Monthly Archives: June 2021

2021 Walks Program: Exploring Glebe on Foot
Posted on 5th June 2021Program of walks in Glebe, starting 11 July 2021

Glebe Island Bridge has a website!
Posted on 5th June 2021New website highlights the past and potential of this wonderful asset, sadly now falling into greater and greater disrepair. The Society wants to see it restored and put into use as an attractive green pedestrian and cycleway linking Rozelle and Pyrmont.
Posts about

New Glebe Society video: Treasure in the City
Posted on 5th June 2021The Glebe Society has collaborated with postgraduate students from The University of Sydney to produce a new video. It includes some fresh perspectives on Glebe as well as exploring current threats to this special place.

Glebe Society goes in to bat for the Bay
Posted on 5th June 2021A report from the Community Consultative Committee for the construction of new Sydney Fish Market. Issues with dust, noise, heavy metal pollution, traffic and the impact on rowers were raised.

Some crime statistics for Glebe and Forest Lodge
Posted on 4th June 2021Crime statistics for 2021 from Leichhardt Area Command.

Mystery Photo – June 2021
Posted on 7th June 2021Mystery photo for June 2021 – can you guess where we are?

100 Years ago in Glebe & Forest Lodge – June 1921
Posted on 7th June 2021100 years ago, June 1921: Double shipping tragedy off the NSW North Coast felt in Glebe & Forest Lodge

Who Lived in your Street? Peter Lewis Tighe (1860-1946)
Posted on 7th June 2021Real estate salesman Peter Tighe enjoyed a fleeting moment of celluloid fame in 1913 when he featured in Picturesque Stanwell Park a 20-minute silent film advertising a new land release. Tighe and his family are seen leaving their home Kareela 154 Glebe Point Rd and squeezing into a taxi waiting outside.

370 bus route change – Have your say!
Posted on 4th June 2021Transport NSW plans to shorten the 370 bus route meaning that Glebe residents will no longer be able to get a single bus to the eastern suburbs and Coogee. The 370 would end at Sydney University and a new bus route would run from Sydney University through Glebe, to and from Leichhardt.

Glebe’s Aboriginal residents, 1788-1859
Posted on 4th June 2021Assumptions that Glebe’s Aboriginal community disappeared shortly after British settlement need revisiting.

Opposition to proposed Glebe Island concrete batching plant
Posted on 4th June 2021The Glebe Society has objected to a proposal for a Concrete Batching Plant and Handling Facility at White Bay. Among other things, it could have a negative impact on the desirability of restoring the Glebe Island Bridge as a pedestrian and cycleway.

Cowper St DA – consider making a submission
Posted on 4th June 2021Sydney City Council are considering a development application (DA) from the NSW Land and Corporation for the construction of a high-rise development in Cowper Street in what, until very recently, was a Heritage Conservation Area. Submission closing date is 23 June 21

Another Conservation Area in Glebe at risk
Posted on 4th June 2021A key principle underlying Glebe’s conservation areas are that if a Neutral building is to be replaced, the replacement must be sympathetic to its Contributory neighbours, rather than to any Detracting neighbours. This principle seems to have got lost in a recent development approval decision by City of Sydney Council.