By Virginia Simpson-Young, Bulletin 3/2024, May
Upwards of 150 people attended the Anzac Day service at the Glebe War Memorial on Anzac Day morning. Pastor Ray Minniecon, Honorary Indigenous Minister from St John’s, led the service.
After some opening prayers and a rather desultory group effort to sing ‘‘Our God, Our Help in Ages Past’ sans accompaniment, Max gave his address, a copy of which will be in the June Bulletin. In his address, amongst other things, Max Solling spoke about the First Nations people who enlisted and fought in World War I. He told us about Pastor Ray Minniecon’s grandfather, James Lingwoodock (1895–1960), who joined the 11th Light Horse in 1917.
Max’s speech concluded with a shout-out to Rob McLean, who has played the bagpipes at the Glebe Anzac Day service for thirty years. Duncan Leys, Glebe Society president, presented Rob with a thank-you gift on behalf of the community.
The Ode was then recited, including these two lines, which I find very moving: ‘They shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old: Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn’. Following the Ode, Rob played The Lament on the bagpipes while wreaths were laid, including one by a young family. Morning tea, hosted by St John’s, followed.
Thank you to Max for organising the service, as he has done for many years.
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