Asa Wahlquist – The Glebe Society

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Crane crash at the new Sydney Fish Market

Posted on 30th October 2023

Oops! How the mighty are fallen. Miraculously, no one was killed when a huge crane jib crashed to the ground at the Fish Market building site. Now the problem is how to remove and replace it.

New Sydney Fish Market under constructiom

New Sydney Fish Market Community Consultative Committee Annual Report 2022-2023

Posted on 27th August 2023

The CCC achieved its biggest win this year, successfully objecting to raising Bridge Road in front of the new Sydney Fish Market. Members of the CCC argued raising Bridge Road would result in months of traffic disruption and could result in worse flooding at the Wentworth Park Road and Bridge Road intersection.

Bridge Road at the Fish Market not to be raised

Posted on 30th June 2023

Our May issue reported plans to raise the height of Bridge Road in front of the new Fish Market. Asa Wahlquist reports that the risk of flooding at the junction of Wentworth Park Road and Bridge Road has convinced the developer not to proceed with the plan.

Plans to Raise Bridge Rd in front of the new Sydney Fish Market

Posted on 30th April 2023

Infrastructure NSW plans to raise the height of Bridge Rd by one metre alongside the new Sydney Fish Market. Community representatives are raising questions about the impact on traffic, the risk of increased flooding where the raised road tapers off, and the impact on the majestic Moreton Bay figs in Wentworth Park alongside the road.

Bays and Foreshores Subcommittee 2022 Annual Report

Posted on 11th September 2022

The Convenor of the Bays & Foreshores Subcommittee had her work cut out for her in 2021-2022, fighting massive overdevelopment in a number of locations around our foreshores.

Modified Blackwattle Bay Plan still not good enough

Posted on 12th September 2022

The Blackwattle Bay Plan has been revised after more than 2,000 objections to the first plan were lodged. While there are some improvements, the site will still be massively overdeveloped.

Chaos on Bridge Rd ahead

Posted on 6th July 2022

What happens when you move a busy fish market, visited daily by hundreds of trucks and vans, buses and thousands of private vehicles, from a side street to a major arterial road? Traffic chaos, with an expected double the number of customers as the current Sydney Fish Market and almost double the retail space. The Glebe Society has also deep concerns about the impact of early morning fish industry traffic. The new market will have one vehicular entrance, opposite Wentworth Park Rd.

Pedestrian safety still at risk at new Sydney Fish Market site

Posted on 7th March 2022

Transport for NSW officials have responded to urgent concerns over pedestrian safety along Bridge Rd, next to the construction site of the New Sydney Fish Market. Transport for NSW plans to improve signage ‘within a few weeks’, and that they were currently undertaking a pedestrian safety review, which they aim to implement ‘sooner rather than later’. The results of the review will not be publicly available.

Fish Markets: no pedestrian crossing until late 2022

Posted on 6th November 2021

Pedestrians walking along the Blackwattle Bay side of Bridge Rd will have to wait until the fourth quarter of next year, 2022, for a temporary pedestrian crossing to be installed near Wentworth Park Rd. A permanent crossing is scheduled for 2024, when the new Sydney Fish Markets will open.

Work at Sydney Fish Market site is putting pedestrians at risk

Posted on 2nd October 2021

Work at Sydney Fish Market (SFM) site is putting pedestrians at risk. It has been described as ‘an accident waiting to happen’. The footpath next to the new SFM site is frequently blocked, with pedestrians told to cross Bridge Rd, but with no assistance to do so.

Blackwattle Bay State Significant Precinct Study

Posted on 13th September 2021

Blackwattle Bay opens Glebe up to the sky and water, and gives the suburb a wonderful aspect and the opportunity for water sports like rowing, dragon boating and canoeing. The incredible popularity of the foreshore walk is due to its proximity to the water and the sense of space and relaxation that it brings. All this is threatened by the Blackwattle Bay Precinct Plan.

Report on Fish Market redevelopment

Posted on 9th August 2021

Our representative on Fish Markets Community Consultative Committee reports on what’s happening on the site.

Report from new Fish Markets Community Consultative Committee

Posted on 12th July 2021

The Glebe Society is keeping an eye on what’s happening at the new Fish Markets site, through our representative on the New Sydney Fish Markets Community Consultative Committee

Glebe Society goes in to bat for the Bay

Posted on 5th June 2021

A report from the Community Consultative Committee for the construction of new Sydney Fish Market. Issues with dust, noise, heavy metal pollution, traffic and the impact on rowers were raised.

HOT TOPIC: Momentum is growing for the restoration of Glebe Island Bridge and The Glebe Society plans to give it a good push

Posted on 4th November 2020

Proposals to restore the Glebe Island Bridge for use as a walkway and cycle path are mounting. The latest is from the McKell Institute, which has proposed an active transport path linking the Opera House and Paramatta along the harbour foreshores and southern bank of the Parramatta River.

Forest Lodge school students at work on the Painted River project

Painted River Project – Updated

Posted on 11th October 2020

The year six students at Forest Lodge have a tradition of leaving a gift for the students who follow them. The plan this year is for a mural featuring Johnstons Creek

Environment Subcommittee Annual Report 2019-2020

Posted on 16th October 2020

The proposed new Sydney Fish Market building has been the main focus of the Environment Subcommittee for the past year. Activities have included attending stakeholder meetings about the proposed plan and lobbying politicians.

Update on the Glebe Fox(es)

Posted on 3rd December 2018

In response to the Society’s letter to City of Sydney about the problem of foxes in Glebe, we received a response dated 18 October, from David Riordan, Director of City Services and an expression of concern on behalf of Councillor Kerryn Phelps.

Do You Have a Den of Foxes Living under Your House?

Posted on 30th September 2018

Foxes have not only been sighted in Glebe, they are suspected of killing two loved, and well-known, pet hens.

Environment Subcommittee Annual Report 2017-2018

Posted on 6th August 2018

The Glebe Society joined the War on Waste, and focussed on reducing the use of disposable coffee cups in Glebe.
The environment subcommittee was particularly concerned about the proposal for Blackwattle Bay Marina, trading as All Occasion Cruises, to move to 5 Bank St Pyrmont.

Keep Blackwattle Bay a Safe Place for Passive Boating

Keep Blackwattle Bay a Safe Place for Passive Boating

Posted on 3rd October 2017

Glebe Society member (and Environment subcommittee convenor) Åsa Wahlquist has written to the NSW Minister for Planning, Anthony Roberts, about NSW Roads and Maritime Services’ (RMS) plans for the Sydney Heritage Fleet facility at Bank St, Pyrmont.

Environment Subcommittee Annual Report 2016-17

Environment Subcommittee Annual Report 2016-17

Posted on 7th September 2017

Alienation of public land for Blackwattle Bay Marina (trading as All Occasion Cruises) and plastic bags and non-recyclable coffee cups in Glebe.

Our Greenest Greengrocer – Glebe’s Galluzzos

Posted on 28th July 2017

The well-known Glebe institution, Galluzzo Fruiterers, is arguably the greenest greengrocer in Sydney.

What Are We Going To Do about Plastic Bags?

Posted on 29th June 2017

Lightweight supermarket bags are used, on average, for 12 minutes. But they take hundreds, perhaps 1,000, years to break down.
Far too many plastic bags end up as litter. In the water the bags become a danger to marine life. Glebe, as a waterfront suburb, has a special responsibility to ban plastic bags.

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