Issues – Page 14 – The Glebe Society

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News from the Blue Wrens Subcommittee – May 2017

News from the Blue Wrens Subcommittee – May 2017
Posted on 1st May 2017

All members of the Society and their friends are invited to hear Professor Chris Dickman, Professor in Ecology, Faculty of Science at the University of Sydney, talk about the ‘Impacts and local management of cats, dogs and foxes’.

Restoring Rothwell Lodge’s Rare Fretwork Verandah Post Infills
Posted on 1st May 2017

Rothwell Lodge, at 24 Ferry Rd, was built around 1847. Veranda posts with fretwork infills unique for Glebe and now rare for Sydney.

From the President (May 2017)

From the President (May 2017)
Posted on 1st May 2017

Historic Buildings Top the Charts in Glebe Society Survey and
End of an era: Liz Simpson-Booker retires as Heritage Convenor

News from the Blue Wrens Subcommittee – April 2017

News from the Blue Wrens Subcommittee – April 2017
Posted on 1st April 2017

Professor Chris Dickman, Professor in Ecology, Faculty of Science at the University of Sydney has accepted an invitation to talk to the Society on ‘Impacts and local management of cats, dogs and foxes’. The talk will be in the downstairs meeting room at Benledi, Glebe Library commencing at 6pm on Wednesday 24 May 2017.

Tram Mural Officially Launched
Posted on 1st April 2017

The unveiling of the Glebe Tram Mural by Lord Mayor Clover Moore on Wednesday 8 March was the culmination of four years of planning.

Bidura Meeting 22 March 2017
Posted on 1st April 2017

The President and Convenors of the Planning and Heritage Subcommittees met with Nigel Fox, Development Director of Visionland. This was the second meeting, and we would expect a development application to be lodged within a month or two.

Planning Report (April 2017)

Planning Report (April 2017)
Posted on 1st April 2017

Better Planning Network Workshop, Changes and Their Impacts, Independent Planning Commission, Code-based Approvals and Private Certification, and Environmental Protection

Cycleways in Glebe – Not Satisfactory: What Happens Now?
Posted on 24th February 2017

The cycleways in Glebe and Forest Lodge are not satisfactory. The ones we have are disjointed and often put cyclists onto our busiest streets, where the risk of injury is a major concern.

Glebe’s Tram Mural
Posted on 24th February 2017

Congratulations and thank you to mural creator, Kelly Wallwork. With the mural complete – thanks to the inspiration and hard work of the Society’s Janice Challinor.

Iron Spearheads
Posted on 24th February 2017

19th and early 20th Century Glebe houses display a variety of boundary fences, most commonly wooden pickets and iron railings. Although the iron fence is a feature of many Glebe buildings there is a range of spearheads used with some common forms such as the fleur-de-lis and a few that are more individualised.

Bidura – Potential Listing on the State Heritage Register
Posted on 24th February 2017

The Heritage Council of NSW is considering whether to recommend the Bidura House Group for listing on the State Heritage Register in acknowledgement of its heritage significance.

Key Book for Glebe History
Posted on 24th February 2017

This book is the second edition of Green Bans, Red Union: Environmental Activism and the New South Wales Builders Labourers’ Federation, which was published in 1998 and was an immediate success. It is the story of the NSW branch of the BLF under the leadership of Jack Mundey, Bob Pringle, Joe Owens and others.

Sandstone Retaining Walls
Posted on 24th February 2017

The ‘contained portal’ option in Arundel St threatened by WestConnex has been ditched to the vast relief of Glebe residents.
We understand that the repair of the sandstone retaining wall at Forest Lodge will be assessed for funding under the Department’s ‘10 year Schools Stonework Program’.

Sydney Fishmarket
Posted on 24th February 2017

While it is a great asset to have on our doorstep, there are numerous problems with the proposed move to the head of the Bay.

10 Bridge Road
Posted on 24th February 2017

This controversial proposal is to convert an industrial building into a largely residential development in the Business Zone opposite Sydney Secondary College (Blackwattle Campus). This site is located within Wentworth Park. The proposal has been refused.

News from the Blue Wrens Subcommittee – December 2016

News from the Blue Wrens Subcommittee – December 2016
Posted on 2nd December 2016

Glebe’s fourth annual spring bird survey and Arthur (Paddy) Gray Reserve

Bidura Redevelopment
Posted on 1st December 2016

On 26 November 2016 the Land and Environment Court handed down a judgment on the Vision Land proposal for the redevelopment of the rear of the Bidura site.

WestConnex Revamp: Camperdown Traffic Portals Abandoned
Posted on 1st December 2016

WestConnex has announced a revamp of the proposed M4-M5 Link.

News from the Blue Wrens Subcommittee – November 2016
Posted on 1st November 2016

Kevin Simpson’s, Landscape Architect, Design, firm has recently completed the establishment of the habitat garden in John Street Reserve. Plus recent bird sightings in Glebe’s parks.

No WestCONnex Portals Please!
Posted on 28th October 2016

Over 250 Glebe and Forest Lodge residents attended a ‘Stop WestConnex’ meeting on Monday 24 October at Glebe Town Hall which was organised by the Coalition of Glebe Groups.

Planning Report (November 2016)
Posted on 31st October 2016

Opening of the Tramsheds and History of the Tramsheds and Harold Park; 25 Glebe Point Rd, ‘Doughnut Time’; Central Sydney Planning Strategy; and Minor Changes to LEP 2012

Bays Precinct Community Consultation Award
Posted on 28th October 2016

The Glebe Society’s Bays & Foreshores Convenor, Dr Lesley Lynch, responds to the news that UrbanGrowth NSW has won multiple awards for their community consultation on the Bays Precinct development.

President’s Letter to Luke Foley re WestConnex

President’s Letter to Luke Foley re WestConnex
Posted on 27th October 2016

President’s Letter to Luke Foley re WestConnex

Tramsheds Restoration: a Ray of Light
Posted on 22nd October 2016

It would be hard, in heritage terms, to characterise the last 12 months as anything other than a year of destruction across Sydney. One bright spot, in our own backyard, is the restoration, repurposing and reopening of the Tramsheds at Harold Park, formerly known as the Rozelle Tramway Depot.

Obituary: Janina Margaret Craney
Posted on 22nd October 2016

Jan died on 2 June 2016 at 74 years of age from a blood cancer, multiple myeloma. Jan was an enthusiastic and knowledgeable member of the Subcommittee.

Glebe Affordable Housing Project, Cowper Street
Posted on 22nd October 2016

This proposal is for 495 dwellings, in blocks of up to ten storeys. 247 are proposed to be private market units, 95 to be affordable and 153 public housing. There are 175 parking spaces (none for the public housing).

The Architecture of Arundel Street
Posted on 22nd October 2016

Arundel St could be described as Glebe’s ‘shop window’ which announces to the world the Victorian suburb which lies behind to the north. The Glebe Society’s Heritage Subcommittee has identified a significant number of buildings in Arundel St which it considers to be a vital part of Glebe’s townscape.

Blue Wren Subcommittee Annual Report 2015-2016

Blue Wren Subcommittee Annual Report 2015-2016
Posted on 7th September 2016

During the past 12 months there have been occasional sightings of blue wrens in Glebe – always around St Johns Rd and Jarocin Ave – and it is likely that they have flown from the campus of the University of Sydney

Bays & Foreshores Subcommittee Annual Report 2015-2016

Bays & Foreshores Subcommittee Annual Report 2015-2016
Posted on 7th September 2016

The Bays Precinct Urban Renewal Project is now in its third year and continues as a major focus for the Glebe Society.
The community’s and councils’ efforts to block significant aspects of the proposed on-land and on-water variations to the SSYM dragged into 2016

WestConnex – the Heritage Aspects of One Proposed Glebe Option
Posted on 7th September 2016

WestConnex is currently looking at options for the route of the M4-M5 Link which will take traffic from the Rozelle interchange to St Peters. One option being considered is to provide a “contained portal” allowing tunnel traffic to exit to the city at Arundel St.

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