September 2020 – The Glebe Society

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Monthly Archives: September 2020

Wentworth Park and the Pyrmont Peninsula Place Strategy

Posted on 3rd September 2020

On 31 July 2020 the NSW Government issued its 96-page draft Pyrmont Peninsula Place Strategy. The Planning Strategy is intended to guide the transformation of the Pyrmont Peninsula over the years to 2041

How the Blackwattle Bay Precinct and Fish Market Developments intend to deal with increased traffic and transport needs

Posted on 3rd September 2020

Infrastructure NSW has released the Traffic and Transport Strategy proposed for the new Fish Market and Blackwattle Bay Developments. This article summarises what is proposed and what it might mean for Glebe/Forest Lodge

A Wolf at the Door

Posted on 3rd September 2020

Readers of the Society’s Bulletin will be aware of the proposal to excise 2A-D Wentworth Park Rd and 17-31 Cowper St, Glebe from the St Phillips Heritage Conservation Area in order to change the existing height limit of 9 metres to 36 metres. This is to allow the demolition of a two-storey flat building and four 1980s terrace houses and their replacement by two eight-storey apartment buildings.

Bridge Rd pop-up cycleway

Posted on 3rd September 2020

The City and Transport for NSW have installed new cycleways using barriers, line markings and lane dividers, with the first locations including Pyrmont Bridge Rd, Glebe. But there are serious questions about its implementation.

Festering Heritage Sores

Posted on 3rd September 2020

No matter how hard we try, there are some heritage issues that seem to take forever to resolve. Here is a selection.

2020 AGM: 11am on 20 September at Glebe Youth Service

Posted on 3rd September 2020

The host and guest speaker for the Glebe Society’s 2020 AGM was Keiran Kevans, Coordinator of the Glebe Youth Service

2020 Glebe Society Christmas Gathering: St John’s Church, Friday 11 December 5-7 pm

Posted on 3rd September 2020

A date for your diary …..

150 Year Anniversary of St John’s Church Exhibition: mid-December

Posted on 3rd September 2020

An exhibition exploring the work of colonial architect Edmund Blacket is to be held in mid-December 2020 as part of celebrations for this important historical milestone

2020 Spring Bird Survey

2020 Spring Bird Survey

Posted on 3rd September 2020

The Society’s annual spring bird survey will be held on Sunday 1 November – all members and their friends are welcome to attend, and please meet in Paddy Gray Reserve in Hereford St at 6:45 am

What’s in a Name? Women’s names ‒ Sarah Peninton Reserve

Posted on 3rd September 2020

By Helen Randerson Women are remembered in the names of a number of our valued small parks and playgrounds in Glebe/Forest Lodge. In 2020 these include the Alice Lee Reserve, the Jean Cawley Reserve, Kirsova Playground No 3, the May Pitt Playground, the Robyn Kemmis Reserve and the Sarah Peninton Reserve. (St Helen is also […]

Carriers of Glebe and Forest Lodge – Meloys

Posted on 3rd September 2020

The first in an occasional series about the families behind the carriers of Glebe and Forest Lodge

Last month’s mystery photo

Posted on 3rd September 2020

Last month’s mystery photo is of the stretch of buildings opposite the former Glebe Post Office on Glebe Point Rd near St Johns Rd

Book review

Posted on 3rd September 2020

Vrasidas Karalis, The Glebe Point Road Blues: In Prose and Verse, Sydney, Australia (Brandl & Schlesinger 2019). Reviewed by Sybil Jack This is not my Glebe Point Rd. Nor are his blues my music despite the efforts of the many shifting cafes. There are places I think I know but the whole is unfamiliar. Forty […]

Valé Peter Thorogood

Posted on 1st September 2020

The July 2020 meeting of the Management Committee unanimously agreed to recommend Peter Thorogood’s nomination for Life Membership

City of Sydney: ‘No Greyhound Racing at Wentworth Park’

Posted on 1st September 2020

On 27 July 2020, City of Sydney Council passed a motion to oppose greyhound racing at Wentworth Park. Following this the Lord Mayor will write to NSW government ministers to request the removal of greyhound racing from Wentworth Park and reinstatement of the land as crown reserve for public recreation uses.

The end of an era: last YHA hostel leaves 2037

Posted on 1st September 2020

The Glebe Point YHA on Glebe Point Rd closed on 5 July 2020, ending the YHA’s 45-year involvement in Glebe

17-31 Cowper St, 2A-2D Wentworth Park Rd, Glebe

Posted on 1st September 2020

by Brian Fuller, 1 August 2020 You may recall that, in the last Bulletin of 2019 (10/2019), we discussed a proposal by the NSW Land and Housing Corporation (LAHC), and the Princes Trust of Australia to develop a mix of social, affordable and private housing on the site, 17-31 Cowper St, 2A-2D Wentworth Park Rd. […]

Glebe Point Rd Retail: COVID-19 Impact

Posted on 1st September 2020

by Brian Fuller, Heritage Subcommittee Convenor, 1 August 2020 In September last year the Heritage Subcommittee undertook an audit of Glebe Point Rd retail shops in order to track the retail impact on the many heritage buildings in the stretch between Broadway and Bridge Rd. At that time there were 19 vacancies. The Society prepared […]

Yelvertoft DA Refused

Posted on 1st September 2020

by Brian Fuller, Heritage Subcommittee Convenor, 1 August 2020. The City of Sydney has refused the Development Application for the construction of a two-storey contemporary residence to the rear of the Heritage listed Yelvertoft. The new dwelling was to front Alfred St, and would have significantly diminished the curtilage of this heritage cottage. A copy […]

DA For RJ Williams Lodge Approved

Posted on 1st September 2020

by Brian Fuller, 1 August 2020 The Society is disappointed with the City of Sydney’s decision to approve the DA by which the Wesley Mission proposed to re-purpose the building at 274-276 Glebe Point Rd Glebe. The DA sought to vary the usage of the building from a much-needed aged care facility to a boarding […]

Children learn through experiences. Can we help provide some variety in Glebe?

Posted on 1st September 2020

by Janice Challinor, Community Development Subcommittee Convenor The richness of a child’s environment is one of the factors which determines how he or she learns and develops. Physical challenges, exposure to cultural expressions such as music, art and literature, and gradual increases in personal responsibilities and opportunities to overcome difficulties are all experiences which help […]

News from Blue Wren Subcommittee

Posted on 1st September 2020

by Andrew Wood, Convenor Blue Wren Subcommittee The Subcommittee held a face-to-face meeting on Tuesday 14 July, our first since February 2020. Under COVID-19 rules provided by the City, our volunteer bushcare groups are now able to resume work in Glebe’s parks. A working bee to remove weeds from Orphan School Creek Park was attended […]

Last month’s mystery photo

Last month’s mystery photo

Posted on 1st September 2020

with Lyn Collingwood, 1 August 2020 It was a corker, and no surprise that no one identified it! Compared to the cluttered place it was c.1919, the spot is a blank facade today. It’s 98 Bridge Rd near Lyndhurst St. In front of the shop is one of the three sons of the widowed confectioner […]

Sisters in Crime

Posted on 1st September 2020

by Rodney Hammett, 1 August 2020 Neighbours Sarah Peninton and Doris Flanagan living respectively at No 13 and No 11 Bridge Rd were partners in crime when hauled before the Magistrate at the Glebe Court on Tuesday 3 September 1929.1 On an afternoon in August, both women were accused of having used insulting words, from […]

Local, Brooke Green, wins national composition prize

Posted on 1st September 2020

by Virginia Simpson-Young, 1 August 2020 Congratulations to Glebe local, Brooke Green, who won the 2019 Jonathan Blakeman National Composition Prize for her work, From the Heart. Brooke Green was inspired by an issue of national importance. From the Heart is inspired by the ongoing contention in politics and the media surrounding the Uluru Statement […]

31st Annual Glebe Music Festival

Posted on 1st September 2020

The Artistic Director of the Glebe Music Festival, Dr E. David McIntosh AM AMusA, is also an infectious diseases specialist and vaccinologist. He is based in London, Amsterdam and Brasilia, and is currently developing vaccines against the pandemic coronavirus. Because of the travel restrictions to and from Australia, David has had to cancel the visits […]

Community Development Subcommittee members needed

Posted on 1st September 2020

by Janice Challinor, Convenor Community Development Subcommittee Okay, you won’t get to feed a baby elephant, BUT you will get to make Glebe a better community! The Community Development Subcommittee is looking for new members. If you’re interested in finding out more about what would be involved,

Bob Connolly remembers local opposition to the Hereford Lodge YHA

Posted on 1st September 2020

Bob Connolly was living across the road from the Hereford Lodge YHA in the early 1990s. Our editor interviewed him about action taken by a group of locals to address the problems arising from a large YHA in a residential street:

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