2019 – The Glebe Society

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Yearly Archives: 2019

Ernest Pedersen Reserve in Ferry Rd

Ernest Pedersen Reserve in Ferry Rd

Posted on 16th December 2019

The working group (Ferry Road Bushcare Group – Jenna Reed Burns and Iain Gibson; Glebe Society – Andrew Wood; City of Sydney – Chris Thomas [Manager Design] and Helen Rogers [Design Manager]) met in Town Hall House on Thursday 21 November to consider the City’s revised plans for the Reserve. The new plans have fully […]

Diana Lauzi and Kim Hague-Smith with two Red Wattlebird nestlings found in St Johns Rd Glebe

News from the Blue Wren Subcommittee (December 2019)

Posted on 16th December 2019

Glebe’s 7th spring bird survey – report from Judy Christie This year’s annual bird survey took place on Sunday 20 October in cool, sunny conditions with 17 people meeting in Paddy Gray Reserve at 6.45 am to sign on and be allocated sites. A total of 9 teams set out to survey sites across Glebe […]


The Glebe Society Christmas Appeal

Posted on 2nd December 2019

Each year members of the Glebe Society provide gifts for residents of Glebe supported accommodation. This year we hope to provide gifts for 43 girls aged 6 months to 17 years, and 32 boys aged 1 year to 14 years. There are also 28 women and 20 men associated with these children. Please do not […]

Sydney Fish Markets from rowing club

Public submissions show strong opposition to Infrastructure NSW’s plans for the new Sydney Fish Market

Posted on 16th December 2019

The deadline for submissions in response to the DAs for the redevelopment of the Sydney Fish Market (SFM) was 13 November 2019. The Society’s submission concentrated on the following issues: A lack of an acceptable financial business case that justifies the additional expenditure of building over water versus redeveloping the current land site. The early […]

Max Solling history walk through Glebe

Report on the Glebe Walk with Max Solling

Posted on 31st October 2019

It’s been a busy time for local historian Max Solling this year. His very popular Festival walks were sold out, with the demand for more resulting in a further Glebe walk on Saturday 12 October 2019. Max entertained a group of 27 walkers with his in-depth knowledge of our local history coupled with his ability […]

Kitchen Starter Pack

New Venue for the Kitchen Pack Project

Posted on 31st October 2019

The Kitchen Starter Pack project has moved to the kitchen at the rear of the St Helen’s Community Centre. This venue, with commercial dishwasher, multiple sinks and lots of workspace, will allow us to make the project a cooperative venture. We will meet on the 1st and 3rd Tuesday of each month, from 9.30am to […]

Youth Action NSW Youth Work Awards

Youth Action NSW Youth Work Awards

Posted on 31st October 2019

Glebe Youth Service (GYS) is delighted to announce that our very own Eloise Woods and Jeff Hockey recently won awards at the Youth Action NSW Youth Work Awards. Jeff Hockey very deservedly won a Lifetime Achievement Award and Eloise Woods took out the NSW Emerging Youth Worker of Year Award. Jeff Hockey has devoted his life […]


Christmas time 2019

Posted on 31st October 2019

Christmas time is fast approaching so our annual appeal to members to contribute small gifts such as books, clothing and toys for children whose families are currently residing in supported accommodation in Glebe is about to commence. We also accept personal care items for their parents, whether staying at Elsie Women’s and Childrens’ Refuge, Rainbow […]

Jeanette Knox and Edwina Doe looking exceptionally colourful at the Sunset Soirée (photo: Phil Young)

Sunset Soirée

Posted on 31st October 2019

On the balmy evening of 11 October 2019 the Glebe Society’s Sunset Soirée for Centipede took place at the Glebe Rowing Club premises. It was well supported by both Glebe Society members and friends and family of Centipede children. Guest speaker Phil Lloyd, Glebe resident and Centipede Dad, created a fair amount of mirth while […]

Artist’s impression of the NSW Land and Housing Corporation and the Prince’s Trust Australia’s preliminary concept proposal for 31 Cowper St and 2A-2D Wentworth Park Rd

Missed Opportunities for Housing in Glebe

Posted on 3rd December 2019

As we are all aware Glebe is unique as to its blend of private and public housing. The character of Glebe is inextricably linked to this mix and it is reflected in the diverse nature of our population. According to Forest Lodge and Glebe Coordination Group (FLAG), in 2015 around 4,000 people lived in public […]

Brown Thornbill

Very Good News from the Blue Wren Subcommittee (November 2019)

Posted on 15th November 2019

What was that small brown bird in John Street Reserve? Anne Britt from St James Ave recently saw a small brown bird in the habitat garden in John Street Reserve. From Anne’s description, Sophie Golding, Urban Ecology Coordinator, City of Sydney, decided it could have been a small insect eating bird, a Brown Thornbill (Acanthiza […]

DA is Out But Moving the Sydney Fish Market Makes No Sense!

Posted on 28th October 2019

The objections to the new site relate to the lack of a business case, loss of unrestricted 24 hour access to the foreshore, loss of potential for a waterfront to Wentworth Park amenity, and access and transport implications.

Submission to City of Sydney about Retail on Glebe Point Road

Submission to City of Sydney about Retail on Glebe Point Road

Posted on 28th October 2019

The Society recently made a submission the City of Sydney in relation to Glebe Point Road retail.

Society’s 1972 Plan for Public Transport, Not Expressways

Society’s 1972 Plan for Public Transport, Not Expressways

Posted on 28th October 2019

In its ultimately successful campaign to prevent the two expressways that would have trifurcated Glebe, the Society produced its first monograph in 1972.

My NBN Story – a cautionary tale

Posted on 8th August 2019

Apparently about 75% of homes are now connected to NBN. That means that in 25%, including many in Glebe, people are waiting anxiously to find out what happens next. When I mention NBN most people have experienced or know of horror stories, for instance back to base burglar alarms seem to be incompatible with NBN. […]

Community Festival – eight fabulous days!

Community Festival – eight fabulous days!

Posted on 2nd August 2019

The Festival took place at the Harold Park Community Hall, in the Tramsheds Forest Lodge from 23 – 30 June.
Over 2,500 people attended the Exhibition and 1,100 people attended events.
Resounding energy and pride were openly expressed by locals about living in such a wonderful and cohesive community.

Glebe Point Road – 1991 to 2018

Posted on 14th May 2019

In 1991, the Department of Planning and Environment took photos of many of the properties in the Glebe Point Road. In 2018 and early 2019,, members of the Glebe Society took new photos of the same properties. Compare how these properties have changed in the intervening 27 years

Glebe Society Community Festival Update (May 2019)

Posted on 4th May 2019

The website for the Glebe Society Community Festival is now up and running and can be accessed at https://glebesociety.org.au/50th_anniversary_festival/
Information on the website will be added to and updated every week

Glebe Society Community Festival

Posted on 1st April 2019

Join our 50th Birthday celebrations!

Vale Bill Nelson

Vale Bill Nelson

Posted on 4th May 2019

Dr Bill Nelson passed away at the end of March. Older members of the Society will remember his involvement, together with his wife Sally, in the early days of the Society when there was much activity about gardens in Glebe.

News from the Blue Wren Subcommittee (May 2019)

Posted on 3rd May 2019

Importantly, the Glebe Palmerston and Surrounds Landcare Group has reported that the City has set up some personal accident insurance to cover all volunteers, up to the age of 75, working in Glebe’s parks.

Looking for a Convenor, Transport and Traffic Subcommittee

Posted on 3rd May 2019

The role of Convenor, Transport and Traffic for the Glebe Society will interest you.

Planning Report (May 2019)

Posted on 3rd May 2019

Yelvertoft, 75 Hereford St

Anzac Day 2019 at the Diggers’ Memorial

Posted on 3rd May 2019

Glebe Public school took part in the 2019 Anzac Day service held at Glebe War Memorial. Many attending commented on the presence of the school leaders, Georgina and Justodio, as they handed out sprigs of rosemary to people gathered and then laid flowers at the Memorial.

NBN Rollout

Posted on 3rd May 2019

A window of opportunity exists to get the NBN rolled-out right in Glebe & Forest Lodge – can you help?

A Tram is a Tram is a Tram …?

Posted on 1st April 2019

After a life of no more than 18 years, the last of the Variotrams, No. 2107 has gone into retirement at the Sydney Tramway Museum at Loftus.

Recycling Success Story: Cast-iron Frypans

Posted on 1st April 2019

The Kitchen Pack Project was desperately short of frypans over the summer, so I asked Wayne Carveth (project supporter and cast-iron cookware devotee) to refurbish a set of cast-iron frypans.

Proposal to Make Harold Park Off-leash for Dogs

Posted on 1st April 2019

The City of Sydney invites feedback on a proposal to make the grass lawn of Harold Park ‘off-leash’.

A Total Disregard for Our Heritage Streetscapes?

Posted on 1st April 2019

Unsightly plastic NBN conduit and cabling.

News from the Blue Wren Subcommittee (March 2019)

Posted on 14th March 2019

The City will soon be installing hives for native stingless bees in Orphan School Creek and Palmerston Ave parks.

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