Issues – Page 11 – The Glebe Society

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Planning Report (November 2018)

Planning Report (November 2018)
Posted on 3rd December 2018

Sydney Fish Market, Public Participation, Metropolitan Remand Centre, Yelvertoft, Durham Court and Community Consultation

New Sydney Fish Market: Smart Building, Challenged Site
Posted on 3rd December 2018

The design for the new Sydney Fish Market is now on display and Urban Growth NSW is holding public information sessions to boast about its attractive features.

Wentworth Park – a ‘growth centre’?
Posted on 3rd December 2018

Concern has been expressed on the Glebe Society’s Facebook page about the inclusion of Wentworth Park in Urban Growth’s ‘The Bays Growth Area’.

Mysterious Old Graffiti in Lew Hoad Reserve
Posted on 26th November 2018

Can you tell us anything about this old graffiti in Lew Hoad Reserve?

Habitat Garden Guided Walk
Posted on 2nd November 2018

As part of National Bird Week, Sophie Golding, Urban Ecology Coordinator, City of Sydney Council, organised a guided walk in the John Street Reserve Habitat Garden on Saturday morning, 27 October, led by Judy Christie.

History Enquiries from the Website
Posted on 2nd November 2018

Enquiries on Glebe’s history and heritage continue to be received from members of the general public via the Society’s website.

Planning Report (October 2018)

Planning Report (October 2018)
Posted on 2nd November 2018

Durham Court (417 Glebe Point Road), 225-279 Broadway and Bellevue

News from Blue Wren Subcommittee (September 2018)

News from Blue Wren Subcommittee (September 2018)
Posted on 30th September 2018

Habitat gardening walk and talk, the Society’s sixth annual Spring Bird Survey, the Friends of Orphan School Creek Bushcare Group, the Glebe Palmerston and Surrounds Landcare Group, the Ferry Road Bushcare Group and removal of eight Kapok trees.

Do You Have a Den of Foxes Living under Your House?
Posted on 30th September 2018

Foxes have not only been sighted in Glebe, they are suspected of killing two loved, and well-known, pet hens.

Planning Report (September 2018)
Posted on 30th September 2018

232 Glebe Point Rd, 16 Glebe Point Rd, 202 Glebe Point Rd and Bellevue

WestConnex – Now a Fait Accompli
Posted on 30th September 2018

Sadly the WestConnex behemoth can’t be stopped. Construction and destruction are well under way.
Glebe and Forest Lodge have gotten off relatively lightly. There are no construction or property acquisitions proposed in our suburbs.

Fox Sightings in Glebe
Posted on 31st August 2018

A fox has been sighted in Glebe at least twice in the last few weeks. The Facebook post received many comments confirming the sighting, but a letter from John and Jenny Sergeant drew our attention to the serious consequences of feral animals in Glebe.

Blue Wrens Subcommittee Annual Report 2017-2018

Blue Wrens Subcommittee Annual Report 2017-2018
Posted on 31st August 2018

The Subcommittee continued to play a special role in assisting the activities of each of the six volunteer bushcare/landcare groups working in Glebe’s parks.

Planning Subcommittee Annual Report 2017-2018

Planning Subcommittee Annual Report 2017-2018
Posted on 31st August 2018

This report is largely a look at the present and future in the light of the Better Planning Network seminar.

News from the Blue Wrens Subcommittee (August 2018)

News from the Blue Wrens Subcommittee (August 2018)
Posted on 31st August 2018

National Tree Day, the Society’s annual Spring Bird Survey and planting by the Glebe Palmerston and Surrounds Landcare Group.

Transport and Traffic Subcommittee Annual Report 2017-2018
Posted on 6th August 2018

During this year, the Transport and Traffic committee has been involved in a variety of issues, from the WestConnex behemoth to cycling facilities, pedestrian safety and parking management in Glebe and Forest Lodge.

Environment Subcommittee Annual Report 2017-2018
Posted on 6th August 2018

The Glebe Society joined the War on Waste, and focussed on reducing the use of disposable coffee cups in Glebe.
The environment subcommittee was particularly concerned about the proposal for Blackwattle Bay Marina, trading as All Occasion Cruises, to move to 5 Bank St Pyrmont.

Heritage Subcommittee Annual Report 2017-2018
Posted on 6th August 2018

One matter that has been under consideration for the whole year is the proposed redevelopment of the former Remand Centre behind Bidura. Another development that has attracted a considerable amount of community concern is the proposal to establish a restaurant and café in Bellevue, previously occupied as the Blackwattle Café.

News from the Blue Wrens Subcommittee (July 2018)

News from the Blue Wrens Subcommittee (July 2018)
Posted on 6th August 2018

Several members of the Orphan School Creek Bush Care group attended the Lord Mayor’s Reception for volunteers and several representatives of bush care groups attended the presentation of a report on the survey the City of Sydney had commissioned to review reptiles and amphibians in the local government area.

Planning Report (August 2018)
Posted on 6th August 2018

Naturalisation of Johnstons Creek, Harold Park, Affordable Housing, Better Planning Network Seminar, 13-15 Ross St and Glebe Point Rd Main Street Study (Stage 2)

City of Sydney’s Safety Audit of Glebe and Forest Lodge
Posted on 19th July 2018

The City of Sydney, in partnership with local police, are doing a safety audit. The Glebe Society’s scope for input is to present our top three priorities for possible inclusion in the audit at a stakeholder meeting on 31 July. 

Mystery Surrounds Empty Building
Posted on 5th July 2018

For more than a year the Glebe Society has been inquiring about the deserted building at 274 Glebe Point Rd.

Where to ‘Redcycle’ Your Soft Plastics
Posted on 5th July 2018

If you’re not already doing it, you can recycle soft plastics by taking them to Coles at Broadway and putting them in the ‘Redcycle’ bin.

Planning Report (July 2018)
Posted on 5th July 2018

Tramsheds Growers’ Market, Harold Park and Proposed Amendment to DCP 2012: Broadway between Glebe Point Rd and former Grace Bros

“The Glebe Estate” an extract by Gough Whitlam

“The Glebe Estate” an extract by Gough Whitlam
Posted on 7th June 2018

An extract from The Whitlam Government, 1972-1975, E.G. Whitlam, Penguin Books Australia, 1985 “Few places in Australia are richer in history than the inner-Sydney suburb of Glebe. The area was first surveyed in 1790, two and a half years after Governor Phillip established the penal colony at Sydney town. The name was acquired when approximately […]

Volunteers Needed for Paddy Gray Reserve
Posted on 31st May 2018

Paddy Gray Reserve is located on Hereford St, not far from Walsh Ave. The Blue Wrens Subcommittee invites you to join a group of volunteers who tend the Reserve, in conjunction with the City of Sydney.

Planning Matters (June 2018)
Posted on 31st May 2018

Complying medium density development, National Trust Heritage Award and Harold Park Affordable Housing

Submission opposing aspects of the DA for the Glebe Island concrete facility
Posted on 30th May 2018

The Glebe Society accepts that Glebe Island appears to be the most appropriate site for the needed supply of concrete to the CBD and Bays area. However, the planned concentration of industrial related activities on Glebe Island will create major problems for the amenity of the many current and planned nearby residents.

News from the Blue Wren Subcommittee (May 2018)
Posted on 4th May 2018

Planting day at Orphan School Creek and a local wildlife seminar

Another Free Kick for Developers

Another Free Kick for Developers
Posted on 4th May 2018

The State Government has recently extended Complying Development to include medium-density housing – terraces, dual occupancy dwellings, or buildings containing up to three or four dwellings. The point about Complying Development is that it doesn’t have to meet the requirements of a normal development application.

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