Planning – Page 3 – The Glebe Society

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The Glebe Society opposes changes to the St Phillips Heritage Conservation Area
Posted on 4th November 2020

The Glebe Society has expressed strong opposition to Sydney City Council’s Plans to adjust the boundaries of the the St Phillips Heritage Conservation Area to exclude 2A-2D Wentworth Park Road and 17-31 Cowper Street to enable their demolition and replacement by 8-storey apartment buildings. Plus, why the 1980s infill developments in Glebe worked so well.

Saving a Sydney suburb
Posted on 21st October 2020

Current residents are perhaps not aware of how close Glebe came to virtual annihilation by the NSW Department of Main Roads in the 1970s.

Housing Diversity State Environmental Planning Policy
Posted on 17th October 2020

Will the State Government’s proposed Housing Diversity Planning Policy help redress the current desperate shortage of social and affordable housing in Glebe and across the state?

Heritage Subcommittee Annual Report 2019-2020
Posted on 17th October 2020

I wish to express my appreciation to all subcommittee members for their passion, dedication and collaboration as a team. Some of our work is highlighted below.

Environment Subcommittee Annual Report 2019-2020
Posted on 16th October 2020

The proposed new Sydney Fish Market building has been the main focus of the Environment Subcommittee for the past year. Activities have included attending stakeholder meetings about the proposed plan and lobbying politicians.

Pyrmont Peninsula Place Strategy
Posted on 3rd September 2020

On 31 July 2020 the NSW Government issued its 96-page draft Pyrmont Peninsula Place Strategy. The Planning Strategy is intended to guide the transformation of the Pyrmont Peninsula over the years to 2041

How the Blackwattle Bay Precinct and Fish Market Developments intend to deal with increased traffic and transport needs
Posted on 3rd September 2020

Infrastructure NSW has released the Traffic and Transport Strategy proposed for the new Fish Market and Blackwattle Bay Developments. This article summarises what is proposed and what it might mean for Glebe/Forest Lodge

A Wolf at the Door
Posted on 3rd September 2020

Readers of the Society’s Bulletin will be aware of the proposal to excise 2A-D Wentworth Park Rd and 17-31 Cowper St, Glebe from the St Phillips Heritage Conservation Area in order to change the existing height limit of 9 metres to 36 metres. This is to allow the demolition of a two-storey flat building and four 1980s terrace houses and their replacement by two eight-storey apartment buildings.

City of Sydney: ‘No Greyhound Racing at Wentworth Park’
Posted on 1st September 2020

On 27 July 2020, City of Sydney Council passed a motion to oppose greyhound racing at Wentworth Park. Following this the Lord Mayor will write to NSW government ministers to request the removal of greyhound racing from Wentworth Park and reinstatement of the land as crown reserve for public recreation uses.

17-31 Cowper St, 2A-2D Wentworth Park Rd, Glebe
Posted on 1st September 2020

by Brian Fuller, 1 August 2020 You may recall that, in the last Bulletin of 2019 (10/2019), we discussed a proposal by the NSW Land and Housing Corporation (LAHC), and the Princes Trust of Australia to develop a mix of social, affordable and private housing on the site, 17-31 Cowper St, 2A-2D Wentworth Park Rd. […]

Yelvertoft DA Refused
Posted on 1st September 2020

by Brian Fuller, Heritage Subcommittee Convenor, 1 August 2020. The City of Sydney has refused the Development Application for the construction of a two-storey contemporary residence to the rear of the Heritage listed Yelvertoft. The new dwelling was to front Alfred St, and would have significantly diminished the curtilage of this heritage cottage. A copy […]

DA For RJ Williams Lodge Approved
Posted on 1st September 2020

by Brian Fuller, 1 August 2020 The Society is disappointed with the City of Sydney’s decision to approve the DA by which the Wesley Mission proposed to re-purpose the building at 274-276 Glebe Point Rd Glebe. The DA sought to vary the usage of the building from a much-needed aged care facility to a boarding […]

Bob Connolly remembers local opposition to the Hereford Lodge YHA
Posted on 1st September 2020

Bob Connolly was living across the road from the Hereford Lodge YHA in the early 1990s. Our editor interviewed him about action taken by a group of locals to address the problems arising from a large YHA in a residential street:

Some of the failures of the proposed development of the existing Fish Market site are identified on the website of the local state member, Jamie Parker

State government putting profit ahead of the public interest and common sense
Posted on 9th July 2020

Message from Glebe Society President, Janet Wahlquist, on 13 June 2020 I am writing to you about the future of Blackwattle Bay and the NSW Government’s plans to ‘revitalise’ it.   The Glebe Society objects to the plan on the following grounds: The proposed 45 storey buildings would tower over the Bay, casting long shadows […]

Blackwattle Bay Precinct Planning Scenario 1 (photo: Infrastructure NSW)

Planning scenarios for Blackwattle Bay: revitalisation or overdevelopment?
Posted on 7th June 2020

Two very significant steps in the redevelopment of the Blackwattle Bay foreshores have been made public in the last two weeks. Firstly, Infrastructure NSW released a glossy brochure, ‘Revitalising Blackwattle Bay’, setting out its ‘Blackwattle Bay Precinct Planning Scenarios’, as the basis for an intensive period of community ‘engagement’ on the redevelopment of the Pyrmont […]

Bidura neglect

Bidura, 357 Glebe Point Road – demolition by neglect?
Posted on 17th May 2020

State Heritage listed Bidura is showing the tell-tale signs of neglect. No maintenance or upkeep is evident, which may result in leaks, further dilapidating the building. Left unchecked, Bidura runs the risk of being demolished by neglect. A cursory look at the building and its curtilage has identified the following issues: The front fence, the […]

The Glebe Foreshore walk is busier than usual during the COVID-19 restrictions

More and better walkways are needed in Glebe
Posted on 17th May 2020

There has been an increase in the number of people walking, running and cycling since the COVID-19 restrictions which allow exercise as one of the reasons to leave home. Exercise has been acknowledged as important for our physical and mental health. On many of the popular walks this has created real issues not just because […]

View of Yelvertoft’s southern façade

Posted on 30th March 2020

Some members will be aware the owner / developer of Yelvertoft, recently lodged another DA in relation to this property. Yelvertoft is a Locally Listed Heritage Item No 1637 and is located at 75 Hereford Street Forest Lodge. The previous 2017 DA was refused by City of Sydney, and the developer subsequently appealed to the Land […]

The Sydney Fish Market redevelopment update

The Sydney Fish Market redevelopment update
Posted on 27th February 2020

In early January 2020 The Glebe Society was invited to meet with representatives of Infrastructure NSW to engage in early discussions on the redevelopment of the current Sydney Fish Market and the Bank St precinct. Representing the Glebe Society were Lesley Lynch, Asa Wahlquist and Brian Fuller. Whilst there was not a significant advance on […]

Wesley RJ Williams refurbishment

RJ Williams Lodge – 274 Glebe Point Rd
Posted on 27th February 2020

The Glebe Society would like to thank Jamie Parker MP for attending a meeting organised by local residents to discuss Wesley Mission’s proposed plans for the redevelopment of RJ Williams Lodge. More than 70 residents attended this meeting. This site has been vacant since 2010, following the death of a resident who fell from his […]

The multi-user facility of Glebe Island.

Glebe Island Multi-User Facility (MUF)
Posted on 21st February 2020

The NSW Port Authority has now approved its plan for a 24-hour shipping port and storage facility for construction materials at Glebe Island. There were many submissions opposing the inadequate amenity protections, particularly at night. In response, the Port Authority promised a precinct-wide noise policy and mandatory protocols for all vessels with 24-hour monitoring and […]

Sydney Fish Markets from rowing club

Public submissions show strong opposition to Infrastructure NSW’s plans for the new Sydney Fish Market
Posted on 16th December 2019

The deadline for submissions in response to the DAs for the redevelopment of the Sydney Fish Market (SFM) was 13 November 2019. The Society’s submission concentrated on the following issues: A lack of an acceptable financial business case that justifies the additional expenditure of building over water versus redeveloping the current land site. The early […]

Artist’s impression of the NSW Land and Housing Corporation and the Prince’s Trust Australia’s preliminary concept proposal for 31 Cowper St and 2A-2D Wentworth Park Rd

Missed Opportunities for Housing in Glebe
Posted on 3rd December 2019

As we are all aware Glebe is unique as to its blend of private and public housing. The character of Glebe is inextricably linked to this mix and it is reflected in the diverse nature of our population. According to Forest Lodge and Glebe Coordination Group (FLAG), in 2015 around 4,000 people lived in public […]

DA is Out But Moving the Sydney Fish Market Makes No Sense!
Posted on 28th October 2019

The objections to the new site relate to the lack of a business case, loss of unrestricted 24 hour access to the foreshore, loss of potential for a waterfront to Wentworth Park amenity, and access and transport implications.

Submission to City of Sydney about Retail on Glebe Point Road

Submission to City of Sydney about Retail on Glebe Point Road
Posted on 28th October 2019

The Society recently made a submission the City of Sydney in relation to Glebe Point Road retail.

My NBN Story – a cautionary tale
Posted on 8th August 2019

Apparently about 75% of homes are now connected to NBN. That means that in 25%, including many in Glebe, people are waiting anxiously to find out what happens next. When I mention NBN most people have experienced or know of horror stories, for instance back to base burglar alarms seem to be incompatible with NBN. […]

Planning Report (May 2019)
Posted on 3rd May 2019

Yelvertoft, 75 Hereford St

NBN Rollout
Posted on 3rd May 2019

A window of opportunity exists to get the NBN rolled-out right in Glebe & Forest Lodge – can you help?

A Total Disregard for Our Heritage Streetscapes?
Posted on 1st April 2019

Unsightly plastic NBN conduit and cabling.

Council’s new community strategic plan – Sustainable Sydney 2050

Council’s new community strategic plan – Sustainable Sydney 2050
Posted on 14th March 2019

City of Sydney is undertaking an extensive community consultation program for everyone who lives, works and studies in or visits the city.

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