Past Events – Page 3 – The Glebe Society

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Past Events

New Members Welcome event – 13th July

New Members Welcome event – 13th July
Posted on 16th June 2012

An event will be held on Friday 13th July to welcome all new members who have joined during the previous 12 months. The event will be held on Friday 13th July at 6pm till 8pm, at the Harold Park Hotel, with some fun entertainment planned for the evening. $20 per head, but no charge for new members.

NAIDOC Week event – Lunch & Film at Tranby – 5th July

NAIDOC Week event – Lunch & Film at Tranby – 5th July
Posted on 15th June 2012

For NAIDOC Week, Tranby Aboriginal College is proud to host an informal lunch in honour of local Elders, from both the Aboriginal and white communities of Glebe, to celebrate their stories and to encourage community spirit. The lunch will be held at Tranby from 11.30 – 2.30, and will be followed by a short film.

NAIDOC event – Glebe History Ride – 1st July

NAIDOC event – Glebe History Ride – 1st July
Posted on 1st June 2012

The NAIDOC Glebe Committee will provide a Glebe History Ride, with two sessions starting from Tranby College on Family Day, 1st July at 12 and 2pm. This interactive bus tour of the Glebe area will be from an Aboriginal historical perspective. Book in to be surprised and informed about the rich history of the Glebe area and many local stories, and will incorporate sites listed on Council’s Barani Barrabugu Historical Walking Tour.

NAIDOC Film Screening & Conversation – 3rd July

NAIDOC Film Screening & Conversation – 3rd July
Posted on 25th May 2012

A documentary film, made in 1972, records the events surrounding the establishment of the Aboriginal Tent Embassy on the lawns of Parliament House. It incorporates interviews with black activists, the work of the National Black Theatre, Aboriginal Legal Service and Aboriginal Medical Service, footage from the demonstrations and arrests at the Embassy. This is the only film to focus on the Tent Embassy and is an historic document, integral to the comprehension of the Aboriginal political struggle. Erection of the Tent Embassy on the lawns of Parliament is the most symbolic action ever taken by Aboriginal people in their struggle for justice in their own land. “Ningla A-Na” presents an inside view of Aboriginal political life.

Bays & Foreshores Community Consulation workshop in Glebe – 23rd May

Bays & Foreshores Community Consulation workshop in Glebe – 23rd May
Posted on 21st May 2012

The first round of the Government’s community consultations on the future of the Bays Precinct began last Wednesday in Balmain. The Government agencies and Sydney and Leichhardt Councils all presented their views for future uses. Professor Jane Marceau – the sole community representative – gave a feisty response, challenging the closed approach of the agencies and calling for serious dialogue with the community and an innovative (rather than more of the same) vision for this strategic harbour site. This consultation will be repeated in Glebe at St Scholastica’s on Wednesday night 23rd May at 6-9pm. The Glebe Society urges members to attend.

“Waste Not”, a film presentation on Waste Strategy – 28th June

“Waste Not”, a film presentation on Waste Strategy – 28th June
Posted on 16th May 2012

“Waste Not”, a film and presentation on Waste Strategy, will be presented at Benledi on Thursday 28th June at 6.00 p.m. till 7.30 p.m. Bookings are essential, with a Gold coin donation at the venue.

Unveiling of Elsie Walk, Glebe – 28th May

Unveiling of Elsie Walk, Glebe – 28th May
Posted on 12th May 2012

The Council of the City of Sydney has named a laneway in Glebe as Elsie Walk, in tribute to Australia’s first women’s refuge for victims of domestic violence. Elsie Walk is a small laneway between Derwent Street and Derwent Lane, on the western boundary of Glebe Public School. Clover Moore, Lord Mayor of Sydney, will unveil Elsie Walk on Monday 28th May at 4.00 p.m. All members of the Glebe Society are invited to the event.

Trivia Night fundraiser for NAIDOC week – 1st June

Trivia Night fundraiser for NAIDOC week – 1st June
Posted on 11th May 2012

NAIDOC Week will be held in Glebe in July, celebrating the history, culture and achievements of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples. Events held in Glebe during NAIDOC week will include a Corroboree night, a Family Day and the Elders Lunch. A Trivia Night fundraising event will be held on Friday 1st June at 7pm at the Harold Park hotel, upstairs, to raise money to put on these events that celebrate and show support for the Aboriginal community in Glebe.

Old Houses & Rituals – talk by former Glebe resident – 24th June

Old Houses & Rituals – talk by former Glebe resident – 24th June
Posted on 10th May 2012

Dr. Ian Evans, a former resident of Glebe and the author of numerous books on the history and conservation of old houses, has uncovered some startling new information on a ritual that is thought to be thousands of years old. It came to Australia as part of the cultural baggage of convicts and settlers and survived in great secrecy into the jazz age. Dr. Evans is the author of numerous books on the history and conservation of old Australian houses. His talk at the Museum of Sydney, on the corner of Bridge and Phillip Streets, at 2.00 pm on 24th June is free with Museum admission.

“From Glebe to Antarctica”, a talk by Grahame Budd – 29th April

“From Glebe to Antarctica”, a talk by Grahame Budd – 29th April
Posted on 23rd April 2012

“From Glebe to Antarctica”. An illustrated talk by Grahame Budd, former Antarctic Medical Officer, about the explorer Sir Douglas Mawson. This event coincides with the 100th anniversary of Sir Douglas Mawson’s Australasian Antarctic Expedition and the establishment of the base at Commonwealth Bay.

A Turkish Experience, at Kapadokya Turkish Cafe – 7th June

A Turkish Experience, at Kapadokya Turkish Cafe – 7th June
Posted on 22nd April 2012

On Thursday 7th June we will be having an evening at the Kapadokya Turkish Cafe at 71 Glebe Point Road, Glebe, starting at 7pm. A delicious spread of traditional Turkish home-cooked dishes will be served. More details to come.

Working Bee in Paddy Gray Reserve – 2nd May

Working Bee in Paddy Gray Reserve – 2nd May
Posted on 22nd April 2012

Join the Glebe Society’s Blue Wrens, members from the Glebe Bushcare Group, Rozelle Bay Community Native Nursery & City of Sydney staff & contractors for a working bee at Paddy Gray Reserve (local National Tree Day site in 2010 & 2008). The focus this time will be on grasses & ground covers. We’ll look at what’s already growing in the reserve, learn a little from Council’s Ecology Manager, Katie Oxenham about native grasses & plant a few more in bare spaces. Wednesday 2nd May, 9:15 am till 11:30 am (weather permitting, otherwise 9 May)

Fundraising event for Australian Youth Climate Coalition – 25th April

Fundraising event for Australian Youth Climate Coalition – 25th April
Posted on 17th April 2012

You are cordially invited to Inner West Australian Youth Climate Coalition’s REPOWER event.  The AYCC and New Moon Blues Initiative are holding a night of music and art to raise money to help local community spots to be more energy efficient as part of our Repower campaign.  The following information has been provided to The Glebe […]

Policing in our Community – 24th April

Policing in our Community – 24th April
Posted on 1st April 2012

An event will be held on 24th April when Deputy Police Commissioner Nick Kaldas and Leichhardt LAC Commander Michael O’Toole will be speaking and answering questions on Policing in our community. This is a community event, and everyone is invited so that important issues of concern can be raised and responded to.

Tibby Cotter, Glebe’s fast bowler, book launch – 24th Apr

Tibby Cotter, Glebe’s fast bowler, book launch – 24th Apr
Posted on 1st April 2012

Albert “Tibby” Cotter was Australia’s fastest bowler in cricket during the first decade of the 20th century. He fought at Gallipoli, but was killed in action at Beersheba. Tibby Cotter lived and went to school in Glebe, and played for the Glebe Cricket Club. Members of the Glebe Society are invited to a book launch of “Tibby Cotter: Fast Bowler, Larrikin, Anzac” by Max Bonnell & Andrew Sproul, to be held on Tue 24th April at 6.00 p.m. at the Sydney Cricket Ground. For more details click here to see the flyer.

Glebe Library is 15 yrs old – let’s have a party – 20th April

Glebe Library is 15 yrs old – let’s have a party – 20th April
Posted on 1st April 2012

Glebe Library is having a Birthday, it’s 15th since opening at its current location in Glebe Point Road. To help celebrate, Max Solling, our well-known local historian, will be giving a talk about the history of Glebe and its library. It will be an evening filled with music, history, community, light refreshments and of course, cake! Featuring the local stories from the COWbelles, jazz music from Barry Canham, and an exhibition of selected images from the Bernard Smith Collection.

Launch of Earth V Sky, fig trees lit at sunset – 24th April

Launch of Earth V Sky, fig trees lit at sunset – 24th April
Posted on 11th March 2012

Two giant Moreton Bay fig trees on the Glebe foreshore will be illuminated at sunset, when a new artwork powered by state-of-the-art lighting and wind turbine technology is switched on this month. Earth V Sky will operate each night at dusk, with the lights programmed to switch on at sunset and stay illuminated for about 90 minutes. Earth V Sky is the third public art project developed by the City of Sydney with the local Glebe community since 2006. The Lord Mayor will officially open Earth V Sky for members of the community on Tuesday, 24 April, at 5pm.

Twilight Wine-tasting event at Glebe Rowers Club – 25th March

Twilight Wine-tasting event at Glebe Rowers Club – 25th March
Posted on 9th March 2012

Our first social event for the year will be a Twilight Wine-tasting at the Glebe Rowing Club, Ferry Road, from 4.30 – 6.30pm on Sunday 25 March. Enjoy the last daylight-saving Sunday of the season and taste some beautiful wines from the Mediterranean and bar food from “Timbah” (Forsyth Street, Glebe). An informal occasion to meet with other members and friends.

Planning Basics for Residents – 13th March

Planning Basics for Residents – 13th March
Posted on 1st March 2012

Is planning speak a fog to you? Do you want to know how building designs are determined and how the Planning system works? If so then you may be interested in a Community Workshop REDWatch is putting on with Professor Peter Phibbs, to help everyday residents find out who decides what, how to find meaning in all that jargon – terms like DA, LEP, DCP, Master Plan, SEPP – and how residents can influence planning decisions. Peter Phibbs runs a day course at UWS aimed at non-planners and we have asked him to come to Redfern and run a session for any residents who would like to know more about planning.

Thirsty Thursday – “Darbar” Indian restaurant – 12th April

Thirsty Thursday – “Darbar” Indian restaurant – 12th April
Posted on 1st March 2012

Members and friends are invited to meet in restaurants in and around Glebe, usually on the first Thursday of each month at 7pm, to eat and talk with other people who live in Glebe. We visit a different restaurant each month, with varying cuisines. Our next event will be on Thursday 12th April when we will share a meal at Darbar, 134 Glebe Point Road.

Good Neighbourhood BBQ at Foley Park – 4th March

Good Neighbourhood BBQ at Foley Park – 4th March
Posted on 28th February 2012

The City of Sydney is holding another of it very popular “Good Neighbourhood” BBQs this Sunday, 4th March, at Foley Park, from 11am till 2pm. The event will feature the Crocodile Encounters Reptile Show, live music, children’s activities, a free BBQ, and information on safety and security initiatives in your area. All are welcome.

David Mander-Jones – Memorial Service 16th Feb

David Mander-Jones – Memorial Service 16th Feb
Posted on 18th January 2012

A memorial service will be held for David Mander-Jones on Thursday 16th February at the Record Reign Hall, in St Johns Road, Glebe (opposite the Fire Station). The service will commence at 2.30 p.m. All are welcome as we try our best to celebrate a person who was very much loved, and a life very well lived. David, a member of the Glebe Society and the Managment Committee for many years, died on 5th July 2011, aged 75 years. David was a charming, engaging man, and he is missed by many.

Glebe Society Christmas Cocktail Party – 2nd Dec

Glebe Society Christmas Cocktail Party – 2nd Dec
Posted on 15th November 2011

The Glebe Society has its annual Christmas event every December, and this year it will be held in the grounds of historic Toxteth House, i.e. St Scholatica’s College. Christmas drinks and canapes will be served on the elegant verandah and (weather permitting) on the lawns of Toxteth House, in Avenue Road, Glebe.

Thirsty Thursday – at Almustafa Lebanese restaurant – 2nd Feb

Thirsty Thursday – at Almustafa Lebanese restaurant – 2nd Feb
Posted on 18th January 2012

Members and friends are invited to meet in restaurants in and around Glebe, usually on the first Thursday of each month at 7pm, to eat and talk with other people who live in Glebe. We visit a different restaurant each month, with varying cuisines. Our next event will be on Thursday 2nd February when we will share a meal at Almustafa Lebanese Restaurant, 23 Glebe Point Road.

Glebe Art Galleries Tour – 19th Nov

Glebe Art Galleries Tour – 19th Nov
Posted on 14th November 2011

On 19th November The Glebe Society will conduct another of its regular Guided Walking Tours. This walking tour will start at the Inner City Clay workers and then visit take in Art Almanac. Gallery Red, The Glass Artists Gallery, Salerno, The Floral Gallery then conclude with coffee and cake at Yuga.

Glebe Youth Service – Film & Fun night 12th Nov

Glebe Youth Service – Film & Fun night 12th Nov
Posted on 1st November 2011

The Glebe Youth Service (GYS) will hold its annual Film and Fun Night on Saturday 12 November, 2011 at the Peter Forsythe Auditorium, Glebe. The night includes performances from local musicians such as hip-hop group Str8 Ballaz as well as artists and film makers. Each year GYS partners with Short Black Films to produce a 10-minute short film based on young people’s personal experiences. Many of these young people have overcome adversity to find a voice through their art.

Brewery tour & Tasting event – 31st October

Brewery tour & Tasting event – 31st October
Posted on 18th October 2011

The Glebe Society will be holding a Brewery Tour & Tasting event at the Malt Shovel Brewery (makers of James Squire beers) at Camperdown on Monday 31st October, from 5.00 p.m. till 7.00 p.m. Cost is $30, which includes tasting of some beers and some finger food. Our host for the evening is Mr Chuck Hahn, who will talk about the how their range of beers can be matched with a variety of foods.

Presentation on the restoration of the Glebe Town Hall

Presentation on the restoration of the Glebe Town Hall
Posted on 17th October 2011

As most Glebe residents will have noticed, the Glebe Town Hall, built in 1880, is undergoing substantial renovations and will not be re-opened until mid-2012. The City of Sydney will make a presentation to Glebe Society members interested in architecture and heritage on the restoration. Representatives from the construction company and the City of Sydney will take part in the presentation. The event will be held on 20th October.

Mitchell Street Fete

Mitchell Street Fete
Posted on 29th September 2011

The Annual Mitchell Street Fete will be held on Saturday 29th October 2011 from 11.00 a.m. till 2.00 p.m. in Mitchell Street, Glebe. There will be lots of stalls and activities organised for the event, and it’s a great day for the residents who live nearby. The Glebe Society have been regular supporters of the event.

Wentworth Park Community Games – 16th October

Wentworth Park Community Games – 16th October
Posted on 29th September 2011

Is your family mutt a winner? Find out on 16th October at the Wentworth Park Community Games. The games bring together residents from Glebe and Forest Lodge to compete in a variety of more-or-less serious sports for the GUP Cup – actually one red and one blue gumboot mounted on a piece of wood. Points are […]

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