by Asa Wahlquist, Bays & Foreshores Convenor, March 2022, from Bulletin 1/2022
Transport for NSW officials have responded to urgent concerns over pedestrian safety along Bridge Rd, next to the construction site of the New Sydney Fish Market (new SFM).
Transport for NSW is looking to install three new signs indicating Bridge Rd is a 40km/hr zone, and undertaking a study into pedestrian safety on Bridge Rd and at the entrance to the Glebe Foreshore walk.
The assurance was given at a meeting of Transport for NSW with the new SFM Community Consultative Committee (CCC) earlier this month (February). The CCC requested the meeting, concerned that disruption along the footpath and traffic lanes on the western (Bay) side of Bridge Rd was resulting in a dangerous situation for pedestrians and cyclists.
CCC member John Faulkner stressed the issue was urgent, ‘the bottom line is safety’.
The problem is that when new SFM works occur on the footpath or the road, pedestrians are forced to cross Bridge Rd, without the benefit of an official crossing. Cars are also driving too fast along Bridge Rd, ignoring or not seeing the 40km/hr signage, which is small and, in some cases, almost hidden.
A spokesperson from Transport for NSW said they would finalise plans for improved signage ‘within a few weeks’, and that they were currently undertaking a pedestrian safety review, which they aim to implement ‘sooner rather than later’. While that review will not be publicly available, she will brief the CCC on its contents.
4 comments. Please add yours.
Hi John,
I am the Bays and Foreshores contact person for The Glebe Society. Your query about the new Fish Market site has been passed on to me.
You asked about raising the level of Bridge Road. This was included in the original Development Application:
The plan is to raise the section of Bridge Road between Wentworth Park Road (where there will be traffic lights and the main entrance to the Fish Market) and Wattle Street. From memory it was to raise it to the level of Wentworth Park. The Glebe Society objected, our main worry being the impact on the magnificent Moreton Bay figs that line Bridge Road along Wentworth Park. The idea that Transport for NSW (then Roads and Maritime) has signed off on it is incorrect: in fact they were critical and actually lodged an objection. Note that point 10 of their objection addresses possible damage to the Moreton Bay fig trees from raising Bridge Road.
I am on the Community Consultative Committee of the new Sydney Fish Markets. We had a briefing last week about transport issues. It is my opinion there will be many traffic issues that will result from transferring a market on a side street to a major arterial road. I’ll be writing an article about this for the next Glebe Society Bulletin and will continue to pursue these issues in the CCC.
I hope this has been of some use. There are so many grounds to object to the new Sydney Fish Market building that some points have been lost in the debate.
Asa Wahlquist
Hi John, again
The author of this reply was Asa Wahlquist, who sits on the Community Consultative Committee of the new Sydney Fish Market for the Glebe Society.
Hi John,
I am the Bays and Foreshores contact person for The Glebe Society. Your query about the new Fish Market site has been passed on to me.
You asked about raising the level of Bridge Road. This was included in the original Development Application:
The plan is to raise the section of Bridge Road between Wentworth Park Road (where there will be traffic lights and the main entrance to the Fish Market) and Wattle Street. From memory it was to raise it to the level of Wentworth Park. The Glebe Society objected, our main worry being the impact on the magnificent Moreton Bay figs that line Bridge Road along Wentworth Park. The idea that Transport for NSW (then Roads and Maritime) has signed off on it is incorrect: in fact they were critical and actually lodged an objection. Note that point 10 of their objection addresses possible damage to the Moreton Bay fig trees from raising Bridge Road.
I am on the Community Consultative Committee of the new Sydney Fish Markets. We had a briefing last week about transport issues. It is my opinion there will be many traffic issues that will result from transferring a market on a side street to a major arterial road. I’ll be writing an article about this for the next Glebe Society Bulletin and will continue to pursue these issues in the CCC.
I hope this has been of some use. There are so many grounds to object to the new Sydney Fish Market building that some points have been lost in the debate.
Last year I was at the fishmarkets taking photos of the new fishmarkets being built. Next to me there was a group of people who I asked what they thought of the relocation of the fishmarkets. One of the group asked me what I thought for he was the owner of the campany building it. i gave him all of my complaints including limited parking, safety of pedestriants , cyclists etc on Pyrmont Bridge rd. He replied that there will be “no problems because the Transport for NSW have already agreed and approved “Prymont Bridge rd itself will be raised passing the fishmarkets”. I was astounded with disbelief. I’ve checked everywhere and I cannot find any referance to . So is it true ? if so why have they been hiding that from the public