Harold Park Redevelopment – The Glebe Society

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Harold Park Redevelopment

Redevelopment of Harold Park

Redevelopment of Harold Park

Articles about the campaign to persuade the City Council and the State Government to adopt a better plan for the redevelopment of Harold Park than that prepared by the Government Architect.

Posts about Harold Park Redevelopment

Water tower heritage interpretation artwork
Posted on 6th November 2021

One of the requirements of the DA for the development of Harold Park was that the water tank associated with the Rozelle Tram Yards be reinstated. The tank has been reinstated as an artwork by Chris Fox called ‘Immerge’.

Correspondence with the City of Sydney on Harold Park completion
Posted on 17th December 2017

The Glebe Society is aware of wide-spread concern expressed by local residents about the lack of progress in completion of Harold Park. We are seeking information from you about the timeframe for drainage remediation and the opening of the park.

Harold Park, Harold Park ?!?
Posted on 4th June 2017

No, the heading above is not a typographical error. City of Sydney is proposing to name the newly created park in the Harold Park development, ‘Harold Park’. Is it just us, or is this very confusing?

Tramsheds Wins the National Trust’s ‘Adaptive Re-use’ Heritage Award
Posted on 4th June 2017

Congratulations to Mirvac for receiving one of the National Trust’s Heritage Awards for the adaptive re-use of the Rozelle Tram Depot.

What about the Park at Harold Park?
Posted on 1st May 2017

Locals will have noticed that turfing and tree planting in the open space at Harold Park, from the Tramsheds to Wigram Rd, was completed some months ago, and people are asking: ‘When will the park be opened?’

Harold Park Affordable Housing
Posted on 7th September 2016

The last building to be constructed on the Harold Park site is now being advertised. However, this one is not being built by Mirvac, but by City West Community Housing. The affordable housing site is on the immediate left as you enter the site from Wigram Rd. It faces east, running along Ross St.

What’s Next at Harold Park?
Posted on 8th March 2016

With almost all of the Harold Park development due to be finished this year, a quick reminder of what will be involved may be useful.

Work Commencing on Open Space at Harold Park
Posted on 26th November 2015

Council has accepted the recommended tender for the construction of new open space at Harold Park. Work is due to commence in November this year and finish in November 2016.

Report of FLAG Meeting re Harold Park – 4th Feb

Report of FLAG Meeting re Harold Park – 4th Feb
Posted on 6th February 2012

A public meeting was held on 4th Feb at St Scholastica’s College Glebe. The meeting attracted over 100 residents to discuss community concerns about the Harold Park development.

Supplementary Submission to Council re Harold Park

Supplementary Submission to Council re Harold Park
Posted on 14th October 2011

14 October 2011 Silvia Corriera Planning Department City of Sydney Dear Silvia SUPPLEMENTARY SUBMISSION: HAROLD PARK MASTERPLAN AND DAs FOR PRECINCTS 1 & 2, D/2011/1311-2 & 1298-9 The Glebe Society submitted its response to these DAs on 26 September 2011 but noting that the date for responses to the Harold Park DAs has been extended […]

“Save Rozelle Bay Association” submission to Council

“Save Rozelle Bay Association” submission to Council
Posted on 6th October 2011

TGSI members might also be interested in the views of another local community group. The Save Rozelle Bay Association' has special interest in this development because of its effects on Annandale, parkland and the foreshores. It has agreed to display its submission on our site. You will see that the submissions are complementary but with […]

Submission to Council re Harold Park Master Plan

Submission to Council re Harold Park Master Plan
Posted on 29th September 2011

The Glebe Society has sent its Submission to the City of Sydney in response to the Harold Park Master Plan as proposed by Mirvac. Please note that the Closing Date for submissions to council closed on 28th September. The Glebe Society’s submission follows.

Glebe Society meets with Mirvac re Harold Park

Glebe Society meets with Mirvac re Harold Park
Posted on 11th September 2011

The City of Sydney Council recently received a set of Development Applications (D/2011/1311-2&1298-9) from Mirvac for the first two precincts on the Harold Park site and subsequently invited comment from the community at large with a deadline of 28 September for submissions. Broadly the proposals for precincts 1 and 2 appear to conform to what has already been approved, that is, there is little change from the plans previously agreed by Council. There are some issues that the Society considers as areas of concern but members will have their own concerns based on how much they expect to be affected.

Development Application (DA) for Harold Park now available

Development Application (DA) for Harold Park now available
Posted on 4th September 2011

Mirvac has recently lodged a series of Development Applications (DAs) for the Harold Park site and these are now under consideration by the City of Sydney Council. The Society has initiated a number of activities to facilitate input from Members to the latest Council process.

Harold Park DCP: report on design principles

Harold Park DCP: report on design principles
Posted on 22nd December 2010

This report on the design principles for the proposed Harold Park DCP was prepared by Bruce Lay to inform discussion at the public meeting held at Forest Lodge public school on 7 December 2010.

Harold Park DCP: Traffic and Parking report

Harold Park DCP: Traffic and Parking report
Posted on 22nd December 2010

This report on the traffic and parking implications of the proposed Harold Park DCP was prepared by Christopher Hallam and Associates to inform discussion at the public meeting held at Forest Lodge public school on 7 December 2010.

Harold Park DCP: supporting arguments for resolution of 7 December 2010

Harold Park DCP: supporting arguments for resolution of 7 December 2010
Posted on 22nd December 2010

Follow this link to read the supporting arguments relating to the draft submission prepared by the Glebe Society for consideration by the public meeting held at Forest Lodge Public School on 7 December, 2010.

Harold Park resolution endorsed by public meeting 7 December 2010

Harold Park resolution endorsed by public meeting 7 December 2010
Posted on 22nd December 2010

Follow this link to read the text of the resolution concerning the future development of Harold Park and the associated Tramsheds agreed by a community meeting attended by about 50 people at the Forest Lodge Public School on 7 December.

Harold Park site bought by Mirvac

Harold Park site bought by Mirvac
Posted on 11th December 2010

Media reports on 10 December indicated that the developer Mirvac has bought the Harold Park site from the Harness Racing Club.

Harold Park redevelopment: proposed resolution for discussion at public meeting

Harold Park redevelopment: proposed resolution for discussion at public meeting
Posted on 6th December 2010

The text of the resolution to be discussed at the public meeting called by the Glebe Society at Forest Lodge Public School at 6.30pm on 7 December appears below.

Planning principles for Harold Park’s future

Planning principles for Harold Park’s future
Posted on 6th December 2010

Follow this link to read the planning principles developed by the Glebe Society through public meetings during 2010 to guide the future development of Harold Park .

Harold Park community campaign: Public meeting Tuesday 7 December

Harold Park community campaign: Public meeting Tuesday 7 December
Posted on 6th December 2010

The Glebe Society has organised a public meeting at Forest Lodge Public School on Tuesday, 7 December, to discuss the proposed plan for the redevelopment of Harold Park. The issues are outlined below. If you wish to read the draft resolution to be put to meeting, click on the link above or browse to https://www.glebescoiety.org.au/?p=4311. If you can’t attend the meeting, please email your views to Sydney City Councillors or our local member of Parliament, Verity Firth.

NEWS FLASH: Council and Harold Park reach agreement

NEWS FLASH: Council and Harold Park reach agreement
Posted on 23rd September 2010

Planning Convenor Neil Macindoe reports that the Sydney City Council and the Harness Racing Club, which owns Harold Park Paceway, have reached agreement on the proposed rezoning of the site.

Harold Park – report to the AGM

Harold Park – report to the AGM
Posted on 30th August 2010

As of Friday 27 August, Harold Park Paceway had not reached an agreement with the City of Sydney on proposed planning controls for the site and hence the draft rezoning has not been formally presented to the Minister, Tony Kelly.

President’s report to the 2010 Annual General Meeting

President’s report to the 2010 Annual General Meeting
Posted on 28th August 2010

Follow this link to read President Lesley Lynch’s report to the Society’s annual general meeting on 29 August 2010.

City Council agrees to Harold Park zoning proposal

City Council agrees to Harold Park zoning proposal
Posted on 27th July 2010

The Central Sydney Planning Committee and the Council of the City of Sydney have agreed to zoning proposals for Harold Park. The outcome, confirmed at a meeting of full Council on Monday, 26 July 2010, was not all that we would have wished for, but far more favourable than might have been the case if proposals put forward by the current owner, the NSW Harness Racing Club, had been accepted. The next move will by up to the Club which can accept the City’s decision or ask the Minister for Planning to intervene on its behalf.

Harold Park: D-Day tomorrow (Monday, 19 July)

Harold Park: D-Day tomorrow (Monday, 19 July)
Posted on 18th July 2010

The proposed draft planning controls for Harold Park will go before City of Sydney Planning Committee on Monday (July 19) and to the Central Sydney Planning Committee (CSPC) on Wednesday. There is a very real possibility that the controls will not be approved and that control of the planning for Harold Park will be referred to the Minister for Planning. This is an outcome we have been very keen to avoid as it effectively cuts the community out of the process. Members are encouraged to strongly express their views on the future development of Harold Park to both the City and the State Government, and preserve community input into the planning of this very important site.

Important information sources relating to Harold Park planning decision

Important information sources relating to Harold Park planning decision
Posted on 18th July 2010

Follow this link to gain access to important papers relating to the Harold Park planning decision.

City Council commits to 35% open space for Harold Park redevelopment

City Council commits to 35% open space for Harold Park redevelopment
Posted on 15th July 2010

More than a third of the Harold Park Paceway site in Glebe could become publicly accessible open space as part of draft planning controls developed by the City of Sydney.

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