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The Glebe Society

‘In Focus’ photo competition, July 2024
Posted on 1st July 2024

This month, four diverse photos were submitted. Mary Regan’s ‘Winter Sunrise Blackwattle Bay’ captures the bay’s tranquil beauty at dawn; Dale Dengate’s ‘A different angle on Blackwattle Bay’ is a jumble of structures of a modern working harbour; Caroline Lipovsky’s ‘Tree culling on a eucalyptus above Wigram Lane’ showcases an arborist at work amid colourful flora, while Lyn Collingwood’s ‘Montrose’ captures a blend of old and new architecture on a winter’s day.

In Focus: this month’s photo competition, June 2024
Posted on 29th May 2024

There were four strong entries for this month’s competition. The winner, by Virginia Simpson-Young, is a striking photo of Glebe chimney pots and roof lines.

Archives for the Future
Posted on 1st May 2024

The Heritage Subcommittee intends to collect photographs now that may become of historical and heritage interest in the future. They are calling on members with photos of Glebe and Forest Lodge who are willing to give them to the Society. They will be added to the photograph archives of the Society.

Sze Yup Temple

In Focus: This month’s photo competition, April 2024
Posted on 27th March 2024

A worthy winner and encouragement for everyone to submit photographs of Glebe and Forest Lodge for the Society’s next ‘In Focus’ photo competition.

In Focus: This month’s photo competition, December 2023
Posted on 28th November 2023

There’s a winner for the December photo competition and the annual grand finalist

Glebe Society 2023 Annual General Meeting
Posted on 5th October 2023

The 54th Annual General Meeting of the Glebe Society elected a new president and three new members of the Management Committee. Guest speaker Kobi Shetty said that the Minns Government needs to take a more proactive role in the oversight and funding of public housing.

The new members of the Management Committee
Posted on 5th October 2023

Angela Hallinan, Glen Powell and Tim Hesketh are the new members of the Management Committee, and they will bring valuable experience to the job. Here are some biographical details on each of them, as well as the new President, Duncan Leys.

President’s annual report 2022-2023
Posted on 5th October 2023

After two years as President of the Society, Ian Stephenson is stepping down. But his commitment and capability will continue in his other role as Convenor of the Planning Subcommittee. In his report to the AGM, Ian spoke of the Society’s many achievements over the past two years.

A message from the new President, Duncan Leys
Posted on 5th October 2023

Duncan Leys, the Society’s newly-elected President, offered his thanks at the AGM for the advice and support of members of the Management Committee. He said that the Presidency was an honour which he felt he had not yet earned, but committed to ‘earning his stripes’ by reaching out to people and organisations who shared common goals with the Society.

A note from Edwina Doe
Posted on 5th October 2023

Edwina was the Editor of the Bulletin at various times from 1983 to 1990 and again from 2003 to 2012. For this and her continuing service as a proofreader for the Bulletin, Edwina received a large bouquet of native flowers.

Communications Subcommittee Annual Report 2022-2023
Posted on 5th October 2023

Now in its 54th year, the Bulletin continues to keep members informed about the activities and concerns of the Society and includes engaging articles about people and places remembered for their connection to our local community. The Society’s social media presence continues to grow and increases our reach beyond our membership.

Community Development Subcommittee Annual Report 2022-2023
Posted on 5th October 2023

The Community Development Subcommittee is planning a silent auction with proceeds going to Centipede, the out of school hours care program operating at Glebe Public School.

Transport and Traffic Subcommittee Annual Report 2022-2023
Posted on 5th October 2023

Continuing complaints by residents about the Bridge Road cycleway, and concern about the extra traffic generated by the new Sydney Fish Market, are issues covered in this report.

In focus: monthly photo competition, October 2023
Posted on 5th October 2023

Photos of the Anzac Bridge, moon over the Tramsheds, and a Glebe streetscape were among the entries this month. The winner will be an entrant in the annual competition.

Annual reports from the 2023 AGM
Posted on 2nd August 2023

The Glebe Society AGM was held at the Glebe Town Hall on Sunday 3 September at 10-12 noon. Kobi Shetty MP for Balmain was the guest speaker. Read the various annual reports here as well as the minutes from last year’s AGM.

From the President: September 2023
Posted on 28th August 2023

The Glebe Society has been very fortunate to have Ian Stephenson at the helm for the last two years. In his final report he reviews the Society’s activities and thanks members for their support.

In Focus: Monthly photo competition, September 2023
Posted on 29th August 2023

The verdict is in! We have a winner in our competition for this month’s best photo of Glebe or Forest Lodge.

New Sydney Fish Market under constructiom

New Sydney Fish Market Community Consultative Committee Annual Report 2022-2023
Posted on 27th August 2023

The CCC achieved its biggest win this year, successfully objecting to raising Bridge Road in front of the new Sydney Fish Market. Members of the CCC argued raising Bridge Road would result in months of traffic disruption and could result in worse flooding at the Wentworth Park Road and Bridge Road intersection.

Heritage Subcommittee Annual Report 2022-2023
Posted on 27th August 2023

The Glebe Society’s Heritage Subcommittee is tasked with improving the amenity of Glebe and Forest Lodge by opposing development detrimental to heritage values or contrary to community interests; with encouraging sound town planning, architectural and conservation practices; and stimulating interest in the history and character of Glebe and Forest Lodge.

Planning Subcommittee Annual Report 2022-2023
Posted on 27th August 2023

Ian Stephenson, who steps down as President of the Society at this year’s AGM, has had a busy year wearing his other hat as Convenor of the Planning subcommittee.

Blue Wren Subcommittee Annual Report 2022-2023
Posted on 27th August 2023

This year, the tenth annual Glebe/Forest Lodge spring bird survey counted birds in 10 different locations. 33 different bird species were identified, equally the highest diversity of species recorded over the last 10 years. The two most common birds were again the native Noisy Miner and the Rainbow Lorikeet.

Peru Perumal; Glebe Society Planning Committee; Wigram Road September 1972

Celebrating Peru Perumal, a major figure in Glebe’s conservation
Posted on 17th August 2023

The Glebe Society is delighted to have received a substantial donation in memory of Peru Perumal. Peru was elected our President in 1972 and was a major figure in the conservation of Glebe.

The Glebe Society

Membership renewals for 2023-2024 now due!
Posted on 27th June 2023

Don’t forget to renew your Glebe Society membership for next year!

Welcome to the new look Bulletin
Posted on 26th February 2023

The Bulletin has a new format. Instead of being emailed to you as a pdf document, the publication is now sent by Mailchimp. Each story has its own headline and an introductory paragraph like this one and then a link (‘read more’) to the full story. You can still find a complete pdf of the latest Bulletin on the website under Latest Bulletin.

The Glebe Society’s 2022 Annual General Meeting
Posted on 11th September 2022

Read about the Society’s 2022 AGM held in September at Glebe Youth Service, access last year’s AGM minutes and click on the links to go to the annual reports by the President and each of Subcommittees.

President’s 2022 Annual Report
Posted on 11th September 2022

The Society has been working to nurture Glebe’s special magic for over 50 years. Our three pillars, community, environment and heritage, remain as relevant as ever. The fact that our membership grew by 10% to 449 shows we continue to engage the people of Glebe.

Bays and Foreshores Subcommittee 2022 Annual Report
Posted on 11th September 2022

The Convenor of the Bays & Foreshores Subcommittee had her work cut out for her in 2021-2022, fighting massive overdevelopment in a number of locations around our foreshores.

Superb fairy wren

Blue Wren Subcommittee 2022 Annual Report
Posted on 11th September 2022

The sighting of a superb fairy wren in a Glebe garden in early 2022 was a cause for great celebration by the Blue Wren Subcommittee. This last year, the Subcommittee continued its work on habitat as well as the annual Spring Bird Survey, the annual Biodiversity Lecture, the Craney Small Grant and many hours of volunteering by the Bushcare teams. Add to that the Subcommittee’s input on planning around The Hill, a wildlife corridor, Council’s Street Tree Plan and local Crown Lands.

Communications Subcommittee 2022 Annual Report
Posted on 11th September 2022

The Communications Subcommittee has overseen the Society’s media activities in 2021-22, including the Bulletin, website, Facebook pages, Twitter, YouTube and the President’s Update email. Convenor Allan Hogan reports on who we engaged with, how we engaged with them and how successful we were in getting our message out to the wider community.

Heritage Subcommittee 2022 Annual Report
Posted on 11th September 2022

The Heritage Subcommittee continued their dedicated work towards the heritage preservation and enhancement of Glebe and Forest Lodge for the benefit of our community now and into the future. They contributed to the Review of the NSW Heritage Act 1977 and the Review of the Local Environmental Plan 2012, nominated properties for Blue Plaques and wrote numerous articles in the Bulletin relating to 2037’s history. They also responded to many community requests for heritage and historical information about Glebe and Forest Lodge.

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