Sydney Fish Market
Both Lesley and I will be attending the presentations on the Sydney Fish Markets DA at St Barnabas on 4 or 8 December, and there will be a report to members.

Public Participation
The NSW Department of Planning has asked for feedback on their Public Participation Policy by 6 December, and I have asked members of the Committee to send me their views. More information can be found here:

Metropolitan Remand Centre
The Glebe Society has been notified by City of Sydney that the Land and Environment Court has approved the demolition of the Remand Centre building behind Bidura, subject to certain documents being provided to the Court.

Yelvertoft, 75 Hereford St
The developer has appealed against Council’s refusal, and has put an amended plan to the Court, reducing the number of townhouses from three to two. Both Diane Hutchinson and John Gray have discussed it with me and have sent me lists of concerns, a number of which have been included in the Society’s objection.

Durham Court, 417 Glebe Point Rd
After consultation with a number of adjacent and nearby members, the Society lodged an objection calling for the redesign of the six townhouses proposed for the rear of this large site based on exceeding Council controls and the impact on the amenity of neighbours in a number of important respects.

Community Consultation
A good representation of Glebe Society members, including five members of the Committee, attended Council’s Community Consultation at Glebe Town Hall on 20 November, 6-7.30pm. This is the first step in Council’s approach to updating its current long-term plan, ‘Sydney 2030’, to extend the vision to 2050. More than 100 people, mostly from Glebe and Forest Lodge, though including residents from other suburbs, took part. Views were gathered through a series of activities, inducing participants’ ideas about what they valued in their suburb now and wanted to be maintained, and what changes they wanted to see. Ideas were invited about Council’s performance in relation to specific services, such as waste and recycling, venue management, parks and open space, and about improvements that could be made. The final activity elicited reactions to possible future scenarios, such as multi-storey schools, more live music venues and electric car charging in public spaces.

Responses were, of course, recorded and will no doubt form the basis for future plans and reporting.