By Virginia Simpson-Young, Bulletin editor, Bulletin 2024/9, November

A great selection this month! 

All judges chose John Lagerlow’s Glebe Town Hall or Constantinople? as this month’s In Focus winner. Feedback from our professional photographer is below the images.

Glebe Town Hall or Constantinople: by John Lagerlow
Johnstons Creek and Light Rail by Rodney Hammett
Jethro and Rosie by Mary Regan
Convent wall falls while old tree stands tall by Dale Dengate

Professional photographer feedback

Glebe Town Hall or Constantinople?

I love the light on the building, the clear moon, and use of few colours which allow the viewer to concentrate on the details of the building. It is a very fresh and engaging image of the Glebe Town Hall.

Johnstons Creek and Light Rail

A really beautifully composed image of Johnstons Creek, with the tram just coming into view.

Jethro and Rosie

I like the image of Jethro and Rosie; particularly how Rosie is in focus and Jethro is slightly out of focus. Perhaps the photographer could have cropped the photo so that the high contrast background, which I find distracting, is less prominent.

Convent wall falls while old tree stands tall

I find the subject of the photograph interesting, but there are many elements which are very distracting. The electric wires across the middle of the photograph sort of cut the photograph in half. I’m not sure if that is possible, but  perhaps by moving closer you could leave those wires out of the photograph, and keep the focus on the tree?

Photos for the December In Focus competition will be due on Friday 15 November. Bonus points will be awarded for photographs that include a Christmas reference