Planning – Page 5 – The Glebe Society

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Planning Report (April 2017)

Planning Report (April 2017)
Posted on 1st April 2017

Better Planning Network Workshop, Changes and Their Impacts, Independent Planning Commission, Code-based Approvals and Private Certification, and Environmental Protection

Sydney Fishmarket
Posted on 24th February 2017

While it is a great asset to have on our doorstep, there are numerous problems with the proposed move to the head of the Bay.

10 Bridge Road
Posted on 24th February 2017

This controversial proposal is to convert an industrial building into a largely residential development in the Business Zone opposite Sydney Secondary College (Blackwattle Campus). This site is located within Wentworth Park. The proposal has been refused.

Bidura Redevelopment
Posted on 1st December 2016

On 26 November 2016 the Land and Environment Court handed down a judgment on the Vision Land proposal for the redevelopment of the rear of the Bidura site.

Planning Report (November 2016)
Posted on 31st October 2016

Opening of the Tramsheds and History of the Tramsheds and Harold Park; 25 Glebe Point Rd, ‘Doughnut Time’; Central Sydney Planning Strategy; and Minor Changes to LEP 2012

Glebe Affordable Housing Project, Cowper Street
Posted on 22nd October 2016

This proposal is for 495 dwellings, in blocks of up to ten storeys. 247 are proposed to be private market units, 95 to be affordable and 153 public housing. There are 175 parking spaces (none for the public housing).

Harold Park Affordable Housing
Posted on 7th September 2016

The last building to be constructed on the Harold Park site is now being advertised. However, this one is not being built by Mirvac, but by City West Community Housing. The affordable housing site is on the immediate left as you enter the site from Wigram Rd. It faces east, running along Ross St.

Planning Subcommittee Annual Report 2015-2016

Planning Subcommittee Annual Report 2015-2016
Posted on 29th July 2016

Bidura, Affordable Housing, Legislative Changes, Councillor Robyn Kemmis, Progress of Developments and the National Trust

Glebe Island Bridge Can Link White Bay with the CBD
Posted on 29th July 2016

The Society is continuing to push for the protection and adaptive re-use of the Glebe Island Bridge:

Planning Report (August 2016)
Posted on 29th July 2016

The controversial Bidura development proposal, including any amendments and heritage recommendations, will now be determined by the Land and Environment Court. Council will hold a meeting with the objectors, and because there are quite a few, that meeting will be held in Glebe Town Hall on Monday 8 August at 6pm

Dogs Gone? Baird’s Promise: Wentworth Park to be a ‘Community Space’
Posted on 29th July 2016

Members of The Glebe Society will have differing views about whether greyhound racing should be banned, but I think we can all agree about what should happen when the dogs leave Wentworth Park. Since at least 1878, Wentworth Park has been dedicated in perpetuity as ‘a park or place for public recreation’

Should the Remand Centre at Bidura Be Preserved?
Posted on 5th July 2016

On 15 June, the Glebe Society made a further submission in relation to the Stage 1 DA for Bidura. One matter that was not dealt with by our original submission was the possible retention and adaptive reuse of the Remand Centre.

Bidura Stage 1 DA
Posted on 29th March 2016

The old Bidura building, including the garden fronting Glebe Point Rd, is safe because it is a Heritage Item. The controversial part of the DA involves the proposed new building behind Bidura.

Size of Households

Size of Households
Posted on 29th March 2016

In the past, demographers assumed that flat or apartment dwellers would move from apartments to houses once they had children. The experience of Pyrmont/Ultimo, which has been redeveloped over the last few decades entirely with apartments, is that this assumption is incorrect. This is the main reason why there is such concern in Pyrmont/Ultimo about the lack of facilities, especially schools.

Better Planning Network, Parliament House, 17 February

Better Planning Network, Parliament House, 17 February
Posted on 8th March 2016

This large meeting was in two parts. In the first, Bob Meyer AM, explained the need to review Sydney plans every five years. Prof. Anna Yeatman then gave her analysis of what was wrong with the present planning situation

Submission re Affordable Housing in Glebe

Submission re Affordable Housing in Glebe
Posted on 26th January 2016

Originally this proposal involved a large proportion of City Council land, and was consequently less dense and less controversial. Now, five years later, it has shrunk to just a Department of Housing block owned by the State since 1948. Controversially, it now comprises a large private component. This appears to be the model for the […]

NSW Government Runs Rampant with Changes to Planning & Local Government
Posted on 26th November 2015

Having failed to secure the passage of their Planning Bill, the State Government has continued its efforts to achieve the same result by introducing changes to existing legislation.

Bidura, 357 Glebe Point Road, Plan on Exhibition
Posted on 26th November 2015

On exhibition until 4 December is the Stage 1 envelope and concept plan for this prominent site.

Work Commencing on Open Space at Harold Park
Posted on 26th November 2015

Council has accepted the recommended tender for the construction of new open space at Harold Park. Work is due to commence in November this year and finish in November 2016.

Planning Report (September 2015)
Posted on 29th August 2015

Glebe Affordable Housing site, Cowper St, Harold Park Consultation and Durham Court, 417 Glebe Point Rd

Planning Subcommittee Annual Report 2014-15

Planning Subcommittee Annual Report 2014-15
Posted on 14th August 2015

The last year has been dominated by big issues and matters of policy rather than specific development proposals, although there are always plenty of minor ones to keep a Planning Convenor on his toes.

Planning Report (August 2015)
Posted on 14th August 2015

Commonwealth Bank, Harold Part, Federal Park Childcare, 10 Bridge Road and Durham Court

Glebe Society Opposes Amalgamation of City of Sydney into a ‘Mega-council’
Posted on 30th June 2015

Before the last election the incoming government promised there would be no forced amalgamations, but no one seems to believe them. Councils are now required, on a very short timeframe, to undertake a self-analysis entitled ‘Fit for the Future’. These documents will be assessed by IPART, the Independent Pricing and Regulatory Tribunal, which will make […]

Planning Matters (May 2015)
Posted on 8th May 2015

The Tramshed and Harold Park Precinct 5

What Will Happen to the Bidura Children’s Court?
Posted on 28th March 2015

A number of people have asked the Society what will happen to the Children’s Court as a result of the sale of the Bidura site. I was told that the Children’s Court is being relocated to the Albion St Children’s Court site, which was closed in 1983 when Bidura Children’s Court opened.

The Abbey site, 156 Bridge Rd

The Abbey site, 156 Bridge Rd
Posted on 28th March 2015

The derelict cottage, Hamilton, one of the buildings of Ferdinand Reuss Jr, would be demolished and the site excavated to permit underground car parking. The cottage would then be rebuilt on the original footprint and with the same height and design. This is now taking place in accordance with the approval.

Glebe Society Response to the Social Housing Discussion Paper

Glebe Society Response to the Social Housing Discussion Paper
Posted on 23rd March 2015

The NSW social housing system faces many challenges – funding is decreasing, operating costs are rising and homes are ageing. This makes it difficult to maintain existing properties as well as to build more homes to meet the increasing demand for housing assistance. The NSW Government has released a paper, “Social Housing in NSW: a […]

Bidura Site Redevelopment
Posted on 14th March 2015

ACC Development, which purchased the site, and its two owners are reported as saying they wish to retain the Heritage-listed buildings, but demolish the concrete building at the rear to build ‘a more modern, nicer block of apartments for the area. We, too, want to make sure we build something respectful to the area’. This will also mean staying within the City’s development controls for the site.

Planning Matters (March 2015)

Planning Matters (March 2015)
Posted on 14th March 2015

R J Williams Lodge (274-6 Glebe Point Rd), Durham Court (417 Glebe Point Rd) and Former Nurses’ Home (184 Glebe Point Rd)

87 Bay Street (Beauty College Site)
Posted on 8th December 2014

The City has decided to rezone 87 Bay St, with the aim of permitting greater height and density, but including a significant amount of affordable housing. … The proposal consists of a two-storey podium, mainly for commercial uses, and a series of towers to accommodate 213 units, of which 25 are affordable.

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