Commencing at 6.45am on Sunday 26 October 2014 and under the leadership of Sophie Golding, Urban Ecology Coordinator, City of Sydney, 16 keen birders undertook a bird survey in seven of our local parks or reserves. The weather was warm and sunny. Highlights included finding three fledgling magpie-larks (peewee; Grallina cyanoleuca) in a nest located on a branch of a Morton Bay fig overhanging Johnstons Creek in Jubilee Park, a magpie using the pedestrian crossing outside Glebe Town Hall to cross St Johns Rd, and a report from local residents of Jarocin Ave that a pair of blue wrens, male and female, visits the street about twice a week, where the vegetation includes a number of Lilli Pillis. At the completion of the survey we all gathered for breakfast at a Glebe cafe. Our survey results will be analysed by Ms Golding and will be published in a future Bulletin.
At our recent Subcommittee meeting, we welcomed Ajenta Vijayanayagam, the newly appointed Environmental Specialist for Transdev Sydney. Ms Vijayanayagam has been appointed to Transdev on an initial six months contract and will assume responsibility for ensuring the company adheres to the environmental aspects of its licensing requirements from the NSW Government. Transdev is keen to work with local bushcare and environmental groups to restore and enhance the habitat for flora and fauna along the light rail corridor. The planned work to be undertaken adjacent to the Glebe light rail stop was discussed, particularly in the light of the formation of the Palmerston Ave and Surrounds Landcare Group. It was agreed that Ms Vijayanayagam would be invited to attend future meetings of the Subcommittee.
The Orphan School Creek Bushcare Group held a successful weeding day, attended by seven volunteers, on Sunday 19 October. Also, seeds were collected from the native flora in the park on Saturday 8 November. Seedling tubes were provided so that the seeds could be taken to members’ homes and germinated; the resultant seedlings will be utilised in the park or will be planted in members’ gardens. The Glebe Bushcare Group continues to gather each Wednesday morning from 8.30am. Further weeding and planting has occurred on the northern side of the wetlands near Johnstons Creek and on the eastern side of the Creek near the bridges.
In John Street Reserve work has commenced on the restoration and repair of the wall on the western boundary of the Reserve. Sue Stevens (the consultant who wrote the Society’s 2008 report Superb Fairy Wren Habitat in Glebe and Forest Lodge – a community based conservation project) has advised the City on suitable native plantings for sites adjacent to the wall. In Paddy Gray Reserve, a continuing issue is the need for the City to establish a regular, published, maintenance program for the Reserve and for the necessary work to be performed by trained bush regenerators. It was agreed that the Society would write to the City asking for it to improve its care and maintenance of the Reserve.
A member of the recently formed Palmerston Ave and Surrounds Landcare Group, was invited to attend our November meeting and reported that an inaugural meeting of the Group had occurred the previous evening and its members had agreed to establish a work plan with the City and Transdev to enhance the flora of the Palmerston Ave and Sarah Pennington Reserves, and the Glebe light rail stop. It was agreed that the Subcommittee would lend the Group our hose so that watering of new plantings could occur and also to provide financial and artwork assistance with preparation of flyers for future distribution to local residents by letter boxing. It was also agreed that a member of the Group would be invited to attend our Subcommittee meetings.
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