From the Bulletin 8 of 2023 (October)
Edwina was the Editor of the Bulletin at various times from 1983 to 1990 and again from 2003 to 2012. At the AGM her work as a continuing proofreader was acknowledged with gratitude.
I’m sorry I missed the AGM. I did say I was coming but was unwell on the day. I am especially sorry because I didn’t know there were flowers waiting for me. The President, Ian Stephenson, and the current Bulletin Editor, Allan Hogan, both wanted to thank me for my involvement with the Glebe Society Bulletin.
I moved to Glebe in 1976 but didn’t know about the Glebe Society until 1983. After I joined, the first Bulletin I received, 1983/4, had a notice on the front page:
HELP WANTED A volunteer is needed to edit the Glebe Society Bulletin. It is a very interesting job, which allows you to become involved with the Society’s activities and to meet other members.
I had a long history of editing newsletters, so of course I volunteered. I edited the next Bulletin, 1983/5, which included my name in the list of new members. I was the Editor, or while I was President, helping other Editors, until the 1990s. This was all in the ‘cut and paste’ days. I was Editor again from 2003 to 2012, using PageMaker with help from Bruce Davis. I am still proofreading each month.
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