2020 – The Glebe Society

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Yearly Archives: 2020

Brush Turkey sightings!

Posted on 29th December 2020

It seems they are everywhere…

Update on Bridge Rd cycleway: Council and State Government drag their feet on serious safety concerns

Posted on 29th December 2020

The cycleway remains dangerous and neither the City nor the State Government has explained how and when the problems will be addressed.

NSW Heritage protection is flawed

Posted on 29th December 2020

When the NSW Heritage Act was introduced in 1977 it was a turning point in the protection of our built heritage. However, all is not as it should be, and important heritage listed buildings in Glebe continue to deteriorate.

News from the Blue Wren Subcommittee

Posted on 29th December 2020

Updates about recent activities of the Society’s busy Blue Wren subcommittee and volunteers.

Heritage Conservation Areas – Repainting Guidelines

Posted on 29th December 2020

Thinking of repainting? The City of Sydney has guidelines for repainting, if your house is in a heritage conservation area.

Plans to shrink the St Phillips Heritage Conservation Area will undermine heritage values, liveability and amenity

Posted on 29th December 2020

The Society has lodged an objection the NSW Government s plans to remove the parts of the St Phillips Heritage Conservation Area, paving the way for building heights up to the equivalent of eight storeys. T

HOT TOPIC: Give us back Glebe Island Bridge – Meeting on 3 December 2020

Posted on 5th November 2020

On 3rd December 2020 it will be 25 years since the Glebe Island Bridge closed. Invitation to be part of action to lobby for the it to be restored and reopened for pedestrians and cyclists.

Have you seen a Striated Heron in Federal Park?

Posted on 4th November 2020

Calling all twitchers

A new ‘Men’s Table’ in Glebe

Posted on 4th November 2020

By Jan Macindoe, Community Development Convenor, Glebe Society Bulletin November 2020    The Men’s Table invites men to pull up a chair at The Glebe Hotel, 63 Bay St, on Monday 23 November at 6.30 pm as we introduce a new way to support your community. It is a charity dedicated to creating a unique […]

100 years ago in Glebe & Forest Lodge this month: November 1920

Posted on 4th November 2020

A snippet of history…

Exhibition to mark 150 Year anniversary of the current St John’s Church

Posted on 4th November 2020

From 8th December 2020
Exploring the work of architect Edmund Blacket in Glebe.

HOT TOPIC: Momentum is growing for the restoration of Glebe Island Bridge and The Glebe Society plans to give it a good push

Posted on 4th November 2020

Proposals to restore the Glebe Island Bridge for use as a walkway and cycle path are mounting. The latest is from the McKell Institute, which has proposed an active transport path linking the Opera House and Paramatta along the harbour foreshores and southern bank of the Parramatta River.

EVENT: 31st Annual Glebe Music Festival, November 21-22

Posted on 4th November 2020

The three concerts for this year’s Glebe Music Festival will occur at St John’s Church (corner St John’s Rd and Glebe Point Rd). Entry will be free of charge but bookings are essential on TryBooking.

EVENT: Federation Architect: Walter Liberty Vernon

Posted on 4th November 2020

Historic Houses Association of Australia is hosting an online seminar called ‘Seeking Out Walter Liberty Vernon: Monuments of Art and a Distinctly Australian Architecture’. The seminar will take place on Thursday 3 December 2020 from 12.30 pm – 2.00 pm.

Norma Hawkins receives Honorary Fellowship from UNSW

Posted on 4th November 2020

The University of NSW has awarded Norma Hawkins with an Honorary Fellowship. Norma is a member of the Glebe Society and active member of the Blue Wren Subcommittee.

Have you seen a Brush-turkey in Glebe or Forest Lodge?

Posted on 4th November 2020

A number of people have reported seeing Brush-turkeys (Alectura lathami) around Glebe. It turns out that quite a few have made this area their home, including building lovely mounds for incubating their eggs.

A Snapshot in Time – Who lived in Munroe Terrace in 1933?

Posted on 4th November 2020

Munro Terrace (Nos 212-230 Bridge Rd, Glebe) was in 1933 owned by architect William Ross McLean Munro, the grandson of architect William Munro who had purchased the house Forest Lodge and surrounding grounds in February 1871.

Who lived in your street? Cyril (1898 – 1966) and Frank Joseph (1911-82) Culbert

Posted on 4th November 2020

Horse trainers Frank and Cyril Culbert lived in Santa Rosa (5 Victoria Rd) and Volta (1 Alexandra Lane) directly adjoining Jubilee Park during the golden age of trotting at Harold Park.

The Glebe Society opposes changes to the St Phillips Heritage Conservation Area

Posted on 4th November 2020

The Glebe Society has expressed strong opposition to Sydney City Council’s Plans to adjust the boundaries of the the St Phillips Heritage Conservation Area to exclude 2A-2D Wentworth Park Road and 17-31 Cowper Street to enable their demolition and replacement by 8-storey apartment buildings. Plus, why the 1980s infill developments in Glebe worked so well.

Saving a Sydney suburb

Posted on 21st October 2020

Current residents are perhaps not aware of how close Glebe came to virtual annihilation by the NSW Department of Main Roads in the 1970s.

Glebe’s tram ‘sign’

Posted on 21st October 2020

A little snippet

Public Spaces Ideas Competition

Posted on 21st October 2020

Glebe Society member, Asa Wahlquist has entered the Idea for a public walk around the foreshores of Blackwattle and Rozelle Bays into the Public Space Ideas competition.

2020 Glebe Society Christmas Gathering

Posted on 16th October 2020

The Glebe Society Christmas Gathering 2020 will take place at St John’s Church Friday 11 December 5 to 7 pm. More details to come.

Forest Lodge school students at work on the Painted River project

Painted River Project – Updated

Posted on 11th October 2020

The year six students at Forest Lodge have a tradition of leaving a gift for the students who follow them. The plan this year is for a mural featuring Johnstons Creek

Housing Diversity State Environmental Planning Policy

Posted on 17th October 2020

Will the State Government’s proposed Housing Diversity Planning Policy help redress the current desperate shortage of social and affordable housing in Glebe and across the state?

Bridge Road pop-up cycleway

Posted on 15th October 2020

The Glebe Society is serious about cycling but serious safety risks with the cycleway have become apparent. A comprehensive article on the issues and what needs to happen.

Letter to the editor on the pop-up cycleway

Posted on 15th October 2020

From a family that has lived on Bridge Rd Glebe (near Clare St) for five generations

Screenshot of Birdlife Australia's webpage for the Spring Bird Count 2020

News from the Blue Wren Subcommittee – October 2020

Posted on 16th October 2020

Get involved with the Spring Bird Survey on Sunday 1 November 2020; and hear what’s been happening in local habitat creation.

Palmerston Avenue Park Upgrade

Posted on 16th October 2020

The City of Sydney began its works to improve the park land in Palmerston Ave in late July. It should be finished by the end of the year. The plan is multifaceted. It will provide a greener space, remove noxious weeds, improve drainage and allow people to move around more easily. 

Presidents’ Annual Reports to 2020 Annual General Meeting

Posted on 16th October 2020

Three members performed the role of Glebe Society President in 2019-2020. Here are their reports to the 2020 AGM.

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