Residents are invited to have their say regarding the discussion paper for the Development of Neighbourhood Parking Policy. The aim is to standardise the policy across the LGA and remove discrepancies and illegal activity. It is important to remember that will be an increase of traffic in the near future. Whilst Glebe/Forest Lodge has not had the pressures that other villages have experienced, there will be changes. Of paramount importance is to preserve parking for local residents. Click here to view the Draft Neighbourhood Parking Policy.
The Glebe Society has made a submission to Council on the draft Neighbourhood Parking Policy, and it can be viewed by clicking here.
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3.1 Residential areas
I think residential street parking should be increased to 3 hours – this is not long enough for commuters wanting to access the city for work but enables day time visitors a reasonable time for social/business occasions. Two hours is not long enough in many instances. I refer to off main business area residential parking.