Issues – Page 17 – The Glebe Society

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Anzac Centennary Grant
Posted on 8th May 2015

The Society has received a grant of $28,796 from the Federal Government under the Anzac Centenary Program. The grant is to be used to mount an exhibition entitled Sacrifice, Struggle and Sorrow: Glebe’s Great War 1914-1918. The exhibition will examine the impact of the First World War and its immediate aftermath on the Glebe community.

Lone Pine for Sydney University

Lone Pine for Sydney University
Posted on 8th May 2015

On the eve of Anzac Day, a special planting ceremony took place in the grounds of Sydney University. The Glebe Society had donated a Gallipoli Pine sapling to the University in memory of all who fought, but particularly in memory of the Glebe men who were associated with the University of Sydney as academics, support staff or students and who enlisted in World War I.

Lone Pine for Foley Park
Posted on 8th May 2015

To commemorate the centenary of Anzac, a Lone Pine was planted in Foley Park on Thursday 23 April by Lord Mayor Clover Moore. The pine tree was grown from seed collected from the lone pine at the Australian War Memorial, which in turn was grown with a seed from a pine cone taken from Gallipoli in 1915.

Could We Return a Tram to Glebe Point Rd?
Posted on 28th March 2015

The proposal is to create a very large mural, duplicated from an historic photo, on a large wall near the end of the ‘tram lines’ that are visible in the bitumen in Glebe Point Rd.

The Gallipoli Pine
Posted on 28th March 2015

The Glebe Society has donated a Gallipoli Pine sapling (Pinus halepensis) to the University of Sydney to commemorate those who served in World War I .

Photographs from the Bernard Smith Collection
Posted on 28th March 2015

The City of Sydney has digitised the Bernard Smith Collection of photographs of Glebe. The collection of about five hundred images catalogues Glebe’s built environment ca 1970. The photographs can be viewed on the City of Sydney website.

Flowerpots for Diversity
Posted on 28th March 2015

Enter the flower pot: the latest in habitat creation.

News from the Blue Wrens Subcommittee – March 2015
Posted on 28th March 2015

A major difficulty for the Glebe Bushcare Group has been the arrival of groups of backpackers/campers who are now living in the parking area near the wetlands adjacent to Chapman Rd.
The City has completed the restoration and repair of the wall on the western boundary of the John Street Reserve and the native flora in the adjacent area is thriving.

What Will Happen to the Bidura Children’s Court?
Posted on 28th March 2015

A number of people have asked the Society what will happen to the Children’s Court as a result of the sale of the Bidura site. I was told that the Children’s Court is being relocated to the Albion St Children’s Court site, which was closed in 1983 when Bidura Children’s Court opened.

The Abbey site, 156 Bridge Rd

The Abbey site, 156 Bridge Rd
Posted on 28th March 2015

The derelict cottage, Hamilton, one of the buildings of Ferdinand Reuss Jr, would be demolished and the site excavated to permit underground car parking. The cottage would then be rebuilt on the original footprint and with the same height and design. This is now taking place in accordance with the approval.

An Inner West Transport Solution?
Posted on 28th March 2015

The inner West faces worsening traffic congestion with redevelopment of the Bays Area and Plans for WestConnex to feed vehicles onto the Anzac Bridge and Victoria Rd.
Yet there is a simple, low-cost way to reduce congestion in our neighbourhood: re-open Glebe Island Bridge as a level, broad, safe pedestrian link between Rozelle and Pyrmont.

Glebe Society Response to the Social Housing Discussion Paper

Glebe Society Response to the Social Housing Discussion Paper
Posted on 23rd March 2015

The NSW social housing system faces many challenges – funding is decreasing, operating costs are rising and homes are ageing. This makes it difficult to maintain existing properties as well as to build more homes to meet the increasing demand for housing assistance. The NSW Government has released a paper, “Social Housing in NSW: a […]

International Focus on Glebe
Posted on 14th March 2015

Glebe’s charms are about to be given an international focus through two separate projects, one interested in Glebe Walks, and the other in St Helen’s Community Garden.

News from the Blue Wren Subcommittee – February 2015

News from the Blue Wren Subcommittee – February 2015
Posted on 14th March 2015

At our February meeting, the possibility of a future capture and release programme to reintroduce blue wrens into Glebe was discussed. It is planned to hold initial discussions with Bird Life Australia about the mechanisms for such a translocation of a bird species.

Bidura Site Redevelopment
Posted on 14th March 2015

ACC Development, which purchased the site, and its two owners are reported as saying they wish to retain the Heritage-listed buildings, but demolish the concrete building at the rear to build ‘a more modern, nicer block of apartments for the area. We, too, want to make sure we build something respectful to the area’. This will also mean staying within the City’s development controls for the site.

Planning Matters (March 2015)

Planning Matters (March 2015)
Posted on 14th March 2015

R J Williams Lodge (274-6 Glebe Point Rd), Durham Court (417 Glebe Point Rd) and Former Nurses’ Home (184 Glebe Point Rd)

The Wall at Forest Lodge School
Posted on 1st March 2015

Shortly before Christmas, the Principal of Forest Lodge Public School took issue with a few of the points made by Liz Simpson-Booker in her article in Bulletin No. 10 of 2014, page 7, ‘From the Terraces – Unsightly!’.

No WestConnex!
Posted on 14th March 2015

There is growing community opposition to the WestConnex road project which is fast becoming an issue in the run up to the State Government elections due on 28 March.

Taking Part in the Garage Sale Trail
Posted on 8th December 2014

We called our garage sale ‘Glebe Grunge and Glory’ and were able to use the Glebe Justice Centre building on St Johns Rd as the venue. Held on Saturday 25 October, a dazzling range of pre-loved goods was offered for sale or donation.

News from the Blue Wren Subcommittee – December 2014

News from the Blue Wren Subcommittee – December 2014
Posted on 8th December 2014

Under the leadership of Sophie Golding, Urban Ecology Coordinator, City of Sydney, 16 keen birders undertook a bird survey in seven of our local parks or reserves….

Glebe Island Bridge Web Site
Posted on 8th December 2014

The Glebe Society has established a website at to celebrate the potential of the heritage-listed Glebe Island Bridge in grid-locked inner Sydney. The bridge potentially offers pedestrians and cyclists a safe, level and picturesque alternative to the noisy and traffic-laden Anzac Bridge.

December 2014

December 2014
Posted on 8th December 2014

Undoubtedly, the most significant matter this month has been the so-called Bays and Foreshores Experts Summit on 19 and 20 November. The development of this huge site is going to affect all of us and our families for the next 30 years at least, and it is important that the government gets it right by actually listening to the community.

87 Bay Street (Beauty College Site)
Posted on 8th December 2014

The City has decided to rezone 87 Bay St, with the aim of permitting greater height and density, but including a significant amount of affordable housing. … The proposal consists of a two-storey podium, mainly for commercial uses, and a series of towers to accommodate 213 units, of which 25 are affordable.

Terrific Summit! Now What??
Posted on 8th December 2014

It was a terrific Summit. Almost all the presentations from the overseas experts were both fascinating and highly relevant. UrbanGrowth had gathered an impressive array of experts from around the world with hands-on experience of very similar urban renewal projects and their analyses of what worked and what didn’t were sharply relevant to our context.

Habitat Restoration for Blue Wrens

Habitat Restoration for Blue Wrens
Posted on 4th November 2014

Light rail corridor to be made blue wren-friendly and restoring habitat in blue wren corridor – John Street Reserve

Varied Habitat along Foreshore Walk
Posted on 4th November 2014

The City of Sydney has included in the landscaping design a number of features to provide improved habitat for both plant and animal life. As well as planting hundreds of shrubs and native grasses to provide habitat for small birds and animals, the edge of the foreshore has been improved to create saltwater mangroves and endangered coastal salt marsh habitats.

Opening of the Glebe Foreshore Walk “Missing Link”
Posted on 4th November 2014

The latest and the final section of the Glebe Foreshore Walk was officially opened on Saturday 25 October 2014 by Clover Moore.

Commonwealth Bank Promises to Re-open

Commonwealth Bank Promises to Re-open
Posted on 4th November 2014

Alex Perry, manager of the Broadway Branch of the Commonwealth Bank has told the Glebe Society “We are committed to having a branch of the bank in Glebe”.

Bays Precinct Panel

Bays Precinct Panel
Posted on 30th October 2014

On 20 October the University of Sydney Planning Research Centre held a forum to discuss the plan for the Bays.

The Bays Precinct  Peoples’ Campaign to  Protect the Public Interest – Important Meetings

The Bays Precinct Peoples’ Campaign to Protect the Public Interest – Important Meetings
Posted on 27th October 2014

The Bays Precinct People’s Campaign Important Meetings   On the 4th August 2014 over 200 community members met in Glebe Town Hall to consider proposals for a “People’s Campaign” to defend the public interest in the NSW Governments newly announced Bays Precinct Urban Renewal Project. The meeting unanimously endorsed the ‘Peoples Campaign’, a set of essential […]

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