2nd December 2009 at St Scholastica’s College from 6.30 till 7.30 p.m.

Glebe Public School Trivia Night – Friday 4th December

Glebe Public School Trivia Night – Friday 4th December

Posted on 14th November 2009

A Trivia Night is being run by Glebe Public School’s P&C to raise funds for a stove and Year 6 class camp.
It is on Friday 4 December, 7-10 pm at the Glebe Rowing Club, end of Ferry Road.

Homework helpers sought

Homework helpers sought

Posted on 8th November 2009

The Homework Helpers Club meets on a Thursday at the Old Fire Station (Mitchell St, Glebe), between 3.15pm and 5.00pm. We provide assistance with homework to local primary school children from St. James Primary School, Glebe Public School and Forest Lodge Public Schools.

Good Neigbourhood BBQ, Minogue Reserve – Sunday 29th November

Good Neigbourhood BBQ, Minogue Reserve – Sunday 29th November

Posted on 7th November 2009

The City of Sydney and the NSW Police are hosting a series of “Good Neighbour BBQs”. Come along and meet your neigbours and learn about what we are doing to improve your neighbours. The days will feature Australian Wildlife Displays, live music, children’s activities, a free BBQ, and information on safety and security initiatives in your area.

English choral music at St Scholastica’s college – 22nd November

English choral music at St Scholastica’s college – 22nd November

Posted on 7th November 2009

Bel a cappella: an Evening Hymn, a celebration of English choral music, in the exquisite acoustics of St Scholastica’s Chapel, Glebe on Sunday 22nd November.

Glebe Street Fair – Sunday 15th November

Glebe Street Fair – Sunday 15th November

Posted on 17th October 2009

The annual Glebe Street Fair will be held on Sunday 15th November 2009, from 10.00 a.m. till 5.00 p.m. on Glebe Point Road itself, from Broadway to Bridge Road.

Rally against Development in Camperdown – Sunday 29th November

Rally against Development in Camperdown – Sunday 29th November

Posted on 6th November 2009

The Glebe Society has received a request to distribute notice of a rally to protest against elements of the Common Ground proposal in Camperdown. Though it is not in Glebe, the issue is an important one and some members may wish to attend the rally. See below. Lesley Lynch, President.

Guided History Walk of Glebe – 18th October

Guided History Walk of Glebe – 18th October

Posted on 12th October 2009

Come and join the History Walk on 18th October and find out more about our many wonderful heritage buildings.
The Walk will start at Benledi, 186 Glebe Point Road, at 1.30 p.m. and will take about two hours. It will be followed by afternoon tea at Benledi from 3.30pm to 5pm and a talk by our local historian, Max Solling.

Glebe Music Festival – 8th Nov to 8th Dec

Glebe Music Festival – 8th Nov to 8th Dec

Posted on 9th October 2009

The 20th Annual Glebe Music Festival, 8th November to 6th December 2009, again brings local and international artists together for a celebration of music in unique venues in and around the Glebe community.

Harold Park Rezoning – Glebe Society’s Views

Harold Park Rezoning – Glebe Society’s Views

Posted on 27th September 2009

In June 2009 the City of Sydney decided the rezoning and development of panning controls for Harold Park would be done through a site specific plan. A specific LEP and DCP will be prepared and the city planners expect the process to take at least 12 months. The Glebe Society met with Council planning officers in July and presented some preliminary views on acceptable planning principles which had emerged from discussions within the society and with interested locals. A summary of these is reprinted below.

Foley Park & Wireless House Launch – 26th September

Foley Park & Wireless House Launch – 26th September

Posted on 21st September 2009

The City of Sydney will officially open both the renewed Foley Park and the Wireless House on Saturday 26th September at 11.00 a.m.

Wentworth Park Games – 27th September

Wentworth Park Games – 27th September

Posted on 20th September 2009

The Wentworth Park Games will be held again this year on Sunday 27th September 2009, at Wentworth Park. Bring your family and friends and join the fun. There will be community games with teams representing Glebe and Forest Lodge competing with Pyrmont and Ultimo, dog races for your family pet and heritage displays. The Wentworth Park Games gives residents of Glebe, Forest Lodge, Pyrmont and Ultimo a chance to rediscover this great park. The day features a wide variety of fun sporting events and displays to celebrate the history of our wonderful park.

Donation of cakes requested by Glebe Public School P&C

Donation of cakes requested by Glebe Public School P&C

Posted on 16th September 2009

The Glebe Public School P&C Association is holding a cake stall at the Park Games Day on Sunday 27 September.

Join the fun and festivities at the Games and support the Glebe Public School’s Parents and Citizens by baking a cake for sale at the P&C stall. The P&C would welcome assistance in their efforts to raise funds, and the Glebe Society supports this request.

Bellevue – DA lodged, submissions close 24th September

Bellevue – DA lodged, submissions close 24th September

Posted on 11th September 2009

A Development Application has been lodged with the City of Sydney in relation to Bellevue, for a proposal to use it as a cafe. Submissions are invited, closing date of 24th September 2009. All the detailed documents in relation to the proposal can be found at:

State Government will now consult on Bays precinct

State Government will now consult on Bays precinct

Posted on 9th September 2009

Further to our recent report on this website of (20 August), where Glebe Society President Lesley Lynch was very critical of the State Government’s consultation process on the Bays Precinct, the Inner West Courier of 10 September had the following encouraging article: The community campaign to give the people a say over planning for the […]

History Week events at Callan Park – 12th September

History Week events at Callan Park – 12th September

Posted on 8th September 2009

By popular demand the much loved history week is on again this year with a Callan Park and Broughton Hall tour followed by a forum and afternoon tea. Bookings are essential. Full details below.

Sydney Council Community Forum – 7th September

Sydney Council Community Forum – 7th September

Posted on 3rd September 2009

The City of Sydney’s North West community forum (for Camperdown, Forest Lodge, Glebe and Annandale residents) on Monday 7 September at Glebe Town Hall will include updates on the on work now underway in Foley Park, Glebe and planned improvements to Glebe Town Hall to make it more accessible.

Glebe Society AGM – Honorary Life Memberships awarded – 30th August 2009

Glebe Society AGM – Honorary Life Memberships awarded – 30th August 2009

Posted on 2nd September 2009

The 40th AGM of The Glebe Society Inc. was held on Saturday 30th August at Benledi. It was very well attended – in fact the meeting room was filled to capacity. One of the highlights of the meeting was the awarding of Honorary Life Memberships to two members, Liz Simpson-Booker and Eric Sandblom, as well as a Glebe Society Commendation to Bobbie Burke.

Glebe Society Annual General Meeting – 30th August 2009

Glebe Society Annual General Meeting – 30th August 2009

Posted on 23rd August 2009

The Glebe Society’s annual general meeting will be held at Benledi, 186 Glebe Point Road (next to the Library), on Sunday 30 August 2009 at 11 am. Follow this link to read the agenda.

Proposed development Blackwattle Bay contravenes planning guidelines

Proposed development Blackwattle Bay contravenes planning guidelines

Posted on 22nd August 2009

The NSW Government has announced a preferred developer for two of the three sites on Blackwattle Bay between the Sydney Fish Market and Glebe.  Information available publicly at the moment suggests the proposed development will contravene one of the major design principles for the site. The site comprises the old coal bunker adjacent to the […]

Rowing Regatta on Blackwattle Bay – 29th August

Rowing Regatta on Blackwattle Bay – 29th August

Posted on 22nd August 2009

Celebrate the Glebe Sesquicentenary with a Rowing Regatta on Blackwattle Bay, on Saturday 29th August, starting at 10.00 a.m.

To mark their role in the sporting history of Glebe, The Glebe Rowing Club (formed in 1879) and The Sydney University Women’s Rowing Club (formed in 1967) are combining to hold a Rowing Regatta on Blackwattle Bay – the first for over ten years!

Bays Precinct community consultation: another failure?

Bays Precinct community consultation: another failure?

Posted on 20th August 2009

The Glebe Society is concerned about the consultative process put in place for future development of “The Bays Precinct”. In a Press statement issued on 17 August, President Lesley Lynch said (in part): “The events of the last two weeks have left us disappointed and frustrated. Yet again the NSW Government seems unable to manage […]

Glebe Sesquicentenary – Glebe Hockey Club Event – 15th August

Glebe Sesquicentenary – Glebe Hockey Club Event – 15th August

Posted on 8th August 2009

Come celebrate Hockey Event at Jubilee Park on Saturday 15th August
starting at 9.30 am

Glebe Sesquicentenary – Glebe Sesqui Art Show – 6th August

Glebe Sesquicentenary – Glebe Sesqui Art Show – 6th August

Posted on 5th August 2009

The official opening of the Sesqui Show at Gallery Adagio, 91 Glebe Point Road will be on
Thursday 6th August, 6.00PM – 8.00PM

Glebe Bytes – stories from the neighbourhood – 5th August

Glebe Bytes – stories from the neighbourhood – 5th August

Posted on 2nd August 2009

Glebe Bytes – Launching stories from the neighbourhood, Wednesday 5 August 12:30pm at Glebe Youth Service, 84 Glebe Point Road. All welcome

Program for Glebe 150th aniversary of local government celebrations

Program for Glebe 150th aniversary of local government celebrations

Posted on 16th July 2009

Glebe celebrates the 150th anniversary of local government in the area this year (2009). A wide range of activites have been organised. Follow this link for details.

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