Monthly Archives: July 2010
Blue Wrens Planting Day 2010 Photo Album
Posted on 31st July 2010A Tree Planting Day was held at the Paddy Gray Reserve on Sunday 1st August 2010, to improve the habitat for Superb Fairy-wrens and help to keep them in Glebe.
Photos courtesy of Carmelo Aquilina.
City Council agrees to Harold Park zoning proposal
Posted on 27th July 2010The Central Sydney Planning Committee and the Council of the City of Sydney have agreed to zoning proposals for Harold Park. The outcome, confirmed at a meeting of full Council on Monday, 26 July 2010, was not all that we would have wished for, but far more favourable than might have been the case if proposals put forward by the current owner, the NSW Harness Racing Club, had been accepted. The next move will by up to the Club which can accept the City’s decision or ask the Minister for Planning to intervene on its behalf.
Community meeting backs planning principles for Bays Precinct
Posted on 26th July 2010A meeting sponsored by eight community groups from around the Inner-West bays precinct (Blackwattle, Rozelle, Johnston’s and and White Bays) has called on the State Government to ensure that future development of the precinct is integrated, sustainable and recognises community interests.
Many of our members have renewed – have you?
Posted on 26th July 2010A reminder: your membership of the Glebe Society for the financial year 2010/11 was due for renewal on 1 July.
Harold Park goes to CSPC Thursday: YOU are needed!
Posted on 20th July 2010The City Council will now take its proposals, slightly amended following the Planning Committee meeting on Mnday, to the crucial Central Sydney Planning Committee on Thursday evening. For agenda and papers see
Harold Park: D-Day tomorrow (Monday, 19 July)
Posted on 18th July 2010The proposed draft planning controls for Harold Park will go before City of Sydney Planning Committee on Monday (July 19) and to the Central Sydney Planning Committee (CSPC) on Wednesday. There is a very real possibility that the controls will not be approved and that control of the planning for Harold Park will be referred to the Minister for Planning. This is an outcome we have been very keen to avoid as it effectively cuts the community out of the process. Members are encouraged to strongly express their views on the future development of Harold Park to both the City and the State Government, and preserve community input into the planning of this very important site.
Important information sources relating to Harold Park planning decision
Posted on 18th July 2010Follow this link to gain access to important papers relating to the Harold Park planning decision.
Pictures of the Bays Precinct community meeting (7 July, 2010)
Posted on 16th July 2010A selection of pictures taken at the Community Meeting to discuss planning for the Bays Precinct held at Wentowrth Park on 7 July 2010.
City Council commits to 35% open space for Harold Park redevelopment
Posted on 15th July 2010More than a third of the Harold Park Paceway site in Glebe could become publicly accessible open space as part of draft planning controls developed by the City of Sydney.