Issues – Page 21 – The Glebe Society

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Draft Neighbourhood Parking Policy, and our Submission
Posted on 4th July 2013

Residents are invited to have their say regarding the discussion paper for the Development of Neighbourhood Parking Policy. The aim is to standardise the policy across the LGA and remove discrepancies and illegal activity. It is important to remember that will be an increase of traffic in the near future. Whilst Glebe/Forest Lodge has not had the pressures that other villages have experienced, there will be changes. Of paramount importance is to preserve parking for local residents.

New Planning Proposals: Heritage Gone AWOL?
Posted on 27th June 2013

Incredibly, the NSW Government’s planning White Paper scarcely mentions the word “heritage.” Perhaps this is not surprising as so often in the past NSW has exhibited a cavalier attitude to its heritage and history. Some particular concerns relating to heritage …

Community Planning Forum Resolves to NSW Planning Changes
Posted on 27th June 2013

A Community Forum on Planning, organised by the Glebe Society in collaboration with Pyrmont Action and Ultimo Village Voice, was held on May 16. Below is a copy of the resolution that was passed unanimously and which has been delivered to the state government.

New Planning Legislation explained in one page
Posted on 8th June 2013

The Better Planning Network has produced a one page guide for residents which explains the key points of the proposed planning legislation and encourages them to write an objection.

Bays Precinct task force report: worth the effort?
Posted on 26th May 2013

The long awaited Bays Precinct Taskforce Report1, and the Government’s response to it, was released in late March. The Report is a mixed bag. It makes some very significant findings and recommendations – although these are often loose and open to many interpretations.

Johnstons Creek Parkland Submission – May 2013
Posted on 1st June 2013

In April the City of Sydney released its Draft Master Plan for the Johnstons Creek Parklands for public comment. Many local residents attended the consultation session held by Council in Bicentennial Park in early May, and feedback was also invited through the ‘Sydney Your Say’ website. The Master Plan is of major significance for Glebe, […]

Plans for 87 Bay Street
Posted on 26th May 2013

Between the Affordable Housing site and Wentworth Park is an old industrial site, formerly the NSW Government Garage. Before that, the part of the site on the corner of Bay Street housed the Glebe Ragged School, which moved there from the corner of Glebe Street in 1890.

Glebe Affordable Housing Project
Posted on 26th May 2013

This proposal has been in abeyance for some time, but has now reappeared in the form of an application that gives the building envelopes and locations, but still does not include details of the actual units. The proposal is little changed from the one to which we objected last year.

Community Planning Forum resolves to fight proposed NSW planning changes

Community Planning Forum resolves to fight proposed NSW planning changes
Posted on 26th May 2013

An audience of over 120 people attended the Town Hall meeting on Thursday night, 16 May, to learn more about the proposed changes to the NSW Planning laws.

May 2013

May 2013
Posted on 10th May 2013

This month (May 2013) I have posted the following: The NSW Government is introducing legislation which will remove much of Local Government controls of residential planning. It favours developers over residents. A Community Planning Forum will be held at the Glebe Town Hall on 16th May at 7.00 p.m. See the Planning Forum Flyer – […]

April 2013

April 2013
Posted on 10th April 2013

In April 2013 I posted the following: Copy of a Letter to Fred Nile re Planning Legislation – 2013, MLC, expressing our views about the proposed Planning Legislation. Copies of this letter were also addressed to Paul Green MLC, and to Matt Kean, MLC. The long-anticipated Planning White Paper was released on Tuesday, 16 April. […]

February 2013

February 2013
Posted on 10th February 2013

This month I have posted the following: Minister Hazard has replied to my letter of December 2012, regarding the long-awaited Bays Task Force Report and his promises about community consultation. His letter to me, which is almost identical to replies he has sent to other correspondents regards the same issues, will be available here shortly.

December 2012

December 2012
Posted on 10th December 2012

This month (December 2012) I have posted the following documents: I have written to the NSW Premier seeking the release of the report of the Bays Precinct Task Force. Click here to read that letter. The Glebe Society is very critical of the government’s current planning processes, and whilst it claims to consult the public, […]

NSW Infrastructure Report – our submission Nov 2012

NSW Infrastructure Report – our submission Nov 2012
Posted on 28th November 2012

Infrastructure NSW PO Box R220 Royal Exchange NSW 1225      The State Infrastructure Strategy Report “ First Things First ”     We refer to this Report which was released on 3 October. The Glebe Society appreciates the opportunity to comment on the Report. These comments were prepared by its Transport and Traffic Subcommittee […]

Environment Policy 2012

Environment Policy 2012
Posted on 28th November 2012

The Glebe Society Inc Environment Policy     The Constitution of the Glebe Society includes amongst its objects:   a) to improve the amenity of Glebe by: vi) making Glebe a cleaner and healthier environment b) to preserve and enhance the natural and architectural character of Glebe   In keeping with these objects, the Glebe […]

Super Yacht Marina – Glebe Society’s submission Nov 2012

Super Yacht Marina – Glebe Society’s submission Nov 2012
Posted on 27th November 2012

The Glebe Society has sent the following submission regards the proposed Super Yacht Marina.  Click here to read the submission.

November 2012

November 2012
Posted on 10th November 2012

In November 2012 I posted the following documents: Local residents of Glebe, especially those near Blackwattle Bay, fear that the proposed Rozelle Bay Super Yacht Marina will harm them in many ways. Read their flyer here. Following the campaign of Glebe residents, the SMH published the following article which you can read here. The Glebe […]

October 2012

October 2012
Posted on 23rd October 2012

In October 2012 I posted a number of documents which can be viewed below: The Society’s submissions to the NSW Long Term Transport Master Plan and the Planning Green paper; The Strategy Review process plan; Several files about the Planning System review and how you can help ensure community engagement means something in planning. Click […]

Submission on NSW Transport Long Term Master Plan

Submission on NSW Transport Long Term Master Plan
Posted on 26th October 2012

NSW Long Term Transport Master Plan Team Transport for NSW GPO Box K659 Haymarket NSW 1240 Draft NSW Long Term Transport Master Plan We refer to this draft Plan which was released in September. The Glebe Society appreciates the opportunity to comment on how the Plan can be strengthened. The submission that follows was prepared […]

Glebe Society response to Govt. Green Paper on Planning

Glebe Society response to Govt. Green Paper on Planning
Posted on 19th September 2012

The Glebe Society has provided its initial response to the Green Paper on Planning. This is a major strategic issue that strikes to the core of community engagement with planning decisions. I encourage you to read the letter and give us your considered views.

The David Mander-Jones memorial tree

The David Mander-Jones memorial tree
Posted on 10th September 2012

In June 2012 in the presence of Fay-Mander Jones and many other members of his family, Glebe colleagues and old Lindfield neighbours, an Angophera was planted in Glebe’s Paddy Gray Reserve in grateful memory of David Mander-Jones who died during in late 2011 and was the much-loved first convenor of the Blue Wren Group.

Transport & Traffic Subcommittee – Annual Report for 2012

Transport & Traffic Subcommittee – Annual Report for 2012
Posted on 20th August 2012

  Transport and Traffic, Annual Report 2012   Policy:  The policy of the Transport and Traffic Subcommittee encompasses a key objective of the Glebe Society set out in the Constitution; namely to improve the amenity of Glebe by promoting a better transport system, both public and private, including upgrading facilities for pedestrians and cyclists.   This […]

Biodiversity workshop – 3rd September

Biodiversity workshop – 3rd September
Posted on 17th August 2012

Upcoming workshop in the City’s Green Villages series   ·    Biodiversity: indigenous plants & animals o   Glebe Community Garden o   132 St John’s Road, Glebe      Monday 03/09/2012 o    6:30 pm – 8:30 pm Discover how to create habitat in your backyard or balcony during Threatened Species Month. Learn about Sydney’s native plants and animals, what habitat […]

Blue Wrens Annual Report for 2011-2012

Blue Wrens Annual Report for 2011-2012
Posted on 16th August 2012

Blue Wren Report for 2011-12 The nine members of the Subcommittee met on a monthly basis during the year – we always welcome new members to come and join our activities, and were glad to welcome two recent newcomers.  In June, accompanied by Fay and many other members of his family, Glebe colleagues and old […]

Planning Annual Report 2011-2012

Planning Annual Report 2011-2012
Posted on 16th August 2012

ANNUAL PLANNING REPORT 2012   This report will be briefer than last year's, as some of the issues have been resolved. As predicted, the year was dominated by the CityPlan, the Review of Planning Legislation and the Stage 1 Development Application for Harold Park. Concerning the fourth major issue, the Glebe Affordable Housing Project, there […]

Bays Precinct Taskforce – Proposed Recommendations from Community Representative

Bays Precinct Taskforce – Proposed Recommendations from Community Representative
Posted on 30th June 2012

Click here to read the report.

Submission to Federal Government’s Australian Heritage Strategy

Submission to Federal Government’s Australian Heritage Strategy
Posted on 25th June 2012

The Glebe Society has responded to the Federal Government’s call for proposals about an Australian Heritage Strategy with a submission that argued that an expanded role for community organisations is needed; addressed the questions set out in the consultation report and by using the Glebe Society as a case of what could be done, showed how this might be funded and arranged.

Glebe Society submission re generic Plan of Management of Community Lands – May 2012

Glebe Society submission re generic Plan of Management of Community Lands – May 2012
Posted on 23rd May 2012

Generic Plan of Management: Community Land Response from the Glebe Society   Thank you for the opportunity to respond to the City of Sydney’s Draft Generic Plan of Management (DGPOM) for Community Land.  Members of the Society, including members of the Environment Subcommittee and the Blue Wrens group,  have  been involved in preparing this submission.  They […]

The Bays & Foreshores – the Issues

The Bays & Foreshores – the Issues
Posted on 21st May 2012

THE BAYS PRECINCT COMMUNITY CONSULTATIONS: Some preliminary thoughts from a community perspective.   Over the next week we have a rare opportunity to have a say in the future of the Bays Precinct through the Government’s Bays Precinct Taskforce  community consultations. This is a very special and strategic harbour site encompassing Blackwattle Bay, Rozelle Bay, White […]

Bays & Foreshores Community Consulation workshop in Glebe – 23rd May

Bays & Foreshores Community Consulation workshop in Glebe – 23rd May
Posted on 21st May 2012

The first round of the Government’s community consultations on the future of the Bays Precinct began last Wednesday in Balmain. The Government agencies and Sydney and Leichhardt Councils all presented their views for future uses. Professor Jane Marceau – the sole community representative – gave a feisty response, challenging the closed approach of the agencies and calling for serious dialogue with the community and an innovative (rather than more of the same) vision for this strategic harbour site. This consultation will be repeated in Glebe at St Scholastica’s on Wednesday night 23rd May at 6-9pm. The Glebe Society urges members to attend.

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